A space for any student who has been told they meet adjustment criteria at Cambridge after a unsuccessful initial application to discuss the August reconsideration pool (formerly know as Adjustment).
HERE is the list of subjects available in the 2023 Pool.
There is more information on who is eligible for the August Reconsideration Pool on the university website. The principle here is that applicants from traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds who are not given offers in January but turn out to meet the entry requirements can be given a second chance in August.
In summary, you will need to: – Have applied to Cambridge unsuccessfully in 2022/23 – Be from a Widening Participation background (you will be told if you are eligible for the Reconsideration Pool in your decision email/letter) – Have applied for a course for which there are spaces available on 17th August, A-level results day (as this depends on what capacity is remaining following successful offer-holders receiving their places) – a list will appear here – Have achieved at least the typical offer conditions for the course you applied for – check here
You cannot use the August Reconsideration Pool to apply for any course other than the one you applied for in your 2022/23 UCAS application.
If on 17th August you meet these criteria, you can apply between 08:30 and 13:00 UK time that day. You should have your UCAS personal ID to hand.
If you are successful in being placed in the Pool, all colleges will be able to review your application, and if they have spare capacity they may offer you a place.
If offered a place, you will be contacted with instructions on how to accept that place, should you wish to do so. This is expected to happen by the evening of Friday 18th August. If offered a place, you will need to make a decision by 12:00 UK time on Monday 21st August on whether you wish to accept it.
If eligible to apply for the Pool, you will likely have been placed at your firm (or insurance) choice, assuming you have selected one. Ultimately if offered a Cambridge place that you want to take up, you will need to use Decline my place and add the Cambridge offer via Clearing. You should not do this until instructed by Cambridge, as the Decline my place button is irreversible and you will have lost your existing offer elsewhere.
If you do not wish to take up a place offered by Cambridge, you will still be able to take up your existing offer elsewhere.
On the website it seems like you need to have extenuating circumstances (disadvantaged background) to be considered for the August pool?
think Peterhouse were referring to the January winter pool, though ie they admit people in the August reconsideration who were not initially winter pooled but who made the course grades and have WP or related flags
On the website it seems like you need to have extenuating circumstances (disadvantaged background) to be considered for the August pool?
To be eligible for the reconsideration pool you have to have got to the interview stage and not offered a place but your college has flagged you as having various disadvantages to offer you a chance of entering the reconsideration pool.You also would need to match or exceed the usual grades set for your subject.
On the website it seems like you need to have extenuating circumstances (disadvantaged background) to be considered for the August pool?
Hi there!
To be eligible for the August Reconsideration Pool, you need to meet the Widening Participation criteria (here) and met or exceeded the typical offer conditions for your course. You don't need to have extenuating circumstances such that you've filled in the Extenuating Circumstances form - many people who are eligible have not completed the form and many people who have completed the form do not meet the Widening Participation criteria and are therefore not eligible.
Do I make other uni my firm choice as usual if I want to apply to the august reconsideration pool? Is it ok to make firm choice and not going?
Yep, that's right! (You'll need to pick a different firm choice as you can't pick Cambridge for now!)
If successful in the pool, you can release yourself from your otherwise-firm choice and apply to Cambridge after results (formally this will be via Clearing).
For now, pick which of your existing offers you want to go to and get excited to go there!
There's some more information (largely taken from Cambridge's own website) in post #2. TSR Clearing and Applications Advisers will be monitoring this thread on results day to give advice as it may be required
A space for any student who has been told they meet adjustment criteria at Cambridge after a unsuccessful initial application to discuss the August reconsideration pool (formerly know as Adjustment).
How do you know theres space for the course u applied for
How do you know theres space for the course u applied for
You don't .Just fill in the form and submit it before 12pm.You will still have your firm choice whatever Cambridge decides.If offered a place by Cambridge you must accept or reject it by Monday by 12 pm. It is best to regard this as a bit of a lottery for which you have a ticket.You might get lucky but most people will not gain a place this way.Do not get too invested but if you want to take a punt at it all well and good.
You don't .Just fill in the form and submit it before 12pm.You will still have your firm choice whatever Cambridge decides.If offered a place by Cambridge you must accept or reject it by Monday by 12 pm. It is best to regard this as a bit of a lottery for which you have a ticket.You might get lucky but most people will not gain a place this way.Do not get too invested but if you want to take a punt at it all well and good.
Do you have to have been told you can apply for it when they say that in your rejection email?
Do you have to have been told you can apply for it when they say that in your rejection email?
Yes or they would have sent a follow up email letting you know you are eligible. If you thought you should be eligible but received nothing it was best to have contacted them.