There was one song of which I used to sing a lot during my time at primary school: it was called "You Can Build A Wall Around You", and it went like this:
VERSE 1: You can build a wall around you
Stone by stone a forming ring
You can live alone in an empty house
Be alone and be the king
CHORUS: Break out, reach out
Let the walls crumble down down down
Break out, reach out
Let the walls tumble down
VERSE 2: You can build a wall around you
Stop the sun from shining in
There will be a frost and a chilling breeze
Always winter, never spring
VERSE 3: You can build a wall around you
Slam the door shut fast and firm
There`s no-one at hand who can understand
To love you and help you learn
To make matters more interesting, the teacher who TAUGHT it (known as Mrs T), told us that it had ACTIONS to it, and these actions were as follows:
On the words 'Break out', Stick one arm out UP DIAGONALLY
On the words 'Reach out', Stick the OTHER arm out UP DIAGONALLY
On the words 'Let the walls', bring BOTH your arms down, FLUTTERING your fingers
This teacher seemed to know how much it meant for me to do the actions, and her behaviour allowed me to do this.
There was ANOTHER teacher (known as Miss T) who got us to sing this song a lot, and she mentioned about it being one of HER favourites. When she was teaching it, she told us to stick our arms out IN A PARTICULAR ORDER while doing it. I DON`T know why she did this, and to make matters more complicated, there were some occasions when she told us to stick our LEFT arm out FIRST...
...and OTHERS when she told us to stick our RIGHT arm out FIRST! It seemed VERY STRANGE, to SOMETIMES do it in ONE order and SOMETIMES do it the OTHER WAY ROUND!
Also, when Mrs T left the school (she got a promotion), it was LEFT TO Miss T to teach this song, considering the fact that NO OTHER teacher knew the song!