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Trickia's Yr 11 journey 2023-24

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Original post by Trickia
Hiya everyone I got my gcse results online!
I'm happy to say I got a 9 🎉
So getting all A* is in my eyes now 😍

Same! i got a near perfect score on my igcse math exam, my competitive a** wants to get a remark so i can try get 2 more marks for a 200/200 lmao
amazing job btw
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by stemguy
Same! i got a near perfect score on my igcse math exam, my competitive a** wants to get a remark so i can try get 2 more marks for a 200/200 lmao
amazing job btw

Ty xx

Godamm great job mate👍🎉

I mean if you know well you didn't make any mistakes then a remark isn't a bad idea otherwise I wouldn't risk it personally
Original post by agent_duck343
well doneeee
i’m so happy for you 🎉🎉🎉

thank you 💕
Another silly update:

2 weeks have passed and I'm back in the game lol - my school have stated mocks were to be aft October half term but more details are to be told in the future 🥲

Knowing that triple science is paper 1 like last time I just have to consolidate my knowledge. So I'm doing past paper for it to see where there are knowledge gaps - I can never ever seem to remember calculations in science 😀

English I'm starting work as thank god its just paper 1 for them both (both the paper 2 are just hard, personally😭)

Music I have yet to finish my composition
-> need to get at least a sizable chunk done and put that on muse score? I have never used it my life and will therefore be like an idiot trying to make sense of it lol
Performance mock is sometime in 6/7 weeks I have forgotten the date and composition is due b4 half term

Art - > just started my new project and I'm at a good pace so far I hope to keep this up unlike last time and learn from my mistakes!
Art mock is the 11th December

History - it should be paper 2 about Elizabeth and superpowers I think

Maths I'm not quite sure yet...

Wish school has been decent for everyone xx
19/09 decided this helps to see progress

Alrighty so my music performance is in the week of 16/10 but im not worried as this is my one and only strength in music gcse lol has i was like 3 marks i think from full marks... my composition my delulu dreams are what's keeping me motivated...

That aside the pressure of hwk has actually settled in icl its coming like they are giving candy to a baby.... but i can do this :smile: so no issue just gotta change my routine a little bit and go back to my time mangement plans 😁

reading a lot of books for entertainment but also to improve my english vocab (cross my fingers and pray)

social detoxing myself for the better my friends are chronically online it is mortifying (jks jks but still:eek:)

time is passing so quick anyone feel like that?

Starting to finish my applications to apply for post-16. My school decided that it has to be done by the end of this month😔 so I'm doing that later as not all schools have opened to applying.

Mocks are starting to start in less than 2 weeks! To make it less stressful but it just does the opposite lol. So English Lang p1, History P2, maths P1 and music performance b4 half term. Sad times.

Actually keeping on top of hwk except coursework for music (but with some catch up lessons should be all good!)

Starting to finish my applications to apply for post-16. My school decided that it has to be done by the end of this month😔 so I'm doing that later as not all schools have opened to applying.

Mocks are starting to start in less than 2 weeks! To make it less stressful but it just does the opposite lol. So English Lang p1, History P2, maths P1 and music performance b4 half term. Sad times.

Actually keeping on top of hwk except coursework for music (but with some catch up lessons should be all good!)

Been binge reading books ig? Psychological thrillers are 😍 and James Patterson never ever disappoints! With a few ya/romance books throw in the mix. With a hint of psychology
Original post by Trickia

Starting to finish my applications to apply for post-16. My school decided that it has to be done by the end of this month😔 so I'm doing that later as not all schools have opened to applying.

Mocks are starting to start in less than 2 weeks! To make it less stressful but it just does the opposite lol. So English Lang p1, History P2, maths P1 and music performance b4 half term. Sad times.

Actually keeping on top of hwk except coursework for music (but with some catch up lessons should be all good!)

Been binge reading books ig? Psychological thrillers are 😍 and James Patterson never ever disappoints! With a few ya/romance books throw in the mix. With a hint of psychology

What sixth forms are you thinking of? (Don't feel pressure to tell me, I completely understand if you're worried abt doxing)
Original post by toothysmile
What sixth forms are you thinking of? (Don't feel pressure to tell me, I completely understand if you're worried abt doxing)

I mentioned in my earlier posts so it doesn't make a difference 😂

1. Hill Roads
2. Cambridge Maths School (very ambitious of me but if I don't try I will never know)
3. Long Roads

Last week I had a surprise English lang p1 assessment on question 3 and 4. But we got a lot of help beforehand and I just want to praise my English teacher for she has officially given me hope of getting a 7 (atleaat in english). I switched teachers and my previous teacher was nice but her method wasn't sticking with me. But my current one made me double my marks for q4. I went from 8 to 16! So let's keep it that way!

And surprisingly p1 isn't that bad apart from q5 which I have tons of time to practice so no sweat! So imma just practice revising history and maths 😊 b4 the half term.

I have done a past paper on chemistry and biology so far and why is it that I did so badly in chemistry compared to like bio? Like I swear I may have forgotten a few things but was I lacking that many key vocab?? 😭 I strictly self marked myself to make sure I knew what I would get if my teacher marked it. Doing physics later this week or next week....

Yesterday I did my music performance mock and I was shaking beforehand and afterwards😭I did alright so as long as I get 25/30 all good!

Mocks are litch next week, feels surreal.... And composition due next week yipee!
Original post by Trickia

Yesterday I did my music performance mock and I was shaking beforehand and afterwards😭I did alright so as long as I get 25/30 all good!

Mocks are litch next week, feels surreal.... And composition due next week yipee!

you can do this!!!
Original post by toothysmile
you can do this!!!


Thanks babes xx
I rlly need to get this composition due by this weekend or Wednesday so I don't get overwhelmed by mocks. Only got myself to blame☠️
Oh well lesson learnt 😂
Original post by Trickia

Yesterday I did my music performance mock and I was shaking beforehand and afterwards😭I did alright so as long as I get 25/30 all good!

Mocks are litch next week, feels surreal.... And composition due next week yipee!

SAME I have mocks next week and even though I've been revising, it does not feel like year 11. Like, only last month i was in year 9, and now I'm sitting my first mock series.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, are you still in year 11? I thought you already did your gcses
Original post by stemguy
SAME I have mocks next week and even though I've been revising, it does not feel like year 11. Like, only last month i was in year 9, and now I'm sitting my first mock series.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, are you still in year 11? I thought you already did your gcses

Oh sorry for the confusion I did 1 gcse in Yr 10 to free time and to get it done with
Hope that clears it up x

My academy trust won't do the mocks later and decided to sandwich it between the holidays last minute. So everyone is panicking. And bc of that I have been thrown off schedule. Icl I should have been more organised but it still vexs me😭
(edited 1 year ago)

I have finally finished doing my applications who hoooo! So all is left is to do my mocks and more music composition😢

Did English lang p1 and bro that was easy but for cold War I forgot a lot of things😭 hopefully the Elizabeth makes up for it 🤞

Maths went pretty bad as I realized I made so many silly mistakes and that the questions I didn't understand were well in my capabilities 😔

But I still got 2 maths papers so I'm going to focus on that and that will hopefully bring my grade up!
Original post by Trickia

A state school student

This is just for myself personally to look back and see how this year went blah blah and for friends who wanna see. I saw other ppl do smth like this so I wanna do it too!

Rn predicted
English lit and lang (aqa) 7
Poems is power & conflict
Book/Plays - A Christmas Carol, Macbeth and Inspector Calls
Maths (edexcel) 9
Art (edexcel) 7
History (edexcel ) 8
Medicine thought time - western front, early elizabethan England, superpowers/cold war, USA conflict home and abroad
Music (ocr) 8
Triple science all (edexcel) 8
Chinese (aqa) 8

My target grades are all 8s hoping to get all As (bottomline) 😂

I haven't met all my predicted/target grades oh well hopefully I will in the next mocks or the actual exam 😭
I will get my Chinese results in 2 weeks time😭

I’m also a cams person hey how are you coping?
Original post by HannahChadwick
I’m also a cams person hey how are you coping?

Alright hbu? I'm doing quite good so coping is the wrong word I like to say thriving 😂

Up to you to answer are you in Yr 11?

I have gotten my English lang marks and maths paper 1. I'm very pleased on my English, has I have made a huge improvement! I went from scratching like 40ish to 62/80!

My maths p1 however I did decent considering I skipped the last ones and made many silly mistakes. 53/80. Did p2 today and wasn't at all bad and paper 3 will be on Friday I think. I find it quite funny that I always get 60%+ bc I can never ever do the last 5 questions 😂. I have told my teacher saying I struggle and hopefully it will help when she breaks it down😔

My lit paper 1 is tomorrow I have revised some macbeth and exploded quotes. Late rim going to do Christmas carol😊

I'm getting history next week and I'm scared icl I didn't quite do well on cold war so let's see.

Hope everyone had a nice break and is doing well xx
Good luck in your endeavours

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