I got AAAB and will be starting in Medicine next month!
Just some additional advice from a mature student going back to university:
1) I'm from England originally and I sat A levels in 2008. I messed them up completely, coming out with only a D & E (normally you want at least 3 a levels at C or above). I didn't bother so much because I hadn't applied for uni, but over the summer I regretted it. I still got into uni through clearing on results day, and graduated 4 years later with a 2.1 (0.5% off a 1st, still stings). Even if you did badly, you have options, and I loved my time at uni.
2) I used to work at a university and I've been one of the people approving places just before results day. Universities often set a standard minimum they're willing to accept based on the number of places and demand etc. Then if there are any they (standard admin people) are unsure about, it gets referred to the admissions tutor for consideration (which is someone who teaches the course). There is nothing personal in acceptances or declines, every applicant is a number and they're processed as quickly as possible to ensure most are ready for results day. If you missed out on your course but you feel like you fell just short, ring the clearing line and try your luck - there might be an extra curricular activity or something you've done (such as a music qualification) that you forgot to put on your application that pushes you just over that threshold. (I've also been one of the people on the clearing phoneline, and the person you speak to is there to try and get as much info as possible to try and get you on the course. Generally, anyone you speak to today will want to help you get on a course.)
3) Worst case scenario and you failed everything. There's always next year. Or you can take some time out and work. Or you can try a vocational course.
Well done everyone, whatever grades you got.