Higher English B/A
Higher Geography A
Higher Modern Studies - A
Higher History - C/B?
Higher Drama - F/D
Do you have any required grades?
- if I get minimum requirements for when I apply to uni: AABB or like ABBBB
- if not: AAAB/AAAA
How did you find the exams?
- English: It was the best exam I had taken, I knew everything, really pleased with it, but my folio may bring me down.
- Geography: Again, I studied really hard, and I knew the majority of things, advantages + disadvantages threw me off though, otherwise did well!
- Modern: It was my 2nd last exam, I studied really hard, I feel like I should have taken my time with it, but it was generally alright.
- History: Potentially hoping to do it at Uni, the 1st paper was terrific, it's just the second paper that really let me down bc of how the questions were worded, other than that, went ok?
- Drama: Horrible, I hate the subject, I only took it because I need 5 Highers.
good luck everyone!! <3