The Student Room Group
Reply 1
anyone?? i really need it. even if someone has the chapters scanned, they would be greatly helpfull.
Reply 2
That book doesn't come with a pdf copy.
Reply 3
anyone have the ibid book for option 10 (series and differential equations) in pdf?
haha just putting it out there.... :/ probably going to buy the book anyway.
Reply 4
anyone have the ibid book for option 10 (series and differential equations) in pdf?
haha just putting it out there.... :/ probably going to buy the book anyway.
Reply 5
I found some information and helpful summaries on Pirate Bay,
Some is **** but there are some good pieces in it...

There's also a great torrentsite called BitMe, You need an invite to use that though.. Maybe I can help you with that... Send me a message and I'll see what I can do. There are some Maths HL textbooks in PDF that you might find useful but there are also quite a lot of other interesting things like great audiotapes etc.. Check it out!
Reply 6
Hi Tailormade, I would highly appreciate if you send me an invite for the site since I am also in need to go thorugh some solutions processes of the exercises of the higher level mathmetics for the IB. thanks. you can email me at [Removed - please use PMs].
Hi need this book too, can you help me somehow with this torrentsite ?