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Reply 40
Nah man Nike is my fav
Nah man Nike is my fav

Location: Coventry

Says it all really.
not so much chavvy, more nasty looking, would you buy the same sort of top and body warmer if they were from primark?

no because i wouldn't touch anything from primark with a bargepole.
Reply 43
That tee is alright but my god. A puffer jacket?

Nay, worse. A puffer waistcoat.

If its from JD and its not footwear its chavvy. The puffa will make you look like a eastern European, not saying thats a bad thing, but its defiantly not a good look.
Reply 45
No Future
no because i wouldn't touch anything from primark with a bargepole.

primark is amazing
Reply 46
I'm not a fan of people who wear nike clothes other than to actually do sport in.
But my trainers . . . :love:

oh my god NIKE ISN'T CHAVVY.
you lot are all just snobs.
Reply 48
I kit myself out in Nike to go to the gym and i'm one of the least chavvy people you could come across, :p: I don't think it's chavvy. Although i sort of think it does depend on the situation...i'd never wear Nike clothing unless i was doing any kind of exercise.
Reply 49
Nike isn't chavvy.

Chav isn't a brand, it's a look. You can wear sports brand clothing without looking like a chav. Easily.
Reply 50
The gilet I've posted isn't nice to be fair and I wouldn't ever wear it; but I don't get all this hate towards gilet's, the'y're absolutely stunning if they're worn correctly with the right swag they look amazing.

For example look at T.I. rocking some cool gilet:
nike is very chavy yes, with the only exception of times when you are actually doing physical exercise. When worn for everyday use it is chavy
Isn't this a given? An unwrtten rule of life that <i>everybody</i> knows.
Reply 53
depends on the person, kanye can wear any nike t shirt he wants, and wont be a chav ...
Reply 54
Chavs where reebok classics!!
Reply 55
Original post by madmofo
OI, remember this,
it's not what you wear, it's the way you wear it,
remember this so next time you wont have to come on the internet to approve clothes you can and cant wear,
you could wear nike TN's and adidas full track suit, if you funk it in a special way, it will not be chav, CHAV is a state of mind not just clothing, remmber that

Well of course but mainly it's what they wear and how they act you'll see a chav on the west side of London you'll then get stabbed and robbed so you got to keep an eye out on the clothing so hah you're all wrong i'm right and i'm the devil mwahaha:colone:
Reply 56
I guess that here everything depends on your taste. If you are determined to make the most of your outfit, you'll look great!
When you're talking about matching tracky tops and bottoms, yes it is chavy, but if it's their shoes and sports equipment used for their correct purpose, then it's good quality stuff.

Nike trainers are sweet.
Reply 58
The problem is that you rarely see full-chavs these days as they have started being fashionable.

Posted from TSR Mobile
I would've thought that chavs would prefer fancier more expensive clothes! Anyhow, I don't think there is anything wrong with wearing Nike to the gym or while working out but I'd never wear it as casual wear.