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DWP Executive Officer - Universal Credit Review

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Original post by Mamaklaudja
I have read about 8 weeks so... Better be prepared! Tomorrow starts my 2nd week of waiting for the checks...

Im 2 weeks in to checks on Wednesday and have been contacted for marriage certificate already. Referees haven't been contacted yet. I don't think its going to be quick!
8 weeks sounds about the norm?
Reply 82
Still waiting on pre employment check updates.

Curious to know if anyone know the process after this is complete?

After discussing possible hours/contract how long do you have to accept the offer and terns?

Original post by ABmacf
Still waiting on pre employment check updates.

Curious to know if anyone know the process after this is complete?

After discussing possible hours/contract how long do you have to accept the offer and terns?


medical form email was next part of the process
Original post by MIKEYBOY007
medical form email was next part of the process

I completed a medical part of my onboarding, is there an email that comes out separately too?
Original post by Claire0380
I completed a medical part of my onboarding, is there an email that comes out separately too?

i ticked yes for the onboarding question that went something like "have you ever had a illness?" then a week later had the mail to complete medical questionnaire , all very straightforward ..
Original post by MIKEYBOY007
i ticked yes for the onboarding question that went something like "have you ever had a illness?" then a week later had the mail to complete medical questionnaire , all very straightforward ..

Ah ok. I remember that as I said everyone's had an illness or something haha! I'll wait for it to arrive! 😁
Original post by SpaceDragon
They got UCR hubs all over the country. For our training we had a couple days in the office to start with and then just 2 days per week and rest at home for rest of training.

If you don’t mind me asking, what was the training like and what did it entail? I start on Monday :smile:
any recent new starters that can comment on first few days weeks ??
Original post by MIKEYBOY007
any recent new starters that can comment on first few days weeks ??

I have just finished my first week on Friday there. It was mainly reading over the rules and regulations, security, privacy rules etc. Getting a tour of the office and my at home equipment. Some teams meeting where we just listened to people give discussions on more rules and where to find things on the computer systems. The second week seems to be more focussed on training for your specific job role
Original post by Horrorden
I have just finished my first week on Friday there. It was mainly reading over the rules and regulations, security, privacy rules etc. Getting a tour of the office and my at home equipment. Some teams meeting where we just listened to people give discussions on more rules and where to find things on the computer systems. The second week seems to be more focussed on training for your specific job role

are you a work coach ?? universal credit ??
Original post by MIKEYBOY007
are you a work coach ?? universal credit ??

Universal credit :smile:
Reply 92
Original post by JDSensations
Of course.

So I applied for a campaign back in December and was placed on a waiting list.

9th May I got a provisional offer.
16th May my information was accepted for background checks / onboarding (there were a few issues they needed more info which delayed a few days)
I then got weekly generic emails saying the checks were ongoing
12th June Checks were completed successfully
20th June I got the offer letter and contract which I had to accept on the portal

I also had a call from my new manager to discuss the role and a chat about hours of work and things on the 19th

Hope this helps

What are the working hours like there? I applied, they've said I passed the SJT - just waiting on them to send me the details for interview! (Any tips you can give me will be really helpful)

Kind Regards

Has anyone heard back about UCR roles in Plymouth. Had an interview 2 weeks ago but heard nothing.
Reply 94
Original post by Devondumpling
Has anyone heard back about UCR roles in Plymouth. Had an interview 2 weeks ago but heard nothing.

No - same , completed mine on sat 9th.
Original post by IS1993
What are the working hours like there? I applied, they've said I passed the SJT - just waiting on them to send me the details for interview! (Any tips you can give me will be really helpful)

Kind Regards


Working hours are 9-5
One days I have to do 12-8 (late shift) and once a month it has to be a Friday (working from home)
Then i do an early shift 8-4

There is flexi working in place and I have to confirm either a start time or end time./

The early shift has to be 8am locked in and the late has the 8pm locked in so on the 8-4 I can use flexi and head off at 2 or the 12-8 I could start at 1

the 9 to 5 I can choose which one to lock in

I get 2 15min paid breaks and a 30 min unpaid lunch (I can take up to an hour if I need/want)
I have found the department to be pretty helpful and make adjustments where they can and hybrid working of 40% in office 60% at home

hope this helps
Original post by Satch8
No - same , completed mine on sat 9th.

I had to wait 4 weeks to hear back from my interview, then a further whole month before I started UCR. It seems the norm.
Original post by IS1993
What are the working hours like there? I applied, they've said I passed the SJT - just waiting on them to send me the details for interview! (Any tips you can give me will be really helpful)

Kind Regards


Fot the interview they tell you which behaviours are being looked at. They link to the guidance for this also so I recommend you look at it. They will tell you what level of info they look for on each grade so EO they expect more than AO and HEO they expect more indepth than EO and so on the higher the grade the more detail they require.

Whwn answering, prepare notes, bullet points and you can refer to them, they usually mention that themselves.

Answer all questions with I do/did this and that not we. Even if you were a part of a team say I.

They use 2 techniques for scoring. 1 of them is star
Can't remember the other roff the top of my head but again all of this is available from dwp, use these techniques to score as many points as you can
Read your emails and job advert they will have the info in them
(edited 1 year ago)
Hi guys, I accepted my provisional offer but I'm still awaiting pre-employment checks it's been 6 weeks now has anyone else's took this long? Really looking forward to starting!
Didn’t get offered a role as I scored 2 3’s but also 1 5. All the rest were 4’s. 😞

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