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Official Aston University freshers 2023 chat

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Mine hasn’t come either. My photo was accepted on 23rd August

Edit : it came on Friday :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by agdtdydy
Timetable came int he post?

My timetable came as a link in an email although it only showed me freshers week events. Is there supposed to be more than that?
Reply 62
Original post by underwater5
My timetable came as a link in an email although it only showed me freshers week events. Is there supposed to be more than that?

Mine shows until December
Have u booked your face to face enrolment slots?
Original post by Studentwithaname
Have u booked your face to face enrolment slots?

Yeah I have
Original post by T.Gill
Mine shows until December

Do you know who I should email or call to ask how to fix it?
Reply 66
Original post by underwater5
Do you know who I should email or call to ask how to fix it?

Maybe your department
Original post by T.Gill
Yeah got mine this week

Was there a letter too? With the card? Cos
I wanted to apply for student bus pass and wanted to know if with the student is, if there’s a letter detailing the course being FT and stuff like mentioned earlier
Reply 68
Original post by Anonymous
Was there a letter too? With the card? Cos
I wanted to apply for student bus pass and wanted to know if with the student is, if there’s a letter detailing the course being FT and stuff like mentioned earlier

It comes with a letter but it doesn't say anything about the course I don't think but it does say your a student there. If you need a specific letter you can probably email them to write you one
Anybody here doin Pharmacy ??
Original post by Anonymous
Anybody here doin Pharmacy ??

Yeah I am. Still waiting on my timetable. What about you? Who else is still waiting for a timetable? Mine only shows the Welcome Week and doesn't go past that.
Original post by Anonymous
Anybody here doin Pharmacy ??

I am I’m also having trouble with my timetable. Is anyone having trouble with filling out the DBS form. I can’t login using the details I got in an email
Original post by Anonymous
I am I’m also having trouble with my timetable. Is anyone having trouble with filling out the DBS form. I can’t login using the details I got in an email

Yes I'm having the same issue. If you look on another student room forum there's many with the same issue, who also said they tried to contact the university but nobody replied. So I'm going to try again tomorrow and if not, I will try to contact the university.
Original post by Pashtunmonster
Accounting Finance Anyone?

Original post by Anonymous
Was there a letter too? With the card? Cos
I wanted to apply for student bus pass and wanted to know if with the student is, if there’s a letter detailing the course being FT and stuff like mentioned earlier

Hi where are u getting student bus pass from?
Original post by mhafiz05
Hi where are u getting student bus pass from?

From the national express website.
My issues been sorted now cos I emailed the uni. They said after enrolment is complete I can request a letter on MAP
Original post by Anonymous
From the national express website.
My issues been sorted now cos I emailed the uni. They said after enrolment is complete I can request a letter on MAP

oh u need a letter to buy the student pass ?
Original post by mhafiz05
oh u need a letter to buy the student pass ?

That’s what the website says. For proof of full time studies
Original post by mhafiz05
oh u need a letter to buy the student pass ?

Have u gotten yours?
Original post by Anonymous
Have u gotten yours?

Not yet no

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