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[Official] SQA 2023 Results Day Discussion and Help thread

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kja d
Super late to this but I got AAAAA highers!! I’m so happy with my results but S6 so far has been A LOT. Im doing advanced higher’s maths, physics and chemistry and also crashing higher biology. Wish me luck :redface:
Original post by zay225
Super late to this but I got AAAAA highers!! I’m so happy with my results but S6 so far has been A LOT. Im doing advanced higher’s maths, physics and chemistry and also crashing higher biology. Wish me luck :redface:

Congratulations :yeah:

And yeah that sounds INSANE :lolwut:

Would you like to set up a Scottish students study and chat thread?

I can make it sticky and give it a blue title and hopefully other Scottish students can find you and we start to build a community together?
Original post by 04MR17
Congratulations :yeah:

And yeah that sounds INSANE :lolwut:

Would you like to set up a Scottish students study and chat thread?

I can make it sticky and give it a blue title and hopefully other Scottish students can find you and we start to build a community together?

I’d like that cause I’m studying AH Maths and retaking 2 of my highers and doing H Spanish this would be a great help
Original post by 04MR17
Congratulations :yeah:

And yeah that sounds INSANE :lolwut:

Would you like to set up a Scottish students study and chat thread?

I can make it sticky and give it a blue title and hopefully other Scottish students can find you and we start to build a community together?

Sounds like a great idea!
Original post by 5hyl33n

Thank you for coming back and updating us.

Okay, good decision. It's not worth the risk. Though I hope you realise that a B is still a brilliant grade and you should be very proud of yourself. #BeResultsProud

Exactly, and I'm sure with hard work and dedication you will achieve that A. Good luck. :yep:

Thank you!

I have another query about appealing. I got a D in maths, and today my mum got a text saying she needed to phone the school office urgently as they required permission to appeal. She phoned the office to ask what it was for as I didn't appeal for any of my subjects. They said that they would appeal my maths grade to a C ( they didn't inform me at all, and I have expressed no interest in doing so). My mum gave permission and they submitted the appeal. I'm going to talk about it with my old maths teacher tomorrow because I don't even know my mark or estimated grade...

I'm really confused, I thought when the SQA said the school could appeal on our behalf they meant the pupil had to initiate the appeal first, or am I missing some info? Has this happened to anybody else?
Original post by bunnyhoney
Thank you!

I have another query about appealing. I got a D in maths, and today my mum got a text saying she needed to phone the school office urgently as they required permission to appeal. She phoned the office to ask what it was for as I didn't appeal for any of my subjects. They said that they would appeal my maths grade to a C ( they didn't inform me at all, and I have expressed no interest in doing so). My mum gave permission and they submitted the appeal. I'm going to talk about it with my old maths teacher tomorrow because I don't even know my mark or estimated grade...

I'm really confused, I thought when the SQA said the school could appeal on our behalf they meant the pupil had to initiate the appeal first, or am I missing some info? Has this happened to anybody else?
In some schools this way around is pretty standard. The school are the ones who make the decision to appeal or not, but the pupil must give permission because it can affect their grade. The school obviously want to have the best results possible because it makes them look good.
Original post by 04MR17
In some schools this way around is pretty standard. The school are the ones who make the decision to appeal or not, but the pupil must give permission because it can affect their grade. The school obviously want to have the best results possible because it makes them look good.

Oh ok, this makes sense. I spoke to my maths teacher and he said that if you are 3 marks or closer to the next grade the school will automatically appeal for you. Turns out I was one mark off a C :smile:
hi there,
so i got given AAABB at higher (A= English. Biology, Mandarin, B=Maths, Chemistry)
and it turns out for Chemistry i was 2 marks below an A and 4 marks below an A for Maths, I've appealed both marks, Im hoping to try and study medicine in scotland but don't meet widening access so i would need 4As and a B at least,

I'm just worried about
1. my appeal not coming before i have to submit to UCAS (Oct 16th) and that I'll have to apply to university with these grades.
2. My Grades not being good enough for me to stay and study in Scotland,
3. I don't really want to take a gap year

Genuine question, what is the likelihood of my Chemistry grade appeal being overturned as i now know the appeals process isnt the same anymore, thank you
Original post by CrimsonFlower
I would check with the Uni direct but most don't double count as it were.

If there are no AH requirements they may prefer to go with someone who has all the grades already which is likely under Scottish system.

Don't want to burst your bubble but definitely worth confirming with the Uni direct.

I have spoken to Glasgow and Strathclyde Uni, both double count. As long as you have a minimum spread of subjects. For Glasgow it is four different subjects.
It will also depend on which course you're applying for.
Please email admissions of your prospective university to confirm.
Edinburgh> all other scottish unis
Original post by eggbread78134
Edinburgh> all other scottish unis

fr tho
Original post by 04MR17
Contact your school first, then SQA. Which qualifications were you expecting results for?

would you be able to help me find a good university that does finance my grades are AACCC i got an A in business and admin and c in maths and english and history i know that my grades are not that ideal but it was quite hard to adjust to the scottish system as i arrived in scotland last year and went into s5 straight away crashing all my highers but i know that is not an excuse to not do well though . i was wondering what my options are as im currently in s6 taking 4 subjects which are advanced business and higher maths and retaking english as its a requirement to have it at an A or B for unis such as glasgow and strathclyde and im also taking higher rmps . im working to get All A's this year so i could have a better chance of getting into a good business school for finance i was wondering what unis that i can get into with 1A at advanced higher and 5A at Highers by the end of s6 as im planning on taking a gap year to apply next year .
Original post by awabgad
would you be able to help me find a good university that does finance my grades are AACCC i got an A in business and admin and c in maths and english and history i know that my grades are not that ideal but it was quite hard to adjust to the scottish system as i arrived in scotland last year and went into s5 straight away crashing all my highers but i know that is not an excuse to not do well though . i was wondering what my options are as im currently in s6 taking 4 subjects which are advanced business and higher maths and retaking english as its a requirement to have it at an A or B for unis such as glasgow and strathclyde and im also taking higher rmps . im working to get All A's this year so i could have a better chance of getting into a good business school for finance i was wondering what unis that i can get into with 1A at advanced higher and 5A at Highers by the end of s6 as im planning on taking a gap year to apply next year .

Original post by awabgad
would you be able to help me find a good university that does finance my grades are AACCC i got an A in business and admin and c in maths and english and history i know that my grades are not that ideal but it was quite hard to adjust to the scottish system as i arrived in scotland last year and went into s5 straight away crashing all my highers but i know that is not an excuse to not do well though . i was wondering what my options are as im currently in s6 taking 4 subjects which are advanced business and higher maths and retaking english as its a requirement to have it at an A or B for unis such as glasgow and strathclyde and im also taking higher rmps . im working to get All A's this year so i could have a better chance of getting into a good business school for finance i was wondering what unis that i can get into with 1A at advanced higher and 5A at Highers by the end of s6 as im planning on taking a gap year to apply next year .

What have you found so far from your research?
Original post by 04MR17
What have you found so far from your research?

that strathclyde requires 4A2B by the end of s6/2nd sitting and glasgow typically offer is 5A1B by the end of s6 and i emailed/talked to both unis and strath said that if i apply with the grades achieved they would most likely consider that route and can consider me for an offer for next year and glasgow said that if you dont meet the minimum for s5 but however you achieve the full 5A1B by the end of s6 they could consider me for the following year . i have already applied this year to strath and glasgow and dundee and gcu but i probably have no chance to get a conditional from either , but my school referee has explained my circumstances of having moved to a completely different country and system and if i would stayed for s3 and s4 or had previous knowledge of nat 5 then i would probably achieved better but i doubt these unis care about people's situations but rather just care about your grades rather than your potential . i have already got an offer from dundee for finance which is for me to achieve 2B relatively simple . but i cant help but think about going to an excellent business school at either strath or glasgow .
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by awabgad
that strathclyde requires 4A2B by the end of s6/2nd sitting and glasgow typically offer is 5A1B by the end of s6 and i emailed/talked to both unis and strath said that if i apply with the grades achieved they would most likely consider that route and can consider me for an offer for next year and glasgow said that if you dont meet the minimum for s5 but however you achieve the full 5A1B by the end of s6 they could consider me for the following year . i have already applied this year to strath and glasgow and dundee and gcu but i probably have no chance to get a conditional from either , but my school referee has explained my circumstances of having moved to a completely different country and system and if i would stayed for s3 and s4 or had previous knowledge of nat 5 then i would probably achieved better but i doubt these unis care about people's situations but rather just care about your grades rather than your potential . i have already got an offer from dundee for finance which is for me to achieve 2B relatively simple . but i cant help but think about going to an excellent business school at either strath or glasgow .

Then it sounds to me like you've done a lot of research and have a good idea of what's happening. What is it you want from me? :smile:
Original post by 04MR17
Then it sounds to me like you've done a lot of research and have a good idea of what's happening. What is it you want from me? :smile:

im just full of regret that i didnt achieve to the best of my ability last year and im also full of doubt that even if i achieve the 6A by the end of s6 that those unis will still reject me and it would of been all for nothing .
Original post by awabgad
im just full of regret that i didnt achieve to the best of my ability last year and im also full of doubt that even if i achieve the 6A by the end of s6 that those unis will still reject me and it would of been all for nothing .

No use regretting anything, you are where you and there are things to do, so chop chop.

It won't be for nothing, there and plenty of options out there and #NoWrongPath to success.
Just posting to say that this thread has been nominated for Most Helpful thread of the year 2023 in the TSR community awards.
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