The Student Room Group

Who the hell buys from Jack Wills?

The prices they charge for their rather bland clothing is astounding, I was recently flicking through their catalogue and the prices coming up were like £60 for a scarf, £30 for a ******* beanie hat, £300 for a jacket, £90 for a hoodie, £150 for a pair of jeans. Hell, there was one pair of ******* socks they wanted £40 for.

How the hell does this company manage to stay afloat charging the prices they do? Do idiots really pay full price for their clothing, or do they have lots of sales or something?

I admit, I'm aware the target market for Jack Wills is pretty much what you'd describe as the "upper-class", private school toffs, but honestly I think even toffs would be reluctant to fork out the ridiculous sums of money this company is charging for their rather mediocre clothing.

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Reply 1
The sort of people who read Tatler or have overly doting fathers.
Reply 2
You know you could just do a search rather than starting up another thread on the same subject :smile:
Reply 3
People with more money than they know what to do with.
Popular with chavs.
"Because it's sooooooooo comfy"

Give me a break. :rolleyes:

I've bought bits from JW in the past, and it's not so bad if the logo's discreet. But for the most part it's a status symbol, nothing else.
get a job.

but srsly, it is extortionately priced.
paul and barry chuckle
Reply 8
Have you ever been to a university open day? loads of people wear jack wills. When I went on Med-link quite a bit of girls were wearing Jack Wills hoodies and Ugg boats and most of them came from Upper class backgrounds etc...

It's for rich people, tbf I don't give a **** they can wear whatever they want, I don't judge people by what they wear so.
I wear Jack Wills but I get it from an outlet store so MAJOR reductions. It's very popular with my friends at home :smile:
Reply 10
It's not my taste at all, because of style rather than price. However, there are plenty of big brands out there that are far more expensive than Jack Wills and some people can still afford them.
maybe wollosmoth
My old school.
Reply 13
Meee. If you don't like it...meh, I do :smile:
Rahs with more money than sense.
oh for god's sakes joseph
50% of Durham University. :wink:
I've never been in a Jack Wills - there's a JW retail outlet in Bicester which seem popular with girls who have a similar look to Diana Vickers; backcombed hair, pale lipstick, tan, Uggs, LOL.
Its quite a rah brand, english preppy, meh each to their own
Reply 19
Meee. If you don't like it...meh, I do :smile:

Ditto :biggrin: