posted this on the leeds forum but thought id put it here to so more ppl can read it!.......
im pretty sure im either gona do a music degree at leeds or nottingham from september......but jus wana know what the music scene and music course at leeds is like?
so far this is what ive gathered bout leeds from lookin it up:
1. its no. 31 in the league tables (nottingham is no. 2)
2. ppl have hardly any lectures a week...and while this cud be a gd thing, it does show that maybe the course isnt gd enough an i might not get enough out of it
ive heard that:
1. leeds has a wicked music scene and nightlife
2. the music department is pretty new with good facilities and music tech stuff
3. dev hall looks like the best place! all the music stuff goin on there
4. if i do the BMus course, I get a year abroad at a conservatoire!
Soo, theres more good stuff than bad there, but since music is such a competitive bussiness, maybe i shud go nottingham cos it has a better rep with better training?
such a tough decision!
anyway, if u know anything about the music scene/music departments in nottingham or leeds, or if ur planning to do music at either one, or are studying it there now, then any reply would be much appreciated!
hope to hear from someone soon......
ruth x