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lots of chocolate! it really works!
Reply 2
I can't take tablets either, torture isn't it!
I just use the classic hot water bottle, or buy one of those heat patches when I'm out :smile:
Reply 3
the pill.
Reply 4
a spoon full of sugar

oh no, that makes the medicine go down :?
Reply 5
Ben and Jerrys
a nice hot bath
Reply 7
a nice hot bath

That is actually genius. The most fabulous cure there is, closely followed by hot water bottle.
Reply 9
Hot water bottle, bed

usually I drug up on coedine, becuase my cramps make me sick :frown:

erm, herbal paracetamol?
The only effective one I know is some root my aunt gave me to chew ages ago. Tasted bitter as fark but worked like a charm. I have awfully bad pains so I'll be taking thorough notes from this thread. :yep:
Bah, i just bawl every where.
my sister's in the bath (god i'll kill her one of these days)!!

hot water bottles are always good, but i find once i pick it up i can't put it down, so short of walking round with a hot water bottle for 5 days.....

thanks for all the ideas so far :smile:
hot bath, a hot water bottle, chocolate, screaming silently into my pillow :smile:
a bath definitely helps, followed by warm drinks i find - hot chocolate/tea, etc, followed by a nice big bar of chocolate *nods*
and wearing really comfortable, looser fitting clothes
Reply 15
hot water bottle, a bath, curling up in certain positions helps ease the pain i find, chocolate!

ooh but definitely NOT ICE CREAM. i have made this mistake and it intensifies the pain.
Reply 16
Same with me, but I’m not allergic to any pills so I am taking ibuprofen and it’s really good for muscular pain relief. Sometimes it is good to hold something warm on your belly for a while, but I’m not sure that having a hot bath is a good idea actually.
with periods, does anyone else get really bad digestive system, eg everything they eat goes through them..out the back entrence, in liquid form...
Reply 18
A cuddle (awww) xx
apparently orgasms help, so doing 'that' before you go to sleep might take them away long enough.