The Student Room Group

University of Liverpool OR University of Reading (Law - M100)


I have an offer from both Reading uni and Liverpool uni for straight Law (M100).

Could anyone enlighten me as to which uni you think I should go for?

I am veering towards Liverpool, just because of the city life and my love for the city in general, but I think that Reading may have a better reputation (am i right in saying this?). I think, ultimately, I'm most worried about graduate prospects - so any advice on this topic in particular will be appreciated!

ANY advice at all would be much appreciated.

Reply 1
Law at Reading is a very good and oversubscribed course. Plus very close to London for getting placements and whatnot at Law firms.

But yes Liverpool is most certainly a consideration for the social life. I went to Reading and it is a case of a town 'wanting' to be a city, nearly, but not quite there. There is plenty to do, but you may get tired of it quicker than somewhere like Liverpool.

Most importantly, visit them both. Liverpool is a city uni, Reading is a campus uni (a big campus, I used to walk across that beast) so hae different feels. If you come from a sleepy rural place the shock of a big city like Liverpool, although exciting, may be off-putting as well.

Study the courses as well, chances to go abroad? can interesting areas of law be studied? Ability to change/diversify your degree if law isn't all it cracks up to be? Amount of contact time a week? All important. A 'good' reputation to a course means squat if you only get 5 hours a week contact time in my opinion.
Law at reading is good, knew lots of people doing it when i was there, they're all doing well for themselves now. But yeah, Reading town can get pretty boring, its not so good club wise. But its close to london and there's late trains so you can always go out there.
Reply 3
According to the times Liverpool has better graduate prospects 82% vs the 76% for Reading and it is higher up the Law rankings. I wouldnt worry too much about it as they are both respected universities, and it pretty much depends what type of career you want (e.g. city firms or smaller firm) as to how important the uni you go to is. There is a good thread about this in the Law forums so check it out :smile:
Reply 4
Thank you so much guys for your replies, I really appreciate it.

Does anybody know about Liverpool reputation wise with employers? From your reply MattG, it seems that Reading has a very good reputation with employers.

I will be visiting both unis, and am very exited at the prospect of that, but would like a bit of knowledge on which one is 'considered' the best out of the the two.

Also, I'm from a large city myself, and it's more the prospect of Reading not being 'big enough' for me!! :p:

Thank you
Reply 5
You shouldn't need to worry about employment prospects. It's a great redbrick (so quite solid) and well recognised. Employers will look favourably on it (as favourably, if not more, than Reading.

Don't get me wrong, Reading is still a good uni. The difference in reputation isn't significant (in my opinion, at least). Just that Liverpool has the richer history, with the bar (slightly).

Do you want this moved to the law subforum (to get the opinions of law students on the quality of courses and departments) or choosing a university (a more rounded input of university and social life of each)?
Reply 6
Go walk around the centre of Reading when you go visit, its good for shopping. But other than bars/clubs, a cinema, and shops, there isn't a lot to do. But then again London is 20minutes on the train...

Be careful of my advice, I'm not a law grad, I had friends who did law there but your best bet is to ask around, look at stats and so forth. Of my friends who did law one works for deloitte, one is training to be a barrister with a london law firm. Another works in publishing (law documents/books though) to give a few examples.

One bonus tho, everything is walkable :biggrin:
Reply 7

Do you want this moved to the law subforum (to get the opinions of law students on the quality of courses and departments) or choosing a university (a more rounded input of university and social life of each)?

Yes please. Thanks.

Thank you for your advice, I will bare it in mind when making that all important decision. Still veering towards Liverpool, but will have a look round the unis, the law departments, and the cities and will make a final decision.

Thank you!
Reply 8
Do any law grads/ students have an opinion one which uni I should put as my FIRM choice as regards to graduate prospects (and any other areas you think will be important in my decision)?

Reply 9
Original post by lol2003

I have an offer from both Reading uni and Liverpool uni for straight Law (M100).

Could anyone enlighten me as to which uni you think I should go for?

I am veering towards Liverpool, just because of the city life and my love for the city in general, but I think that Reading may have a better reputation (am i right in saying this?). I think, ultimately, I'm most worried about graduate prospects - so any advice on this topic in particular will be appreciated!

ANY advice at all would be much appreciated.


What A levels did you take? :smile:

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