The Student Room Group

Q to those who did edexcel eng GCSE last year (2004)

Can those who did edexcel GCSE higher English 2004 paper last year tell me the type of questions that came up. I would really appreciate it if someone helps. This is because i go to a private school and its holidays now. My teacher gave us the 2004 paper paper questions so that we can do it for homework but i left it at skool in my tray :frown:

Can i please have the questions on the MICE OF MEN, INSPECTOR CALLS and anthology questions (identify)

Thanx alot

Love Milli :hello:

I didn't do the exams, but I reckon your best bet would be to get the York Notes for both books, study them and then look at all the questions they give at the back of the book. Best way to study - they've got a great list of examples.

They've got some specimen papers here somewhere, that might help:

Hope that helps!
