The Student Room Group

Coloured hair at interview?

(edited 6 years ago)
Well I don't know about it but it's not like you're applying for a job is it? Law is something where you'd expect people to wear suits and that but it's only University :biggrin:
Reply 2
I think they'd see you as unique. The obviously like you and providing you show enthusiasm and passion for law then I don't think a strip of colour will even come into it :smile:
Reply 3
Provided that it's nothing particularly outrageous, I don't think that it would impact you one way or another. A good interviewer will be far more interested in what you have to say than in what's in your hair.
What colour is it?
It is less likely to be a problem at a university interview than a job interview, but anybody who dresses outside the norms, or has unusually-coloured hair, piercings, or tattoos should realise that these are all potential barriers to communication. They may have an effect on the interviewer, whether conscious or subconscious.
Reply 6
It shouldn't matter at the uni stage if it doesn't hinder your interviewing (which it doesn't), but in my very humble and personal opinion it would not hurt to get rid of the dye as you never know how conservative (or not) the interviewer(s) are and what they may think about dyed hair and if it were me, I wouldn't want to give them anything to pick on before I even open my mouth! You can always dye the hair back after interviews (:
Reply 7
What colour is it?


What colour is it?

It looks bright blue or pink on their Myspace, if you must know.

I'd say it could make a difference if they're an aged, stuck-in-the-past academic. Of course, they shouldn't discriminate based on appearance, but they'd find something else to dismiss you on if they did take real exception.

Having looked at your photos (does that make me a perv?), in some of them it's like some sort of electric colour, and others it's hard to spot - If it's the former for the interview it might give the wrong impression to some interviewers, but the latter really wouldn't matter.
hmm, thankyou :smile:
I would probably bleach over it for the interview, and maybe put some of a more natural colour on it. Then dye it back after interviews are over. It probably wouldn't make a difference, but just to be safe! Which university is it? I can imagine some of the more prestigious ones could be looking for reasons to narrow down candidates and you might subconciously affect their opinion of you.

(I'm always paranoid about things like this. I doubt it's a big deal)
Reply 11
I don't think they'll judge you on your hair colour. After all, they have to treat you as a grown up, and having dyed hair is your opinion. My college allows coloured hair, and I'm sure jobs do as most of the time it's not a big deal. They're wanting to know about you. Not your hair. :smile:
Reply 12
Original post by frodokitty
I don't think they'll judge you on your hair colour. After all, they have to treat you as a grown up, and having dyed hair is your opinion. My college allows coloured hair, and I'm sure jobs do as most of the time it's not a big deal. They're wanting to know about you. Not your hair. :smile:

This thread was five years in the grave before you dug it up. I'm going to have to confiscate your spade.

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