The Student Room Group

Predict Your SQA Results! - SQA Results Day 2023

[scrollr]Predict Your SQA Results 2023![/scrollr]
Well done on giving your all to getting through those exams - you did it! Now it's just a case of waiting for your results to come through!

What do you think your SQA certificate might say on the day?
Post your results predictions in this thread!

Example format:
- Predictions:
Higher English- B
Higher Music- A
Higher Human Biology- B
Nat 5 Maths- C
Nat 5 French- A

- Do you have any required grades?
E.g. BBB at higher and a C in Nat 5 maths for college course

- Other Comments:
How did you find the exams?
Are you optimistic about getting what you need?

Feeling stuck?
You can find more help and advice for SQA here:
You can find support and advice on UCAS Clearing here:

Information on this post may be taken from last year's thread:
(edited 1 year ago)
[scrollr]Predict Your SQA Results 2023![/scrollr]
Well done on giving your all to getting through those exams - you did it! Now it's just a case of waiting for your results to come through!

What do you think your SQA certificate might say on the day?
Post your results predictions in this thread!

Example format:
- Predictions:
Higher English- B
Higher Music- A
Higher Human Biology- B
Nat 5 Maths- C
Nat 5 French- A

- Do you have any required grades?
E.g. BBB at higher and a C in Nat 5 maths for college course

- Other Comments:
How did you find the exams?
Are you optimistic about getting what you need?

Feeling stuck?
You can find more help and advice for SQA here:
You can find support and advice on UCAS Clearing here:

Information on this post may be taken from last year's thread:

- Predictions:
All As
AH Maths
AH Physics
AH Mechanics
H H Bio
H Chem

- Do you have any required grades?
BB at AH and AA at H for Glasgow

- Other Comments:
Maths exam was so easy, If you found it hard then skill issue tbh. (sorry not sorry)
Mechanics - what the actual f- nightmare, but thats fun thing about it.
Physics - 50/50 the formula questions fair enough
Human Bio - One word. 🤮
Chemistry - fun.
Optimistic? ehhh, I am hopefull.
(edited 1 year ago)
- Predictions:
Higher Human Biology- B
Higher Chemistry- A
Higher Maths- A
Higher Physics- B
Higher French- A

- Do you have any required grades?
AAAAB at higher, AA in Biology and Chemistry

How did you find the exams?
I found them alright, I think I studied the content to much and didn't pay enough attention to the mark scheme during my revision.
Biology had so man graph questions and I really don't like them
Chemistry was alright and I loved the open ended question on dog food
Physics had an awful multiple choice section but I found the main one alright, plus me and my friend predicted the open ended questions.
Maths just pressed me for time so I didn't have as much opportunity to check my answers as I would of liked. I cant believe there was a colouring in question!
French has such a weird question about an expression that I had never ever heard of that is supposed to mean "bottoms up". Other than that it was alright and I know I did well in the speaking so hopefully I've got the grade.

Are you optimistic about getting what you need?
I'm kinda worried that I've got a B in biology and I need an A but I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed
Reply 3
- Predictions:
All A’s (I hope!!)
H Maths
H English
H Physics
H Graph Comm
H Computing

- Required grades:
AAAAB (A in maths)
applying for st andrews compsci

- how did i find the exams?:
Pretty good, honestly can’t remember much about them, but I remember feeling pretty confident in everything, apart from graph comm (the teacher didn’t teach us much but hopefully i will still get an A)

good luck everyone!
Original post by emkelt
- Predictions:
All A’s (I hope!!)
H Maths
H English
H Physics
H Graph Comm
H Computing

- Required grades:
AAAAB (A in maths)
applying for st andrews compsci

- how did i find the exams?:
Pretty good, honestly can’t remember much about them, but I remember feeling pretty confident in everything, apart from graph comm (the teacher didn’t teach us much but hopefully i will still get an A)

good luck everyone!

oh nice I did the same subjects as well in S5, and graph comm teachers never really try do they 💀

N5 Music - A
N5 English - A
N5 Computing Science - B
N5 Bio - B
N5 Chemistry - C
N5 Physics - C
N5 Maths - C
Reply 6
Everyone here has perfect grades lol
Higher Bio - A/B
Higher Chem - C
Higher Maths - A/B ( I looked at the answers and got 68% so idk)
Higher Modern Studies- A
Good luck everyone!!!
Higher English B/A
Higher Geography A
Higher Modern Studies - A
Higher History - C/B?
Higher Drama - F/D

Do you have any required grades?
- if I get minimum requirements for when I apply to uni: AABB or like ABBBB
- if not: AAAB/AAAA

How did you find the exams?
- English: It was the best exam I had taken, I knew everything, really pleased with it, but my folio may bring me down.
- Geography: Again, I studied really hard, and I knew the majority of things, advantages + disadvantages threw me off though, otherwise did well!
- Modern: It was my 2nd last exam, I studied really hard, I feel like I should have taken my time with it, but it was generally alright.
- History: Potentially hoping to do it at Uni, the 1st paper was terrific, it's just the second paper that really let me down bc of how the questions were worded, other than that, went ok?
- Drama: Horrible, I hate the subject, I only took it because I need 5 Highers.

good luck everyone!! <3
- Predictions:
Higher Biology - A
Higher English - A
Higher Maths - A/B
Higher Music - A/B
Higher Chemistry - A

- Do you have any required grades?
Planning on applying to Medicine/Dentistry later on so the required grades are AAAAB (or AAAAA for Edi & Glasgow). Required A for Chem.

- Other Comments:
Biology Exam - Was fun! Can't remember much tbh.
English Exam - Was also fun! I remember being so proud of my critical essay.
Maths Exam - Feeling a bit nervous for this result. I'm normally very good at maths but I don't think I performed my best that day.
Music Exam - Who decided to make the wording of the question really weird? Or maybe I just didn't revise properly. I hope my performance grade carries!
Chemistry Exam - Was my last exam... Got so worked up about it the night before. Hopefully, my revision paid off.

Good luck for tomorrow everyone!!
(edited 1 year ago)
Higher English - B, or an A if I’m lucky
Higher Maths - A
Higher Modern Studies - A
Higher Mandarin - A
Higher Music - B? Maybe an A, I’m not sure. The paper was hard but I think my practical went alright.

Required Grades:
AAAAB is the minimum for Scots Law at Glasgow, which im applying for, but I think to actually stand a chance I need 5 A’s

Other comments:
Maths was pretty good, i think. Same with mandarin. Mods was okay but I used a gel pen which ended up being a nightmare. I let them know though, so hopefully it’s not a problem. Music could have been okay, I'm just unable to tell at present, though I don’t think it went terribly wrong. English was… not great, which sucks because it was my strongest subject. Hopefully my folio saves me 😬

Good luck everyone!!! 🍀
(edited 1 year ago)
Good luck everyone today. You've got this! :yep:
Good luck everyone!
Reply 12
Original post by emkelt
- Predictions:
All A’s (I hope!!)
H Maths
H English
H Physics
H Graph Comm
H Computing

- Required grades:
AAAAB (A in maths)
applying for st andrews compsci

- how did i find the exams?:
Pretty good, honestly can’t remember much about them, but I remember feeling pretty confident in everything, apart from graph comm (the teacher didn’t teach us much but hopefully i will still get an A)

good luck everyone!

im applying for st andrews on the same course how did you find that English exam?
Original post by NbScot
im applying for st andrews on the same course how did you find that English exam?

That’s cool!! I really hope I get in, it seems perfect for me (i’m also applying for cambridge but I feel like that course is going to be harder to get into). I remember finding it alright. I liked the RUAE paper & I had the choice of three essay questions, all of which I felt prepared for. I guess it’s hard to compare english exams cos we all did separate texts? But for mine at least I felt it went very well. I did study an absolute ton (9hrs the day before!!!)