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Does rejection from KCL Law mean rejection for other unis?

I just got rejected from KCL law because my LNAT wasn’t competitive enough compared to my profile. I also applied to UCL law as well as Philosophy, Politics and Law at KCL. Does this guarantee rejections from both of them? My overall profile is pretty strong and I managed to finish and spell check my LNAT essay.
(edited 2 years ago)
No it just means you've been rejected from KCL.
Different unis have different ways of assessing each individual so don't worry it doesn't guarantee anything.
Nah, everyone course may have it's own selection process, so it doesn't even mean you'd necessarily be unsuccessful at other KCL courses, much less other unis.
Reply 3
Original post by materialgw0rld
No it just means you've been rejected from KCL.
Different unis have different ways of assessing each individual so don't worry it doesn't guarantee anything.

Thats what i was thinking, but i'm scared of the fact that i got rejected so early on because that means i must've done badly on the mcq's.
I’m in the same boat, I just got rejected from KCL Law yesterday for my LNAT, I’ve also applied to LSE and UCL but haven’t heard back. Currently hold offers from Queen Mary and SOAS. For SOAS I received a reduced offer and when I checked the website it says they do this for people who complete the LNAT and do promisingly well. After looking at some stats I found that the minimum score that SOAS accepts is 25. I’m not sure if this is true or not so I’m really not sure how I did in my LNAT and if I have a chance at the others. Really considering a gap year at this point.
Does anyone else think that it is bonkers we have to make choices on Universities without knowing our LNAT results? This is such a huge decision in life, and the most expensive; surely we should be applying for university armed with the knowledge of our own competitiveness? Also, to then decide where we are most likely to receive an offer? Maybe I would have made different decisions if I knew my LNAT within 24 hours... like the universities do. It is a lot of unneccessary suffering.
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 6
Yeah, no. I disagree with the above posters.

It’s not impossible, yes, but UCL successful applicants on average have higher LNAT scores than those who are successful at KCL, so if you got rejected from KCL for your LNAT…

I would say it is unlikely, but then again UCL’s Philosophy, Politics and Law may be less popular than their normal law course. For that I don’t know, but for Law, if you’re getting rejected from KCL, more than likely you will from UCL too.
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by Rebelism19
Does anyone else think that it is bonkers we have to make choices on Universities without knowing our LNAT results? This is such a huge decision in life, and the most expensive; surely we should be applying for university armed with the knowledge of our own competitiveness? Also, to then decide where we are most likely to receive an offer? Maybe I would have made different decisions if I knew my LNAT within 24 hours... like the universities do. It is a lot of unneccessary suffering.

100% this is something that ought to be changed, it has such an impact on people especially when people find out scores after UCAT it should be same for LNAT
What score did you guys get in the end? LNAT sent me my score today and it has 26
Reply 9
Original post by Rebelism19
What score did you guys get in the end? LNAT sent me my score today and it has 26

Original post by sonya05

24 is above the average! x
Original post by Rebelism19
24 is above the average! x

Yh! I’m quite hopeful for offers
Reply 13
Original post by madelinee
Yh! I’m quite hopeful for offers

what are your predicted grades?
Original post by sonya05
what are your predicted grades?

Original post by lunaisokay
I’m in the same boat, I just got rejected from KCL Law yesterday for my LNAT, I’ve also applied to LSE and UCL but haven’t heard back. Currently hold offers from Queen Mary and SOAS. For SOAS I received a reduced offer and when I checked the website it says they do this for people who complete the LNAT and do promisingly well. After looking at some stats I found that the minimum score that SOAS accepts is 25. I’m not sure if this is true or not so I’m really not sure how I did in my LNAT and if I have a chance at the others. Really considering a gap year at this point.

did you get an LSE offer?
Original post by sonya05
I just got rejected from KCL law because my LNAT wasn’t competitive enough compared to my profile. I also applied to UCL law as well as Philosophy, Politics and Law at KCL. Does this guarantee rejections from both of them? My overall profile is pretty strong and I managed to finish and spell check my LNAT essay.

heyy, am in the exact same position as you right now. Did u end up getting into UCL &/ LSE ?

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