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Once you get past 21, you'll realise how fast time goes by and how much responsibility being a 'grown up' is lol.

I'm 22 and still feel like I'm 18. I'm no more experienced in life than I was at 18-20 - age is but a number, I feel.
lol im 20 next year...and im not being twenteen
20 is OLD though.
It didn't affect me at all. I'm 24 and I'm a little apprehensive about turning 25 eek, it kinda annoys me though when 19 year olds freak out about 20, lol it's young!
Reply 5
yes, you'll wake up that morning and everything will be completly different!!!

your hair will misteriously of turned gray overnight, and throughout the course of the day will begin to fall out (climaxing at the exact time you were born)!!!!

once you've turned 20, your whole attitude on life will suddenly change.... you will no longer want to have fun, you will become instantly boring!!!! you will no longer see the need to go to the pub and the idea of a club repulses you..... trust me it happens over night, just like that!!!!!
20 isn't old for God's sake.
Reply 7
Gah, I'm worried about when I turn 20 already. Will have to be looking for a job :s-smilie:
Ive turned 19 and feel REALLY old. I havent done anything with my life.
20 isn't really old. I'll turn 20 next year... It's a round number and looks more mature but it's what you make out of it!
Reply 10
I'm looking forward to 18. But then after I'll just be getting older and older waiting to be 40. :bawling:
You wait 'till you hit thirty!
I'm 20 next year, sound so much older than 19! :redface:
Reply 13
I'm 21 in 35 days :eek:
Reply 14
Being 18 alone scares me enough with the responsability of having to find a part-time job, applying for university and generally living a very different life away from waking up everyday for school with teachers and family constantly looking out for you:s-smilie:
Reply 15
I didn't feel any different turning 20, it's not that old..
this has made me feel sooooo much better ,not
I turned 20 in September... I thought I'd dread it, but I didn't feel any different. It just reminded me to make the most of my time and make the bast decisions so as no to have any regrets...
I 'll be turning 20 soon and I'm realllly dreading it..20..:frown:

how did turning 20 affect you?? did you seem any different .. i want to be 19 forever:smile: :smile: :frown: :frown:

It honestly does annoy me when people insist that age - that is, those arbitrary units of measurement we use - somehow, myteriously or perhaps supernaturally, affects one's personality.

Age only affects us insofar as we allow it to. Yes, our perceptions will naturally change as we grow older, but that is not something to be accounted for once a year which, conveniently, coincides with our day of birth - how sweet; no, we change and develop in accordance with our brain's exposure to new stimuli, which is happening right. this. moment., ahhhh!

Growing older, referring to the capacity to mentally grow, i'm afraid is happening right this very moment and the symbolic act of becoming 20 or 30 is meaningless in comparison.
I turn 20 tomorrow! Am trying to think of it as being twen-teeen XD I do feel a little old though; as I feel that I've done not much in my life at this age compared to a lot of other people. It's just weird.