The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
I got a new add-on thingy for my mp3 and it allows me to record stuff, so anyway, I recorded myself and I think I sound, well, posh. My family tell me it's how I always sound, it's kinda freaky, what do you think?

You don't sound overly posh, just slightly well spoken.
Reply 2
No speakers
Reply 3
I got a new add-on thingy for my mp3 and it allows me to record stuff, so anyway, I recorded myself and I think I sound, well, posh. My family tell me it's how I always sound, it's kinda freaky, what do you think?

You have a nice voice! :smile:
Reply 4
nope you dont
Reply 5
You sound like me! :eek:
No speakers

r e t a r d! hahaha :biggrin: :p:
Reply 7
I got a new add-on thingy for my mp3 and it allows me to record stuff, so anyway, I recorded myself and I think I sound, well, posh. My family tell me it's how I always sound, it's kinda freaky, what do you think?

u sound like a dj off rarefm. U sound like a normal voiced girl.
Reply 8
Heh, you sound like someone off the telleeeeeeeeeeeee:p:
I got a new add-on thingy for my mp3 and it allows me to record stuff, so anyway, I recorded myself and I think I sound, well, posh. My family tell me it's how I always sound, it's kinda freaky, what do you think?

freaky? Yes
Posh? Like all eng accent sounds to me.

Reply 10
How delightful.
Reply 11
r e t a r d! hahaha :biggrin: :p:

Charming :frown:
You have a nice voice! :smile:

When do we get to hear your voice then?
Reply 13
You sound slightly posh I reckon. Not that I'm one to talk, my mates tease me for having a 'posh' accent!
I guess I don't sound that posh, it was just so different to what I hear in my head, and believe me, compared to most of the people round where I live, I'm really posh.
Reply 15
I think it would be a good idea for members of TSR to record themselves if they can and there should be a thread started in the 'About' section, like the picture thread. Just a thought
Reply 16
Not really posh, just without an accent.
Sounds nice though..a lot better then with any strong accent.
I guess I don't have an accent. Occasionally I do go a bit Norfolk (when I visit my Nan there!) and my Dad reckons I'm going Scottish as I occassionally say 'och'...
And since watching Scraphead Challenge I say 'proper job' a lot with the accent. (you'll know what I mean if you've seen it)
Reply 18
Well from the perspective of me (Oop North) you do sound posh. :smile: But there is nothing wrong with an RP accent, it will get you far in life. :p:
Compared to how people speak where I am, you DO sound posh. Under normal circumstances however, I reckon you just sound accentless and well spoken. Gotta be better than people not having a clue what you're saying because you're accent is too strong ... no, its never happened to me, but it did to my brother ... hilarious, I thought he was going to cry!