Yah, the NHS is an absolute joke. It has its own confirmation bias, thinking its the bees knees, which basically prevents them from doing anything meaningful to improve it.
Someone I know, my coworker - call her Catherine, not her real name - she's been well and truly shafted by the NHS in recent years. She's over 50 right, so around 2019-ish she had to get her teeth cleaned every once in a while, the dentist she had for it - call her Veronica - was absolutely w*nk. Obviously, they use a special cleaning tool which is quite forceful, but Veronica insisted on using the tool on full power AND at full speed. What was the result? My co worker's teeth were in so much pain, and even with a copious amount of paracetamol she couldn't even put her teeth together to bite on food for 3 whole days at least, she had to live on soup and milkshakes.
She goes for the same treatment again. Catherine complains to her dentist Veronica that her teeth hurt so much last time she couldn't even eat, so politely asks for the tool to be turned down a bit. Veronica just laughs and says "Oh what a baby!". She barely turns it down, and more or less the exact same happens again.
Anyway, she's got a private guy now, who seems to be miles better.
And another thing, my friend - call her Lauren - she's got a kid - call him Jack - who really damaged one of his teeth a couple of months ago. What happened is Jack was playing on the swings at a local park when one of his friends rugby-tackled him off the swing. One of his teeth comes out so much that a nerve is exposed. His mam Lauren, tries desperately to ring for an NHS dentist, who are all "oh, get him in tomorrow, he'll be fine". Lauren is fuming at these remarks, she's like "are you taking the absolute p**s?! His nerve is exposed, he's in a F-ton of pain". Anyway, it was lucky Lauren's dad actually knows a dentist, he lives nearly 40 minutes away. She got a hold of her dad, who passed the situation on to his dentist friend, who is like "get that kid to me right away!". Anyway, his tooth was successfully re-attached, but he still can't bite anything too hard for the next 2 years. Dentist was like, "if you'd waited any longer, that nerve would have died". Anyway, he's their regular dentist now!