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ACCA career help on gaining experience.

I did an economics degree, and with the current market im sure im not the only one but i am finding it really hard to get work at the moment.
Ive started to look at the ACCA, and as i said its hard getting a job let alone a job with study support as there's so much competition out there for like one or two places, also i only got a 2:2 in uni.

so i am thinking of spending the money and take the ACCA exams on my own.
however i know that you need work experience to past as well as passing the exam, so was hoping to take F1-4 and then re-apply for jobs as im slightly more qualified.
is this a good idea? or should i just keep on looking for a job

also while im doing this can anyone give me advice on where to gain experience, like even with placements and intern work to help gain the experience need, im even willing to work for free while doing the ACCA.

any suggestions would be helpful.
thnk you
Reply 1
ACCA is the hardest but most transferable out of the big 3.

no go for grad schemes, dont bother to train yourself up not worth it and epensive

internships and experience you need to knock on doors/volunteer
ACCA is the hardest but most transferable out of the big 3.

Debatable - what makes you say that, as general opinion is that the ACA/CA is more respected (at least within the UK)

Either way though, they're all very useful qualifications to have...

internships and experience you need to knock on doors/volunteer
:ditto: I assume you've looked at the standard internship programmes from the Big 4 and the larger of the mid-tier firms - if so, perhaps try enquiring at any smaller local practices you can find near to you.
Reply 3
ACA - Aduit, CIMA - managment accounts ACCA - both.

although once you get to that level it doesnt matter, what matters is your experience
I'm in the same position as tqt9, so any advice is welcome!!
Reply 5
Personally I think it is better to try and do the exams with an employer who will pay for them and give you support

even if they are just a small local firm it has to be better than going to all that expense and not getting any experience

also the experience helps with the exams and they help with the work so it is a cycle

try and contact some local agencies and see what the small accounting firms in your area look for
Reply 6
On I think the ICAEW website there's a list of companies which offer training contracts (this is for ACA not ACCA). My advice would be to go down the list and apply - yeah you may not be able to start until September, but being on a training contract will be so much better than doing it alone - not least because you'll have fellow sufferers to drown sorroes with. I'm not sure if there's an equivalent for the ACCA, but may be worth looking into. Also, some of the Big 4 have multiple start dates for audit (at least did in previous years), such as January, April, so it may be worth looking at that kind of thing. Not sure if the smaller firms can do that or not, but I'm guessing for cost reasons it makes more sense to have a larger group go through than lots of smaller groups and would therefore just have the one start date. Anyway, worth looking into. Also look at regional offices as well as more central locations. These are (generally speaking) said to be slightly less competitive, but are still offering the same training and experience and it's always easier to move once qualified.
Reply 7
for ACCA there is

Most Jan, April start dates tend to be in London where there is more demand

The one in other places for Big4 will probably be full by now

Some smaller firms have January starts though too
ACA - Aduit, CIMA - managment accounts ACCA - both.

although once you get to that level it doesnt matter, what matters is your experience
Think you're a bit confuzzled there, generally ACA and ACCA are for practice and CIMA is for management accounting.

I was in the same situation as you, you really have to be willing to grab the tiniest pieces of financial experience you can. I worked in general admin/secretarial work and eventually started doing purchases as part of the job which catapulted me into an accountancy assistant role at a school which then lead to a place at the big 4, all minus university.

Have you tried agency work at all? There are a few agencies which specialize in accounts and finance.
Reply 9
Hi, thanks for al the advice, i have tried applying to the smallest roles out there but still with no luck.

Have applied to everything but everything comes back with lack of experience, and i know its due to the current market, with so many after the same role.
Ive even applied for AAT roles, but still got rejected.

Am now thinking of doing the certifcate in business accounts the first level of Cima as then i can put it on my CV, as economics alone doesnt seem to be helping.

any ideas if that a good why of maybe getting a job?
cuz i mean ACCA seems so expensive, at th moment to start and not complete, i mean i would love a study package but its hard, and with the training programmes most of they want a min of 2:1
Reply 10
I have applied to many accounting firms without any success, i was offering my voluntary labour to them, but they didnt come back to me. I have 2:1 degree. But i think u have to be the best nowadays in order to get a job.
I am thinking of ACCA, because i can claim 8 excemptions, but they dont help with practical experience. So i am really confused how to get this experience. I sent a big to number of emails replying to the job offers, offering my voluntary help, but the result is zero.
Reply 11
Experience is the big problem for people these days

Starting the exams and getting some out of the way is becoming more popular - I was skeptical due to cost etc. but things are so hard atm so yes if you can do some exams I would advise it - it shows you are committed to becoming an accountant and doing a qualification

@tqt9 - I assume the CIMA certificate will cost a similar amount to the initial acca exams - have a look around at the different providers and compare prices
Reply 12
I am in the same boat, I have passed 11subjects through self study but still no luck, did you manage to get something in the end?
Reply 13
have sex and chill out. start ACCA exams , do atleast the first 3 which are quick and are CBE (computer based exams). Then atleast this way you have something to back you up in an interview. Experience is hard to get nowadays, so you have to keep applying.