One of my big beefs with the current way things are handled with respect to environmental issues in the UK, Europe and the USA to some degree is the focus on good optics rather than anything likely to have practical benefits.
Speaking to the UK specifically given the size of the UK's emission output at the global level it seems foolish to damage our own economy chasing "greenness" when the economy is far more important.
I’m not opposed to the idea of being green either, my house has solar panels for example, which mean I use very little grid power most days, but the ways that our government/s go about dealing with the environmental issues seems to be entirely at odds with economic realities for example the unrealistic and frankly economically suicidal ideas of banning ICE vehicle sales by 2030.
For me, given the above, I’m economy first environment second. Given out politicians only think about one thing, which is to themselves and their jobs, it leads me to assume they think people prefer environment over economy. So, I am curious as to what people prefer when thinking about casting a vote.