if you fail first year law does that mean you get kicked off the course or does the mark count towards your final grade.
Hi there! At QMUL law, there are opportunities to resit failed exams over the summer if you fail in your first year. There is also the option of a synoptic reassessment (an exam which will be 100 percent of your grade) depending on module regulations. This is a policy which some unis adopt, but there is also the caution that sometimes the exam may be significantly more difficult, although theres no official parameter to this. Please do let me know if you have any other questions about law or QMUL, or university in general!
if you fail first year law does that mean you get kicked off the course or does the mark count towards your final grade.
You can often re-sit examinations in most cases. Make sure to speak to your personal tutor, here at Bangor you get assigned one for your three years they are always a good place to go to seek information.
Hi there! At QMUL law, there are opportunities to resit failed exams over the summer if you fail in your first year. There is also the option of a synoptic reassessment (an exam which will be 100 percent of your grade) depending on module regulations. This is a policy which some unis adopt, but there is also the caution that sometimes the exam may be significantly more difficult, although theres no official parameter to this. Please do let me know if you have any other questions about law or QMUL, or university in general!
Hi there, I'm an A-Level tutor and I was wondering if that policy applies to second and third year students at the school of law at QMUL as well? I know some of the PG programs in law allow later summer resits, but couldn't tell if it generally applied to the undergrdaute law degrees there.
More of a (very) nostalgic question, would be absolutely amazing if anyone knew the answer: I was a student at QMUL (in a different subject) in 2009, and we heard 'legends' about the undergraduate law exams. Do any of the staff at QM recall if the law dept allowed late summer resits for undergrads back then (or were the olden days rather dark days 🙂 - I heard if undergrads failed one law exam, they failed the whole set back then, gulp).