As much as I can remember (I have since done another paper!):
1. Asterix Day
Lucy -> was surprised and it reminded her of her childhood
Person 2 -> was disinterested and didn't think it would last
Person 3 -> thought it would last & appreciated the language of the books
2. Technology & Families
C -> both technology and parenting, whatever that one was
A -> problems sleeping
B -> ? Can't remember
B -> regular discussions
3. Listening Résumé - Immigrants in Quebec
Very tricky to fit it all into 90 words!
- Immigrants only feature in the news when they are protesting against discrimination
- Never any celebration of immigrant successes
- Not allowed a view on issues that affect them such as schooling and jobs
- Over-fixation on terrorism in the news
- Why ...can't remember?
- Why are immigrants underrepresented as reporters and presenters?
4. Food Bank Criminality
His behaviour (2 marks):
- He ran away from home after an argument
- He got blackout drunk in public
His crime (2 marks):
- He shoplifted some earrings
- The shopkeeper saw him
His tasks in the food bank (2 marks):
- He organised the empty crates
- He learn to drive a forklift
His future plans (2 marks):
- He is going to train to be a truck driver
- He will keep working part-time at the food bank
5. Cinema P&N Qs
Turning books into films -> P+N(?)
Presentation of historical era -> P
Music -> N
Plot -> N
Script -> N(?)
Lead Actor -> P
Directing -> ?
6. Madagascar Poverty
- Denis said there needed to be plans for the future
- Cynthia witnessed poverty in person
- Cynthia witnessed dificulty for women and inequality
- Mimi commented on infrastructure
- Cynthia commented on growing economic instability
- Mimi commented on the fact that there might be disturbances (riots)
- Denis said the countryside was worse than the city
- Cynthia talked about the lack of affordable accommodation
7. Lupin Literature Extract
- He'd escaped/was fleeing something
- He was on board the ship
- He had hurt his right arm
- There was a thunderbolt
- The electrical waves of the telegram were interrupted
- On Saturday he broke into Baron Schormann's house
- He didn't take anything
- He said the the furniture wasn't good enough for him as it wasn't authentic, and therefore wasn't worth his time.
- He felt like he had to explain why he hadn’t stole anything
- She laughed at his jokes
- She seemed interested in his anecdotes
- Another thing I've forgotten
- They would work together to do their own investigation
- They would share the money
8. Reading Résumé - mai 1968
Elderly woman reflecting on her involvement in the protests of mai 1968, and how this affected her life and the lives of other women.
2 reasons why she was involved:
- wanted more rights for women
- can't remember?
3 ways in which she was involved:
- encouraged factory workers to strike
- had articles published in her university journal
- occupied her university building, sleeping in the library
2 positive outcomes:
- legalisation of abortion
- can't remember?
9. Macron visiting La Réunion
9,1. - abord
9,2. - pancartes
9,3. - démuni
9,4. - envenimées
9,5. - brûlées
9,6. - dispositifs
two others I can't remember
9,9. Macron La Réunion Translation (English -> French)
10. Volunteering Translation (French -> English)
Fill me in on the bits that are missing/in the wrong order and I'll correct them