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flowersinmyhair's Y13 adventure: the final push 💪💪🌈🌈

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I ended up going home early, because I was apparently too ill to be in school.

I was reasonably productive in the lessons I did have though and I didn't have any this afternoon anyway. Probably won't go to school tomorrow though.
I have not gone to school today, hopefully I won't have too much to catch up on.
I'm feeling a lot better today, but still didn't get any work done. I will create a plan this evening for tomorrow and see how I go from there.
Things I need to get done today:

Essay plan for philosophy essay (and hopefully start writing it as well)

Revise for ethics essay

Revise for geography test

Do more research for core practical

More research for my geography NEA

Organise sheets and folders

These next few weeks are going to be very busy, and I'm already very tired. I'm going to try my best and just see what happens, there isn't much more I can do than that.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by flowersinmyhair
Things I need to get done today:

Essay plan for philosophy essay (and hopefully start writing it as well)

Revise for ethics essay

Revise for geography test

Do more research for core practical

More research for my geography NEA

Organise sheets and folders

These next few weeks are going to be very busy, and I'm already very tired. I'm going to try my best and just see what happens, there isn't much more I can do than that.

good luck :smile:!
Original post by emm4nuella
good luck :smile:!

Thank you :smile:
I've organised my ethics folder! I still have several other folders to sort out though :frown:.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by flowersinmyhair
I've organised my ethics folder! I still have several other folders to sort out though :frown:.

yess well done!!
I've got my philosophy folder sorted out, which was definitely the worst one, so hopefully it will be upwards from here :smile:
Sorted out all of my RS folders :biggrin:
My philosophy and Christianity folders are so full lol.
Still have my biology and geography folders to sort out though :frown:
Hi there, I was just thinking, if you don't get into the Universities you want to go to initially, you can always try through clearing, although you have to be quick on your feet to do that!
Original post by CalamityJane85
Hi there, I was just thinking, if you don't get into the Universities you want to go to initially, you can always try through clearing, although you have to be quick on your feet to do that!

I've not even finished my application yet, I will bear this in mind if it comes to it. Hopefully I won't have to do that though :smile:
I've not got anything done since I last updated. I'm so tired and I'm not sure how I'm going to get through the next week in one piece lol. I'm trying my best, but it never feels like enough. I am working so hard, yet I don't seem to be making any progress. I need to figure out a plan of action to get out of this mess, so I'll update when I get some ideas or motivation.
Original post by flowersinmyhair
I've not got anything done since I last updated. I'm so tired and I'm not sure how I'm going to get through the next week in one piece lol. I'm trying my best, but it never feels like enough. I am working so hard, yet I don't seem to be making any progress. I need to figure out a plan of action to get out of this mess, so I'll update when I get some ideas or motivation.

sameeeee, literally same
Today was a pretty good day at school. I got plenty of work done and some encouraging feedback about my geography NEA ideas. I ended up spending a biology lesson just catching up, which wasn't ideal but it was also very helpful. This evening I need to finish a philosophy essay, plan/revise for an ethics essay, practise my clarinet and maybe do some work towards core practicals and my NEA.
I have finished off the essay and printed out which is a big thing off my to do list now. I am now going to practise my clarinet for the first time in well over a week (thanks to my chest infection) which is another big step in the right direction.
Again, didn't get everything I needed to done. I am trying my best but it still doesn't seem like enough. I working on improving my time management and organisation (I'm testing at the moment), but I think the progress is likely to be slow.
(edited 1 year ago)
Today wasn't great. I'm trying to recover from a difficult weekend and I have so many things that need doing. I need to finish off an essay and revise for geography this evening. I also need to catch up biology and hopefully I'll be able to do that this evening as well. Tomorrow I only have two lessons which should give me plenty of time to catch up and get myself sorted.
Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was ill and I didn't go into school or really do anything.

Today was better :biggrin:
I got some work done on my personal statement and I am starting to hate it less. I have also done some more work on my core practical that is due tomorrow, I will get it done this evening. I had double RS which was productive and I have rearranged a geography test for tomorrow that I missed when I was off. I had double geography and made some good progress on my NEA and have started the proposal form now. :elmo:

I also had a driving lesson today so it has been a very productive day.

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