Here is a summary of Germany: development of dictatorship 1918–45:
In 1918, Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated and Germany experienced a revolution in which a new political system was established.
The new Weimar Republic was run as a democracy, which meant many changes for Germany.
The Weimar Republic established a new constitution but it had weaknesses as well as strengths.
The Treaty of Versailles was hugely resented by the German people who believed it was harsh and unfair on Germany.
The new democratic politicians were blamed for the Treaty of Versailles and this weakened the prospects for the new Germany.
Various political groups from the Left and Right did not want the new republic to survive; some groups actively tried to destabilise the new government and start revolutions.
Germany suffered terrible economic problems in the period 1919-23. In 1923, a chain of events led to the hyperinflation crisis. The economic problems made it harder for the new Weimar Republic to become popular.
CHAPTER 2 The period 1923-29 is sometimes called the 'Stresemann Era' because Stresemann played such an important part in German politics at this time.
Stresemann's economic and diplomatic policies meant that Germany recovered to a large extent from the crisis of 1923.
Stresemann focused on improving Germany's relations with other countries.
Stresemann believed that Germany needed to restore good relations with other countries before it could address its economic problems.
Stresemann took a more moderate approach to German politics. He aimed to reduce the threat of political extremism and build a new, stronger Germany.
Public confidence in the moderate political parties increased. The German public began to believe that these parties could rebuild Germany's future.
There were still hardliners in Germany who did not want the Weimar democracy to succeed. They believed that Stresemann's approach involved unacceptable compromises, such as accepting the Treaty of Versailles.
The Nazi Party rose from being a minor political group in Munich to holding power in Germany.
Under Hitler's leadership, the party was transformed. From 1924, the Nazis focused on using democratic means to get power.
Until 1928, the Nazis remained a minor political party with very little influence.
In the late 1920s, the economic situation in Germany changed dramatically due to the impact of the Wall Street Crash and the start of a worldwide economic depression. The Great
Depression affected Germany particularly badly.
The Nazis were in a position to take advantage of the economic crisis. They used extensive propaganda and intimidation to get more votes.
The Weimar government was unable to find solutions to Germany's economic problems.
Hitler benefited from the collapse of the Weimar democracy.
Hitler was helped into power by powerful individuals in Germany who thought they could control him. He was also helped by business leaders, who preferred Hitler to the communist alternative.
CHAPTER 4 The Reichstag fire gave Hitler the opportunity to start building a dictatorship in Germany.
The Enabling Act changed Germany's constitution. It gave much more power to Hitler.
The Night of the Long Knives, which saw SA leaders killed, enabled Hitler to strengthen his control of the Nazi Party.
After Hindenburg's death, Hitler declared himself Führer.
Nazi Germany was a police state.
Religion was closely controlled and the Nazis introduced measures to weaken the influence of the Church in Germany.
In Nazi Germany, censorship and propaganda were used to control and influence attitudes.
Young people were controlled in school and outside school through Nazi youth groups.
Women were expected to focus on 'children, church and kitchen'.
Jews were persecuted with increasing severity in the period from 1933-39.
Measures were taken to introduce economic self-sufficiency and reduce unemployment.
CHAPTER 5When the Germans first conquered territory in Europe, they forced the Jews to live in ghettos.
In 1942, the Germans introduced the Final Solution.
The Germans made propaganda films to disguise what they were doing.
The Germans introduced rationing during the Second World War.
The German invasion of the Soviet Union proved to be a major mistake.
In September 1943, Goebbels announced that Germany was now in 'total war'.
Labour shortages meant that more women had to work during the war. Allied bombing killed more than 600,000 German civilians.
A number of different protest groups started among young German people. There was an attempt to blow up Hitler in 1944.
Hitler committed suicide in April 1945.
Germany surrendered in May 1945.
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