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What to buy my very awkward boyfriend for christmas

I need some help with my boyfriends christmas present
We've been together for over 3 years now, and he is SO awkward to buy for
last christmas i ended up getting him lots of smaller presents rather than one main one, but this year i want to get him something he'll really like...

My first idea was a watch but he wouldn't wear one....
budget is around £100-£150....

The boyfriend..... doesnt really have any specific interests (which is ANNOYING) and my main problem is that anything he wants he'll usually buy himself.........

what do you buy the man that has everything?!:woo:
Reply 1
computer game?

Job done.
Reply 2
But seriously, you can buy him stuffs that can remind your relationship.. hand-made scrapbook? OR clothes..
my bf is like this too its very annoying. how about clothes? or a wallet? i result to things like that most of the time it seems! :P
shag 'im- he'll love it!
he has no interests? :s-smilie:
You could get one of those 'experience' packages that they do in places like Boots or Argos... they're like 'drive a Ferrari', 'go to a spa for a day', 'spend time in a recording studio' etc. They're about £100-£150 and are pretty unique! He must have some interests :p:
Or you could just ask him what he wants, I didn't really have any idea what to get my boyfriend until I asked him and now I have a few small things to get him that he would have bought himself anyway, and I'll get some little surprises too.
Tell him he's not allowed to buy anything for himself until Christmas! :biggrin:
Mine is the same... sooo hard to buy for!
So I am making him some handmade vouchers for *ahem* stuff :p:, and then I am paying for us to go up to a city near us, and stay overnight in a really cool hotel :smile:
(Anon cos he may use this...)
Reply 9
dvds, videogames, clothes?
Same situation. Anything he wants he buys. Last year i got him shoes... which he asked me to buy him. I fail.
Reply 11
Subscribing in a desperate attempt to gain ideas...

Normally, I know months in advance what I'll get him for a main, to save last minute worry, so with less than a month, I'm panicing :s
Reply 12
On that budget, get him a festival ticket! Ah... if only...
Reply 13
I had the same problem with my boyfriend!! ahhh it's SO stressful. Mine also hates me buying him something in case he doesn't like it... Which just puts more pressure on me!

Can you just take him shopping so you buy him something he'll definitely like and wants? And then make him a card or buy him something small and thoughtful so you have the surprise element?
Reply 14
just suck him of and let him cum all over your mates face.
I will let my boyfriend do that, when i get one :smile:
you have been with him for 3 years so im sure you must know something about him, i had a guy like this once and he was a nightmare to buy for so in the end i took him away for a weekend and had a lovely time. good luck with whatever you decide.
just suck him of and let him cum all over your mates face.
I will let my boyfriend do that, when i get one :smile:

if you get one !!!!!!!
Reply 17
i asked a few guys at my college...
and eventually settled on guitar hero... lol!
gonna get a stocking though and fill it up with lots of smaller presents....
thanks for all the suggestions!
If his 13 lol 😆