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Will average gcses affect my application to imperial?

My predicted grades are A*A*A* (maths, chem, physics) but my gcses are 877666664 and i dont have fm (didnt have the gcse requirement to study it at my school), i want to apply to design engineering. Also the year i was given my gcse grades were during covid so i didnt sit the actual exams, so im worried itll make my predicted grades less reliable.
(edited 2 years ago)
Let me know the universities you want to apply for then I can take a look for you.
Reply 2
Let me know the universities you want to apply for then I can take a look for you.


Imperial im applying to design engineering, the other unis im applying to aerospace/mechanical
Original post by catss

Imperial im applying to design engineering, the other unis im applying to aerospace/mechanical

Imperial, (design) you need A*AA in Mathematics (A*) and A in 2 other subjects + a pass in any practical elements of your courses. They don't seem to care about GCSE grades.
Bath, (aerospace) they consider GCSE grades, you need A*AA but they will accept AAA if you get A in an EPQ, A in AS FM or a B in a fourth A-Level that isn't maths. GCSE English Language or Literature grade 4 or C (or equivalent from English language category C)
GCSE grades are an important part of selection for this course and we typically expect students to have a good number of GCSEs at grade 7-9 or A-A*. You GCSE grades in Mathematics and Physics are particularly important and we typically expect grade 8-9 in at least one of these subjects. Your GCSE grades will be carefully considered as part of our contextual admissions process and depending on your circumstances, we may be able to consider you with GCSE grades of mostly 6 or B.
Bristol - (aerospace) A*AA including A*A (in any order) in Mathematics and any one of Physics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics or Computer Science, contextual - AAB, no GCSE specific requirements.
Warwick - (mechanical) A*AA including maths and physics. No data on GCSE requirements.
Sheffield - The A Level entry requirements for this course are: AAA including Maths and a science OR
A Levels + additional qualifications AAB, including Maths and a science + A in a relevant EPQ; AAB, including Maths and a science + A in AS or B in A Level Further Maths. Science subjects include Physics, Chemistry, Biology (or Human Biology), Further Maths or Statistics and you need at least a 4 in English Language, no other data on GCSE grades.
Reply 4
Imperial, (design) you need A*AA in Mathematics (A*) and A in 2 other subjects + a pass in any practical elements of your courses. They don't seem to care about GCSE grades.
Bath, (aerospace) they consider GCSE grades, you need A*AA but they will accept AAA if you get A in an EPQ, A in AS FM or a B in a fourth A-Level that isn't maths. GCSE English Language or Literature grade 4 or C (or equivalent from English language category C)
GCSE grades are an important part of selection for this course and we typically expect students to have a good number of GCSEs at grade 7-9 or A-A*. You GCSE grades in Mathematics and Physics are particularly important and we typically expect grade 8-9 in at least one of these subjects. Your GCSE grades will be carefully considered as part of our contextual admissions process and depending on your circumstances, we may be able to consider you with GCSE grades of mostly 6 or B.
Bristol - (aerospace) A*AA including A*A (in any order) in Mathematics and any one of Physics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics or Computer Science, contextual - AAB, no GCSE specific requirements.
Warwick - (mechanical) A*AA including maths and physics. No data on GCSE requirements.
Sheffield - The A Level entry requirements for this course are: AAA including Maths and a science OR
A Levels + additional qualifications AAB, including Maths and a science + A in a relevant EPQ; AAB, including Maths and a science + A in AS or B in A Level Further Maths. Science subjects include Physics, Chemistry, Biology (or Human Biology), Further Maths or Statistics and you need at least a 4 in English Language, no other data on GCSE grades.

Youre a legend tysm. I think ill take bath out of my list of unis lol
Original post by catss
Youre a legend tysm. I think ill take bath out of my list of unis lol

Happy to help! Feel free to lend me some revision tactics for biology, I do past papers but they ain’t seeming to work.
Reply 6
Hi, I've just completed my GCSEs and I'm now in sixth-form. I achieved 88876666 and a distinction in my english language speaking exam. I was hoping to apply to Imperial college with hopes of doing software engineering or a computer science related degree, however, I've been in doubt because of my GCSE grades. If I were to achieve great A-level results, would I still be at a significant disadvantage to the average applicant for ICL? I am currently studying maths, physics, and computer science.
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by Y12EC
Hi, I've just completed my GCSEs and I'm now in sixth-form. I achieved 88876666 and a distinction in my english language speaking exam. I was hoping to apply to Imperial college with hopes of doing software engineering or a computer science related degree, however, I've been in doubt because of my GCSE grades. If I were to achieve great A-level results, would I still be at a significant disadvantage to the average applicant for ICL? I am currently studying maths, physics, and computer science.

If you get stellar A-Level Results and with those subjects, you’re bound to do well. Not sure what ICL is but should your A-Levels do well and you have lots of extracurriculars (outside of school) such as mini courses on Springpod or work experience at large companies or even completing a computer science/engineering placement - I think Nuffield does placements for these, it may be worth applying!
Reply 8
If you get stellar A-Level Results and with those subjects, you’re bound to do well. Not sure what ICL is but should your A-Levels do well and you have lots of extracurriculars (outside of school) such as mini courses on Springpod or work experience at large companies or even completing a computer science/engineering placement - I think Nuffield does placements for these, it may be worth applying!

Sorry for the confusion. I had just abbreviated Imperial college London into 'icl', and I should have clarified that. Otherwise, thank you for the information. By Nuffield did you mean Nuffield college oxford ?
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by Y12EC
Sorry for the confusion. I had just abbreviated Imperial college London into 'icl', and I should have clarified that. Otherwise, thank you for the information. By Nuffield did you mean Nuffield college oxford ?

Nope. Nuffield Research placements! Check if you’re eligible on the website. They’re available for Y12.
Reply 10
Happy to help! Feel free to lend me some revision tactics for biology, I do past papers but they ain’t seeming to work.

Aw man I wish I could but I dont do bio… for my subjects all i do is practice questions.. and more practice questions lol. i use the spec as a guideline and watch lots of summary videos too. Dunno if this helps tho i got U’s in bio when i did it at gcse. Good luck!
Reply 11
Original post by catss
My predicted grades are A*A*A* (maths, chem, physics) but my gcses are 877666664 and i dont have fm (didnt have the gcse requirement to study it at my school), i want to apply to design engineering. Also the year i was given my gcse grades were during covid so i didnt sit the actual exams, so im worried itll make my predicted grades less reliable.

hi, i also want to do design engineering and got similar predicted and gcses to you, if its alright i was wondering where u ended up applying and where u got offers from. Thanks so much
Reply 12
Original post by catss
My predicted grades are A*A*A* (maths, chem, physics) but my gcses are 877666664 and i dont have fm (didnt have the gcse requirement to study it at my school), i want to apply to design engineering. Also the year i was given my gcse grades were during covid so i didnt sit the actual exams, so im worried itll make my predicted grades less reliable.

did u get accepted to imperial?
Reply 13
Original post by catss
My predicted grades are A*A*A* (maths, chem, physics) but my gcses are 877666664 and i dont have fm (didnt have the gcse requirement to study it at my school), i want to apply to design engineering. Also the year i was given my gcse grades were during covid so i didnt sit the actual exams, so im worried itll make my predicted grades less reliable.

so, did you get a offer from imperial or not?
Original post by catss
My predicted grades are A*A*A* (maths, chem, physics) but my gcses are 877666664 and i dont have fm (didnt have the gcse requirement to study it at my school), i want to apply to design engineering. Also the year i was given my gcse grades were during covid so i didnt sit the actual exams, so im worried itll make my predicted grades less reliable.

Did you get into Imperial?

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