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Reply 1
Anyone applying? I've been asked to by my head of sixth form . Anyone been to one?

If you are thinking of Oxbridge or a prestigious uni then I would definitely apply. It will provide you with an interesting and intellectually stimulating week or so and you will also get advice on applications. In my school those who went on these were Oxbridge applicants and many of these subsequently got in to Ox/Cam/Durham etc. Well worth it in my opinion.
Reply 2
thats hilarious, eton summer school??!! wtf.
better remeber to wear a top hat though. :smile:

P.S., do you think they'll see straight though it as you trying to appear upper class in order to help you get into oxford?
Reply 3

P.S., do you think they'll see straight though it as you trying to appear upper class in order to help you get into oxford?

Thats what I was thinking..
Reply 4
thats hilarious, eton summer school??!! wtf.
better remeber to wear a top hat though. :smile:

P.S., do you think they'll see straight though it as you trying to appear upper class in order to help you get into oxford?

You don't have to state this on your application form if you don't want to, BUT all the students we have had going to this summer school have found it really interesting and helpful.
Anyone applying? I've been asked to by my head of sixth form . Anyone been to one?

I was told about this after the deadline last year, and apparently it is AMAZING. By amazing, what I mean is the help and prep given for Oxbridge application. I know that in 2003, 12 of the 18 English students got Oxbridge places!
Reply 6
For me it is a way to see if I would like Oxford. I come from a bad state school and would love the chance to go to an Eton thingy that might help me wth a fighting chance to get it. hmmmmm :s-smilie:
Reply 7
For me it is a way to see if I would like Oxford. I come from a bad state school and would love the chance to go to an Eton thingy that might help me wth a fighting chance to get it. hmmmmm :s-smilie:

have you also considered the sutton trust summer schools? they are based at various unis and aim to give a 'taster' of uni life:
Reply 8
Is this the summer school that's a few hundred pounds and is in Easter? I'd go if I didn't have work experience then.
Reply 9
For me it is a way to see if I would like Oxford. I come from a bad state school and would love the chance to go to an Eton thingy that might help me wth a fighting chance to get it. hmmmmm :s-smilie:

Don't you think you already have a fighting chance?
Reply 10
Don't you think you already have a fighting chance?

its £275 and in July. I dont really have too big a chance cos I got 1A*, 7A, 2B 3C at GCSE which is alright but not brilliant plus I go to a bad school and might not have the right prepation for the interview etc.
its £275 and in July. I dont really have too big a chance cos I got 1A*, 7A, 2B 3C at GCSE which is alright but not brilliant plus I go to a bad school and might not have the right prepation for the interview etc.

honestly, you DON'T need prep for the interview - be a real person. I kicked my interviewer and admitted that my parents thought that I was a tosser for applying, then I did an impression of a Dalek and they let me in
its £275 and in July. I dont really have too big a chance cos I got 1A*, 7A, 2B 3C at GCSE which is alright but not brilliant plus I go to a bad school and might not have the right prepation for the interview etc.

Apparently it's better if you don't have much preparation for the interview because they can tell if you've just been spoonfed everything and they prefer it if you can think for yourself. After all, if you get in, you won't have anyone telling you what to say in supervisions, seminars etc. You could get some advice on how to prepare from sites like this. Plus the fact that you go to a bad school might actually help you because of the whole 'positive discrimination' thing.
Reply 13
For me it is a way to see if I would like Oxford. I come from a bad state school and would love the chance to go to an Eton thingy that might help me wth a fighting chance to get it. hmmmmm :s-smilie:

It can only help your chances - I say go for it!
It can only help your chances - I say go for it!

it would be a laugh - but don't tell admissions staff!!!
Reply 15
I've got my application form and i'm going to send it off soon once i write my personal statement part at the weekend. I don't know how I've been advised to go on this, because before i got my GCSE results, the school never told me to go on these sorts of things but other people did. I'm worried that all the people there will be really realy clever, whereas i'm only good at learning the stuff I learn in class
I went on the English one last year. I had the time of my life, but it was intense.

Reply 17
I've got my application form and i'm going to send it off soon once i write my personal statement part at the weekend. I don't know how I've been advised to go on this, because before i got my GCSE results, the school never told me to go on these sorts of things but other people did. I'm worried that all the people there will be really realy clever, whereas i'm only good at learning the stuff I learn in class

Same here, what subject you doing? What were ur GCSE's like

and Becs did you like it?
Reply 18
Same here, what subject you doing? What were ur GCSE's like

and Becs did you like it?

I'm applying for the History course, and taking into account your screen name, i presume you will be too :biggrin: . It would be weird if someone else from TSR was at it, you would have to point yourself out :biggrin: .
For GCSE i got 6 A*'s, 2 A's and a B (but i was only predicted 4A's and 5 B's :frown: )

What course are you planning to go?
Reply 19
I'm applying for the History course, and taking into account your screen name, i presume you will be too :biggrin: . It would be weird if someone else from TSR was at it, you would have to point yourself out :biggrin: .
For GCSE i got 6 A*'s, 2 A's and a B (but i was only predicted 4A's and 5 B's :frown: )

What course are you planning to go?

History but as you have seen my GCSE results were as good, funnily enough though there isn't enough room to write all my subjects down (there are only 12 spaces I did 13!)