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Which Oxford college(s) are most common to be 'pooled' to?

I'd like to know as I've applied to Magdelen for history but I've heard there's a pretty solid chance applicants will be pooled to another college.
Reply 1
Original post by domdotcom
I'd like to know as I've applied to Magdelen for history but I've heard there's a pretty solid chance applicants will be pooled to another college.

oxford have stats available on their website for each college and each subject, showing number of students who applied to that college that year, number who got enrolled having applied there, and number who got enrolled having originally applied somewhere else and been pooled. best to have a look at this as it will be specific to history coz different colleges are more popular for different subjects. Does sound like you’re jumping the gun a bit though. Wait and see if you even get an interview first
Reply 2
Original post by domdotcom
I'd like to know as I've applied to Magdelen for history but I've heard there's a pretty solid chance applicants will be pooled to another college.

Ok so I’ve checked for you. Stats from the last 3 years show that for history the most common colleges to be pooled to are LMH, permanent private halls, st hugh’s, st hilda’s, teddy hall, jesus, keble, mansfield, st anne’s and st. peter’s (in decreasing likelihood). Magdalen have had an average of 61 history applicants a year accepted an average of 11 students a year, none of which have been through pooling. On average, 16 magdalen history applicants have got a place at the university each year (11 at magdalen and 5 elsewhere). So there’s about a one in three chance that if you get into the uni, it won’t be at magdalen.
Original post by zoeburr
Ok so I’ve checked for you. Stats from the last 3 years show that for history the most common colleges to be pooled to are LMH, permanent private halls, st hugh’s, st hilda’s, teddy hall, jesus, keble, mansfield, st anne’s and st. peter’s (in decreasing likelihood). Magdalen have had an average of 61 history applicants a year accepted an average of 11 students a year, none of which have been through pooling. On average, 16 magdalen history applicants have got a place at the university each year (11 at magdalen and 5 elsewhere). So there’s about a one in three chance that if you get into the uni, it won’t be at magdalen.

Thank you! That's exactly what I was after :smile:
Original post by zoeburr
oxford have stats available on their website for each college and each subject, showing number of students who applied to that college that year, number who got enrolled having applied there, and number who got enrolled having originally applied somewhere else and been pooled. best to have a look at this as it will be specific to history coz different colleges are more popular for different subjects. Does sound like you’re jumping the gun a bit though. Wait and see if you even get an interview first

hiii where is this I've been looking for these stats and I can't seem to find them :,)

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