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I feel like i am going to be sick and cant sleep :(

So yeah as the title reads, i feel really nauseous, to the point where i can almost feel sick. I tried to sleep but couldnt as kept thinking i was going to be sick. But i do really need to go to sleep as have important things to do tomorrow (typical time to get ill :rolleyes: ) So is there anything i can do/eat/take that will make me feel better?

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Have a cup of hot chocolate and try to forget about the things you've got to do tomorrow. Is it thinking about these important things thats making you feel ill by any chance?
Reply 2
maybe have a cup of tea :console:
Reply 3
Normally i would say yes, and i suppose in a way the nerves arent helping, but this feels like physical sickness rather than nervous sickness :frown:
Ginger biscuits
Reply 5
Try to meditate. Probably the worst thing that could happen as a result is that you fall asleep... which sounds like success in my book.
Have a couple of painkillers, make yourself a hot drink (not coffee or tea for obvious reasons) make your room nice and dark and quiet (if you haven't already) and just relax. Painkillers take a little while to kick in so get them down your neck first.
i listen to my ipod to take my mind off it. i have audiobooks on there so i listen to the story and concentrate on that
Get off the computer!!!

This is just an uneducated guess, but I'd say you can't sleep because your brain is whizzing from the flickering computer screen (you should turn it off at least an hour before you want to sleep because it takes an hour for your brain to calm down from all that sensory overload). You feel nauseous because the flickering screen is messing with your eyesight.
Reply 9
I had been off my computer. i went to bed at 10ish and lay there for 2 hours, it made me feel worse as i was thinking about feeling sick, then thinking of tomorrow and it made me worse. But yeah im going to get off it.
Reply 10
prop yourself up on a pillow, drink some cold water dont have hot chocolate it might make you feel more sick. have a flick through a magazine or read a book to relax yourself, maybe open a window for a bit to get some fresh air in, put the radio on quietly or something and then after 20min or so try to sleep then :smile:
listen to music and concentrate on ur breathing! i always have trouble with sleeping but one time that worked yaay
So yeah as the title reads, i feel really nauseous, to the point where i can almost feel sick. I tried to sleep but couldnt as kept thinking i was going to be sick. But i do really need to go to sleep as have important things to do tomorrow (typical time to get ill :rolleyes: ) So is there anything i can do/eat/take that will make me feel better?

Do you have any sleeping pills?
IMO, just be sick.

I'm not promoting people make themselves sick or anything, but sometimes you just need to to flush out whatever is making u feel crap.

That's what I'd do anyway!
Reply 14
listen to radio 4!! That'll send you to sleep... trust me.
Flat coke & crackers for the nausea.
Reply 16
Ignore the hot chocolate suggestion!

Do you have any ginger? If you have whole ginger, pieces of crystallised ginger or something, pop a piece underneath your tongue or slowly chew on one. If you have ground ginger, you could put it into tea (without milk) - failing that, have a ginger biscuit! Ginger is a good anti-emetic, so hopefully it should make you feel better.

Don't try to eat or drink anything else until the sickness has gone, otherwise you could just chuck it straight back up.
Ginger biscuits, rich tea biscuits or plain cream crackers. I usually try one of those when I feel sick. Just eat it slowly and sip a glass of water too.
I hope this works beauase I feel really bad
Original post by freyamullen
I hope this works beauase I feel really bad

Love how you made an account just to comment on a 5 year old thread :lol: