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how to revise for the driving theory test help!

I have bought the driving test All tests CD and want advice on how long should I leave it to book the test, I mean there is so so so much to take in and I am getting all nervous and anxious that I might not pass first time as I have left this hanging for too long and I just want to get this out of the way, for those of you who booked their theory tests how long did you take to revise the CD before you booked your test?

Im thinking to book it so I know I have an exam and can study for it and stop being lazy, tips would be great!
Reply 1
I revised the night before using a cd i borrowed from a friend, got 50/50 on the questions and dropped about 8 marks on the hazard perception. It's really nothing to get worried about, just get to grips with hazard perception and as long as you're not really stupid, you'll pass with ease :smile:
Reply 2
Rock n Roll
I revised the night before using a cd i borrowed from a friend, got 50/50 on the questions and dropped about 8 marks on the hazard perception. It's really nothing to get worried about, just get to grips with hazard perception and as long as you're not really stupid, you'll pass with ease :smile:

lol, thanks , theres a practice pre session that involves around 75 test papers online do you think if I went through all of them that would be enough.

Also do you know what the pass mark is now?
and also is the hazard perception where they show a video and you have to click on all the hazards that show up on the screen?

I revised a couple of weeks out of the dsa questions and answers books and tested myself on the CD. The theory test is pretty easy so don't worry about it and the hazard is pretty simple i actually didnt even revise for the hazard cuz i couldnt find a good cd for it to learn off from.
Reply 4
I revised for a few nights before the test. I wouldn't advise leaving it this late as the panic about it on the day wasn't worth it. But I passed anyway, it's quite easy so there's no point spending LOADS of time on it.
Reply 5
TBH I did very little actual revision for the test ... however from my first lesson my instructor gave me a list of between 25-50 multiple choice questions every week as "homework". He would then mark them during the lesson and we would have 5/10 minutes at the end of the lesson to go through any answers I got wrong or wasn't sure of, and then during my lessons my instructor would ask me questions and would try to make sure that they covered stuff I had answered in last week's "homework" so I was constantly reviewing and remembering the answers without stressing out about it because I wasn't thinking of them as 'test' questions to trip me up but as questions who's answers would help me and my driving skills.

If your instructor doesn't do something like that already, you could find some tests online, test yourself and then ask your instructor if they would go through any questions you struggled with or got wrong and want explaining. Other than that I wouldn't worry about it because it isn't worth stressing out too much about.
Reply 6
i am to revising for my theory i booked it today for two weeks i am still nervous that i wouldn't pass i revised four hours today and im going to do two each day. i found the hazard perception werid as i just keeped click at random things but once you get the hang of it it's really easy. i think using the cd rom is really useful as this is what they do in the test anyway. i would book it for two weeks ahead and just keep revising good luck
Reply 7
i am to revising for my theory i booked it today for two weeks i am still nervous that i wouldn't pass i revised four hours today and im going to do two each day. i found the hazard perception werid as i just keeped click at random things but once you get the hang of it it's really easy. i think using the cd rom is really useful as this is what they do in the test anyway. i would book it for two weeks ahead and just keep revising good luck

Mine is in two weeks aswell :smile: What date is yours on?
I decided just to book it because i knew i wouldn't revise if i didn't! I've been meaning to book it since december haha..
Well, so far so good, most of the questions are generally very easy anyway :biggrin: Let us know how it goes for you.
Im doing practise papers on my cd, guna do some now actually! hehe
Reply 9
Im doing practise papers on my cd, guna do some now actually! hehe

Me too :smile: DSA cd?
Whens your test?
erm I just got driving success test cd, it has theory, pereception and pratical!
I keep failing my mock test :frown: i dont know how to revise it!!
Reply 11
erm I just got driving success test cd, it has theory, pereception and pratical!
I keep failing my mock test :frown: i dont know how to revise it!!

Keep doing it, and revise each question you got wrong - don't just look at your mark to see if you passed/failed - look at each question yourself to see what the correct answer was.
Reply 12
It's manly common sense, just read through the signs and learn the speed limits and such. Nothing to worry about!
I booked mine after doing the first mock test that I passed, because I knew that meant I could do it, also the earliest test I could get was 4 weeks after I booked it so I knew I had plenty of time to revise. I go through the book and answer random questions, and for hazard perception I just practice clips, sometimes actually do it when I'm in the car as a passenger :smile:
(edited 13 years ago)
I have bought the driving test All tests CD and want advice on how long should I leave it to book the test, I mean there is so so so much to take in and I am getting all nervous and anxious that I might not pass first time as I have left this hanging for too long and I just want to get this out of the way, for those of you who booked their theory tests how long did you take to revise the CD before you booked your test?

Im thinking to book it so I know I have an exam and can study for it and stop being lazy, tips would be great!

I understand exactly how you felt :p: I booked my test three weeks in advance and went through a at least a few mock exams almost everyday. When you get a question wrong, make a note of it to reduce your chances of getting it wrong next time.

Most of them are common sense, I would advise revising certain topics such as documentation, first aid and stopping/braking distances etc.

Prepare and good luck! :biggrin:
Reply 15
lol I posted this in 2008! I passed like 2nd time! I keep failing my practical though grrrr
lol I posted this in 2008! I passed like 2nd time! I keep failing my practical though grrrr

:teehee: Forgot to read the date since threads have been bumped :pinch:

I'm looking into booking my practical soon. Good luck and don't give up! :smile:
Reply 17
am cant pass my theory test :frown: failed from one mark
could someone help me am i revising right or there seriously something wrong with me
when am revising at home i pass it but when i go to the test center i fail from one mark :frown:
Ive gkt my theory this tuesdayhow much revision should i i cant do it all the time cause im at work
You should check out I use it for all of my revision, and I passed my theory test first time using it!