The Student Room Group

Southampton Foundation Year Group Chat

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Original post by Anonymous
You guys can just add me - kkilla2020 (dm the username its from a long time ago) just let me know when you do

All done! Thank you
Original post by Anonymous
Hi Guys, i started this thread and ill be honest there is a lot of writing so i didnt read it all lol. I have been added to a southampton groupchat on snapchat which may be useful. If you guys want i can add you.

Oh cool, tbh I haven't used snapchat for over a year, not even sure I can get into my account still lol. If I can I'll add you, would love to be added to the gc, I'll let you know if I add you (I might just make a new account)

(Oh yeah, and sorry I couldnt respond anonymous #2, just been so busy lately)
Original post by Anonymous
Hi Guys, i started this thread and ill be honest there is a lot of writing so i didnt read it all lol. I have been added to a southampton groupchat on snapchat which may be useful. If you guys want i can add you.

couldn't get into my old account so I just made a new one lol (same username as this), anyway I added you
Original post by KammC10
Oh cool, tbh I haven't used snapchat for over a year, not even sure I can get into my account still lol. If I can I'll add you, would love to be added to the gc, I'll let you know if I add you (I might just make a new account)

(Oh yeah, and sorry I couldnt respond anonymous #2, just been so busy lately)

It’s ok lol, it’s exam season after all

literally have like 2 weeks until my first exam and I still feel so unprepared
Original post by Anonymous
If possible can anyone reply to this thread if you have received an offer for the engineering foundation year at Southampton. It will help us to get to know each other before potentially starting the course.

Hey! I received an offer for the Engineering Foundation year. I'll be progressing to Civil Engineering later on. Wby?
Original post by Anonymous
If possible can anyone reply to this thread if you have received an offer for the engineering foundation year at Southampton. It will help us to get to know each other before potentially starting the course.

heyy i have

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