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Kpmg 2024/2025graduate application

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Original post by Moin Khowaja
Hi guys. Anyone who is attending the launchpad on 9th November here?

Yeah bro
Original post by K.man123
Yeah bro

Whats the role and the location bro??
Original post by Moin Khowaja
Whats the role and the location bro??

Tax London
Original post by K.man123
Tax London

how'd it go? what was the format?
Has anyone heard back from the LP yet?
Original post by lg78653
Has anyone heard back from the LP yet?

no i haven’t yet, been waiting all day, looks like monday it is
Original post by kmtayeb
no i haven’t yet, been waiting all day, looks like monday it is

What role and location did you apply for?
Original post by lg78653
Has anyone heard back from the LP yet?

how'd it go? what was the format?
Reply 88
Original post by kmtayeb
no i haven’t yet, been waiting all day, looks like monday it is

they tend to say within 2 working days but from looking at previous years it’s never been before 3pm on the 2nd working day (and is usually around 5)
Original post by sbswh
they tend to say within 2 working days but from looking at previous years it’s never been before 3pm on the 2nd working day (and is usually around 5)

lol, i was looking at older threads as well and came to the same conclusion. I have another ac around that time…
Original post by kmtayeb
lol, i was looking at older threads as well and came to the same conclusion. I have another ac around that time…

Hi, what location and role did you apply for?
Original post by Moin Khowaja
Hi, what location and role did you apply for?

audit, london
Original post by Seasider99
I've applied for a location in the North and been told that my application is on hold and that they "hope to be able to progress me to a launch pad soon", but having looked on the KPMG website where the dates of all upcoming launch pads are listed, there are no dates for launch pads in the North until April.

How can this be possible?

I am in the same position as well. Did you contact the student recruitment team?
Anyone heard back from the recent lanchpad?
Original post by andrew1619
Yes I applied for that, I got the email a week ago that I had 'successfully completed' delivering outcomes assessment and currently on hold for launch pad invite. How about yourself?

Hey Andrew, you heard anything?
Original post by Moin Khowaja
Anyone heard back from the recent lanchpad?

Not yet, I am waiting as well
Original post by Moin Khowaja
Anyone heard back from the recent lanchpad?

still waiting…
Original post by Kabir202
Not yet, I am waiting as well

What was your role and location?
How did the launchpad go? Can you tell me in details the format etc?
Original post by Moin Khowaja
What was your role and location?
How did the launchpad go? Can you tell me in details the format etc?

Applied to Tax

You‘ll have a group exercise with a group of 4 people assessed by 2 people, followed by a one on one interview with a senior person from your division and then a few non assessed activities with Q&A sessions
Original post by javeria19
I’ve passed transforming businesses and i got onto Delivering outcomes - does anyone have any tips and advise? What questions came up?

heyy how did you find it? what questions did you get?

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