The Student Room Group

Nursing - Mental Health Nursing

I have recently submitted my ucas application for mental health nursing this month and have so far received two interviews. I have been doing a lot of research and have found that all the jobs I have been looking at after you graduate and become a fully qualified nurse requires at least 6 months paid experience or more before you graduate. This is a bit upsetting since I would need 6 months or more clinical experiences in a residential or nursing home. Does anyone know any agency or companies that are willing to take on newly qualified nurses without any paid experiences in nursing beforehand. I know I haven’t started my degree yet but this is just for future reference.
How long are you a newly qualified nurse or other nursing fields nurses is about four-to-12 months.
how long are you a newly qualified nurse. Not long! You'll typically work as a newly qualified nurse for four-to-12 months. The amount of time that you spend under a preceptorship may depend on your professional competency

Original post by katnix
I have recently submitted my ucas application for mental health nursing this month and have so far received two interviews. I have been doing a lot of research and have found that all the jobs I have been looking at after you graduate and become a fully qualified nurse requires at least 6 months paid experience or more before you graduate. This is a bit upsetting since I would need 6 months or more clinical experiences in a residential or nursing home. Does anyone know any agency or companies that are willing to take on newly qualified nurses without any paid experiences in nursing beforehand. I know I haven’t started my degree yet but this is just for future reference.

@Emily_B as a registered adult nurse can you perhaps add further information on this. Ta

You'll be paid for your band 5 nursing role regardless so don't think you'll not be paid okay...... You'll be bottom of band 5 no matter where you'll be working.
You don't have to look at working with a agency on qualifying as you'll apply for Jobs for a band 5 nurse in late of your final year as a student.

All newly qualified nurses have to go through this process okay. I qualified in 2019 and then went through the perceptorship period.

I went through it and after about 18 months post graduate I applied for a band 6 position which I was offered.
A NHS registered midwife.
Reply 2
Original post by katnix
I have been doing a lot of research and have found that all the jobs I have been looking at after you graduate and become a fully qualified nurse requires at least 6 months paid experience or more before you graduate.

This bit is very confusing and completely not true. You can't get 6 months' paid experience ad a registered nurse before you graduate as one - you can only get this experience after you graduate (any experience before graduation is student nurse placements).

If you're looking at agency work, this is the bit where you need qualified experience - there's no way you'd learn how to do your job going onto agency straight from qualifying; being a registered nurse with the full responsibility is a massive step up from being a student.
If you're looking at band 6/7 jobs... that requires band 5 experience first.

You'll get experience of nursing jobs via your placements, what sort of areas you like and whether or not they're for you, and fond ways of getting into jobs you're interested in.
Original post by katnix
I have recently submitted my ucas application for mental health nursing this month and have so far received two interviews. I have been doing a lot of research and have found that all the jobs I have been looking at after you graduate and become a fully qualified nurse requires at least 6 months paid experience or more before you graduate. This is a bit upsetting since I would need 6 months or more clinical experiences in a residential or nursing home. Does anyone know any agency or companies that are willing to take on newly qualified nurses without any paid experiences in nursing beforehand. I know I haven’t started my degree yet but this is just for future reference.

im doing mental health nursing too, where have you applied?
Reply 4
Original post by aaamilah
im doing mental health nursing too, where have you applied?

I have applied to the University of Birmingham, City university of London, Kings College London , University of Plymouth and Buckinghamshire University ( the one in Uxbridge ). Where have you applied for? I have some far received interviews for Plymouth and City. Can I ask what course you are currently studying btw ?
Original post by katnix
I have recently submitted my ucas application for mental health nursing this month and have so far received two interviews. I have been doing a lot of research and have found that all the jobs I have been looking at after you graduate and become a fully qualified nurse requires at least 6 months paid experience or more before you graduate. This is a bit upsetting since I would need 6 months or more clinical experiences in a residential or nursing home. Does anyone know any agency or companies that are willing to take on newly qualified nurses without any paid experiences in nursing beforehand. I know I haven’t started my degree yet but this is just for future reference.

Oxford health

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