Welcome to the 54th edition of LPTPHW! Current Leaderboard here
The aim of the game is simple, get the last post of the thread! (Aka. post no. 10,000)Spam is allowed! Just make sure to follow the Community GuidelinesAlso please don't delete lots of posts - it messes with the post count which the thread relies on
Please avoid deleting posts (don’t delete posts, you can simply edit them out instead) in the forum games section if possible. As the majority of these games (including this one) rely on the post count of the thread, it is actively discouraged to delete posts, mess up counting threads by posting the wrong numbers or anything else which can negatively impact the game.
If you have privacy concerns about what you have posted you can simply edit the post and replace it with new content such as '....' or ask the Community Staff here to remove your information.