The Student Room Group

Last Person To Post Here Wins (Part 54)

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in what universe is it a good business idea to go live with a million problems all the time
just use them as guinea pigs. cuz majoriy of users don't stick around anyway
Original post by Genesiss
in what universe is it a good business idea to go live with a million problems all the time

Are there any specific issues you're having since the brand rollout? Happy to ensure these are looked into if so! :smile:
not even gonna mother spelling word correctly
Original post by RainbowLapras
Are there any specific issues you're having since the brand rollout? Happy to ensure these are looked into if so! :smile:

thank you for asking but it's so slow ito load and post it would take me long time! lol i'm on android. chrome and firefox same issue
i don't think bar works. also i don't understand what's this for you recommendeds. don't look like anything for me
Original post by Genesiss
thank you for asking but it's so slow ito load and post it would take me long time! lol i'm on android. chrome and firefox same issue

Are you on desktop or mobile? I'll flag up that it's being slow for you! :smile:
Reply 3947
I just want a big, central lsit of recent/current threads. My thread homepage shows me stuff from 2 days ago. It makes the site quite a pain to navigate successfully.

And the colours are like something from Toytown. Vom.
Original post by RainbowLapras
Are you on desktop or mobile? I'll flag up that it's being slow for you! :smile:

mobile. thank you! also i concur what grd said
Damn, the coldness is freezing my ass! Time to heat the heat up immediately.
(edited 10 months ago)
They have changed TSR again? Bruh what
Ok so Im really bored rn so ima just put different types of bread here because bread goes well with cheese and cheese is amazing
White bread
Wholewheat bread
Rye bread
Sourdough bread
Multigrain bread
Pumpernickel bread