The Student Room Group

6th Form Interview Advice

Hiya, I take it that all of you have had an interview in order to gain a place on specific A level courses subject to your choices. However, what sort of questions do they ask you and do you take anything into your interview, for example progress files (etc). Also, do they try and put you on the spot by asking akward questions or are they friendly and welcoming,

Please air your experiences, it will help me a lot

Cheers :smile:
Reply 1
Mine was really nice and relaxed. I took my progress file, a few extra certificates I'd got in Y10/11 and my Y11 report with Mock/Predicted Grades.

My interviewer noted down my predicted grades then asked me why I'd picked the subjects that I had for A-Level. He asked me questions about what I expected from them (glancing through the syllabus is a good idea as well as knowing how much coursework there is). Why I wanted to go to that college instead of sixth form (as my school had a very good connected sixth form). What extra curriculars I did in school and out of school (here I had quite an extensive list - and talked about the skills from them as well as how they linked into the college's extra-curricular program). Then just questions about what I liked reading and doing in my own time. I wasn't asked anything that was out of the ordinary or I couldn't expect, and they were really friendly.

The college I was applying to was really competitive for those coming from non-feeder schools. They had to accept everyone with the 5 A*-C passes at GCSE who came from the feeder schools, so only had a small number for those from other schools.
I didn't have to take anything, they already had my personal statement & reference from my application form.

They didn't really ask me anything, it was more of a sales pitch.

Don't worry OP, unless it's really exclusive, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Reply 3
My current school only wanted the application form and a reference, but I have had a few interviews for other school, a majority of which I screwed up so badly... I hate all interviews, which is one of the reasons I turned down one of the school that did interview me. I learnt the following:

- Be (or at least pretend to be) confident and calm - no erm-ing stammering and jumper pulling ;__;

- Speed of thought > speed of speech

- Smile and flatter

- Make sure you have an answer for common questions like "Why do you wnat to come here?" or "Why should we take you?" et cetera...

Good luck!
Reply 4
I was asked about why I wanted to take the particular subjects I'd chosen. At one interview I was asked specific questions about my top 2 subjects. So for History I was asked "Who was more evil, Stalin or Hitler" and similar questions and then for Politics I had a discussion with the interviewer about current affairs- which political stories interested me. I was asked in all my interviews about Extra Curricular Activities, the last book I'd read and about my general interests.
Reply 5
Lol, well i didn't have one.
But i live in an area that is classed as really deprived etc. and the majority of kids in my year left with less than 5 Cs at GCSE so they had no reason to interview cos grades gave a decent enough representation of how intelligent u r.

I guess you're expecting an interview, so you probs are far from my situation. However, when i had to talk one to one with the teacher before i signed up, she talked to me like i was my age, if you get what i mean, it was not formal or anything.
Reply 6
I didn't have an interview as such, as I was simply feeding into the school's sixth form. I had 'meetings' where I just basically told them what I wanted to do. They went "yeah, that's fine, see you in September."
The only thing it depended on was getting a B in Maths to do Psychology.
Reply 7
-Ask you what subjects you want to do

-Current grades/predicted grades in important subjects eg. Maths, English...

-Asked me if I had talked it all through with my parents

-Asked general questions such as why doyou want to come to this 6th form?

Was OK actually, you'll be fine.
Reply 8
Be able to talk at some length about what you're learning about currently in that specific subject and what topic is your favourite, etc.

Reply 9
I would consider my current school one of the best in the country -- it isn't historic or 'toff' like Eaton, Harrow and Winchester; rather it is a cosmopolitan, liberal bt very ambitious school. The only reason I'm telling you this is that the interview technique required here might not work in other equally competitive (but less 'liberal') schools.

In my school, all the wanted was for us to be honest about who we were. Many people tried to act very smart and show off their knowledge of current affairs and their list of extra curriculars. SOme tried to flatter the head of sixth form by endlessly praising the school and asking absurd questions about its history. Many of these people did not get through -- probably because there attempts at impressing could not overshadow weaknesses in the rest of their application. The interview is designed to let the school know who you are as a person and this is why you have to be confident enough to allow your true self to come through. Beyond that, they just see if you will benefit form the school and if you will generally 'fit' into it.
I didn't have an interview as such, as I was simply feeding into the school's sixth form. I had 'meetings' where I just basically told them what I wanted to do. They went "yeah, that's fine, see you in September."
The only thing it depended on was getting a B in Maths to do Psychology.

Thats a bit exessive, I'm doing Psychology AS Level with a C in GCSE Maths, the only Maths we've needed to know for Unit 1 was how to plot a graph & what the mean, median, mode & range are, at AS you don't even need to calcualate them! It's the kind of Maths I needed in yr6 to pass the entrance exam for Senior School.
i made some notes on the sort of questions i thought might come up and what sort of answers i would give (many of which did come up) in my Westminster interview last year, and it appeared that i went down well with them as i got a place. pm me if you want, and i can send them to you.

I would say dress smartly - do you have a jacket? and then a blouse and trousers or skirt and tights or something... you are probably better placed to give female fashion advice than me....
At the interviews for the sixth form at my school this year, you saw girls turning up in hoodies and uggs with really slutty skirts, etc.... that sort of thing doesn't go down well. I was talking to the head, and some of the things he said they observed was just how you behave whilst you there. Again, at my school, the candidates would wait and chill in the common room between interviews where there was food and drink, etc. And the senior teachers would come in from time to time and see if anyone was behaving boistrously or anything - so just be sensible. another example was they had provided newspapers and magazines, and this group of people were sitting at a table and a load of the magazines were on the floor besides them. The headmaster then came in and bent down to pick them up and was tidying them up for 2 - 3 mins or so, and they did not hesitate in their conversation let along help him. so they were scored off the list as far as i am aware... to have the headmaster grovelling at your feet and not help... I am sure that won't be a problem though.

Umm, be relaxed in your interviews and they are always pleasant. They are there to get the best out of you and they aren't trying to catch you out or trick you or anything. Remember, always think before you speak. It is fine to take a moment to think before beginning an answer to a question.

I can give you some more tips on interviews and things (i quite enjoy them really...) so ask any questions if you have some and i'll get back to you tomorrow (it is too late now.... i'm tired)

good luck!
What kind of questions were you asked, please?
Hello Mr Nonsense

Please can you tell me about the sixth form interview questions for Westminister Sixth Form School. I have my interview this coming Saturday. I will be interviewed for Maths, Chemistry, Biology and History.