The Student Room Group

HMRC Compliance Caseworker - Vacancy 298821

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Reply 80
This is from the blurb on the interview pack -
When will I know if I have passed my interview?
Once you have submitted your interview, we will send it to an independent panel, and it will be
viewed, assessed and scored against the Civil Service Success Profiles framework. We will
then provide the results of your interview and feedback from the panel via your Civil Service
Jobs account.
Interview results will be released once assessment of every candidate has been completed,
which may take a couple of weeks from the interview closing date.

I suppose it depends on how long it will take them to go through everyone's VI and then add them to the list
Reply 81
Did anyone here apply for campaign 311 and 312?
It’s such a big campaign it seems like it would be a massive job to mark everyone’s VI, a couple of weeks seems pretty optimistic. However, depending on when in November the start date is, they will need to leave enough time for checks which can take absolutely ages from experience. Hopefully we’ll hear tomorrow or early next week.
Original post by uhribe
Did anyone here apply for campaign 311 and 312?

Was that for the same role? I applied for TSP 2023 and made it to the reserve list, planning on applying again this year when applications open.
Reply 84
Original post by Jackson1990
Was that for the same role? I applied for TSP 2023 and made it to the reserve list, planning on applying again this year when applications open.

Yes very similiar I think 312R was O Data & Systems Auditor (Tax Compliance) basically EO grade and 311R was HO Data & Systems Auditor (Tax Compliance) HEO.
I emailed today to find out when we would be getting results and they said no later than the week commencing 25/09. Guess we’ve still got a bit of a wait!
Reply 86
Original post by Jackson1990
I emailed today to find out when we would be getting results and they said no later than the week commencing 25/09. Guess we’ve still got a bit of a wait!

Thank you for emailing and letting us know
Doesn't sound like they are on the verge of sending out the emails then......
Reply 87
Original post by uhribe
Did anyone here apply for campaign 311 and 312?

I did. For 312. I've got an interview in October. I've no idea how many posts there are as I'm sure the advert said 1 but it clearly isn't just 1.
Reply 88
How do you know what campaign it is? I must be the earlier one.
Reply 89
Original post by Nickd299
I did. For 312. I've got an interview in October. I've no idea how many posts there are as I'm sure the advert said 1 but it clearly isn't just 1.

What about 311 I know someone has their interview tomorrow
Reply 90
Original post by akhtar2053188
click here to to get in touch
I can see from comment section how many of you are talented and capable of stepping into civil services which is great career but you have no idea of civil services recruitement process.
Some of you want to join civil services but majority of candidates are existing civil servants who are stuck at one role and wanted a change or promotion which seems quite competitive to be successful.
First thing first
Your Success profile CV is not scored but JD match helps to build the bigger picture for shortlisting.
Your statement of suitability will job map you into the new role you want to apply but only if you know how to write key words to get shortlisted for next stage of recruitement process.
Your written style examples of behaviours or statement of suitability is scored but doesn’t really passes through sifting stage because everyone’s writing style is different and only few people get through this stage.
If you think a human in civil services recruitement siting and reading (sifting) all your examples, CV’s and Statement of suitability’s where each application for role of EO or above attracts 100’s of candidate then you are wrong. In actual world civil service recruitement uses artificial intelligence software’s to short list the candidates so it is important to write key words from JD to get through sifting stage.
Once you have passed the sifting stage next step is assessments or interview (strength base and behaviours) but many still prepare with common sense examples. This is crucial stage and scoring high in this stage does not come from watching different trainers on YouTube platform.
I have 10 years of workforce planning experience in civil services including HMRC, Home Office, Cabinet Office, Border Force and Metropolitan Police. If you need professional help to boost your shortlisting chances then follow the link below and get in touch. Your career is in your hand and you have two options.
1- You waste your time and learn through failures how to pass the next stage
2- Let someone help you who knows how it works
It is lot easier when you know how
Many Thanks for reading this. Hope to speak to you soon.

Click on the link

I might take your reply more seriously if your message was well written and factual.

I am in the Civil Service and I know for a fact that all applications are reviewed by a human being not AI.

This person is here to sell something. For all I know, they are good at what they do but please do not believe all of what was written. It's incorrect.
As a current civil servant it gave me a good chuckle that you think the CS would spend money on AI for recruitment when they don’t even spend money on decrepit, archaic departmental systems for us to do our jobs correctly. Thanks for the comedy.
I would just report and block, not worth giving anymore attention
Just got an email and thought they were going to apologise for the delay and as I have suffered from the delay, offer me the job :biggrin: but alas it was just an apology on the delay and hoping to get results early next week, hopefully Monday!
(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 94
Got the same email- gave me a heart attack thinking it was finally a response. The waiting anxiety continues (less than a week is nothing compared to the month wait already :wink:) good luck all!
Reply 95
Morning all,
Scores on the doors - check your feedback.
My video interview feedback is on there. It doesn't show as the application has been updated but if you go into the feedback tab mine was showing
Reply 96
Original post by Tarango
Morning all,
Scores on the doors - check your feedback.
My video interview feedback is on there. It doesn't show as the application has been updated but if you go into the feedback tab mine was showing

Cheers for this. My behaviour scores are there but not my strengths.
Reply 97
Original post by Nickd299
Cheers for this. My behaviour scores are there but not my strengths.

Did you see the 'overall' score? I think that was the total including strengths - that's how I read it anyway
Reply 98
Original post by Tarango
Did you see the 'overall' score? I think that was the total including strengths - that's how I read it anyway

I did but it seems to include the score for the in tray assessment so it's a bit confusing but I can't remember what I scored for the in tray. I didn't take much notice as all I cared about was getting to the interview.
Reply 99
I think it’s marked out of 26. The behaviours are marked out of 7 and strengths are marked out of 4
Mine didn’t show the strength score either but I’m guessing they maybe don’t provide feedback for those.

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