The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Oh god

*waits for the wave of people who got all A*'s*
Reply 2
one of the people at my college has 13 A* I think...I think some weird girl who was called 'all-rounded' (probably in an ironic way) by her headmaster got 17A*.
Reply 3
Someone I know got 13 A*s.
Reply 4
Ohhhh Lord, your threads are always so ridiculous.

One or two of my friends got 12 A*s. There've probably been better sets of results, like 20+ A*s, once or twice in the history of the world, but really, does it matter...?! Really?!
Reply 5
Someone I know got 13 A*s.

what you get negged for?
Reply 6
Infinity A*s.
Reply 8
The best I've known was 9A*s, 1A (my friend's brother). He's at Oxford studying Law (might be Cambridge actually... not sure which).
Does it matter? They're only letters.
The person who got them matters so much more.

I got enough A*s and As to be happy. That's all I care about, and all you should, too.
Reply 10
Excluding TSR? Two with perfect academics (11A*'s and an E in additional maths!)

Excluding my old sixth form? Someone with 5A*'S (I went to a really poor school)
Reply 11
what you get negged for?

Lol I don't even know.

There was this thread about someone getting rejected for history from a Uni, who got an A in year 11 in A level History. Someone said that it was possible to do that if you worked hard, I agreed with them. Someone else said it was uber hard, and I said, well it is hard, but possible with work, cos 75% of people at my school got As, though obviously in upper sixth. Then I replied to "I agree" with some other post which wasn't insulting at all, and I got negged for the "I agree" post lol. :p:

Completely off topic. So, erm... yes, well there's always going to be someone who gets a huge string of A*s, like 13...
My mate got 21 A*, though it showed, he had no social life for 2 years.
My bestest friend got 11A*s pfft. In: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Maths, Stats, Latin, German, Geography, Englit and Englang.
4 people in my year got 11A*s actually. Damn them!
Oh and i forgot 0.5A* in I.C.T short course. all four of them got that as well, in year 9 :P
Reply 14

There was this thread about someone getting rejected for history from a Uni, who got an A in year 11 in A level History. Someone said that it was possible to do that if you worked hard, I agreed with them. Someone else said it was uber hard, and I said, well it is hard, but possible with work, cos 75% of people at my school got As, though obviously in upper sixth. Then I replied to "I agree" with some other post which wasn't insulting at all, and I got negged for the "I agree" post lol. :p:

some people are just jealous...

it was probably someone like missygeorgia.

i got you back in the green lol
My mate got 21 A*, though it showed, he had no social life for 2 years.

:eek: Seriously?! Was he in the papers?
Excluding TSR? Two with perfect academics (11A*'s and an E in additional maths!)

Excluding my old sixth form? Someone with 5A*'S (I went to a really poor school)

i know someone with 7A*s and 4As but who cares??

and your sig could have one i heard a few days ago...

"An engineer would say that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be"
Reply 17
I know a person who got 10 A*, 2 A's, 1 B, 2 A's at Alevel (including one in his own language), and a Alevel E. All during Year 11.

All I know was that the guy was a workaholic and he wanted to have a gap year without being a year behind.
I know three people from my old school who got 15 A*s, one of whom got an an A in AS French as well.

Can't say I particularly care that I did quite a bit less well, though, as GCSEs are rarely important when you have good A-level results.
Someone from my school got 14 A*s.

He then went on to get 6 A's at A level and is now at Cambridge (studying medicine i think)