The Student Room Group
My friend did :smile:
He worked in Air Traffic Control at Bristol Airport, and loved it. Just write a letter then ring them up later,
Best wishes
My view is that its unlikely.
What is your local airport? I say you write them a letter and ask. But I will tell you now that they either need to issue you with a pass (Which they are unlikely to because of cost and the length of the process involved in issuing a pass), or have a member of security escort around the premises at ALL times. Either way it is a huge drain on resources.
I see you're from Cumbria. As Carlisle isnt strictly a passenger transporting airfield you might have a decent shot there, if not try a local flying school. You are probably unable to fly but you will get some good behind the scenes experience of flight operations.
Congratulations on making a choice to join one of the biggest pain in the arse industries to get into lol (but also the best :biggrin:), the pain and struggle begins now my friend! Good luck.

EDIT: I realise my quote seems very pessimistic, but I'm only going on what I've experienced from my own efforts to get work experience at Newcastle airport and also from working at the airport later on. As you can see, its happened before. But its also a case of luck in my opinion, some airports are different in terms of resource use. But that pass rule is CAA rules, authorised pass or security escort at all times.
what eamial did he send the letter to
Original post by QuantumTheory
My friend did :smile:
He worked in Air Traffic Control at Bristol Airport, and loved it. Just write a letter then ring them up later,
Best wishes

Hello I don't suppose you could advise me on where I can send the letter