great question - thanks for asking
! i do three essay based subjects - psychology, sociology and spanish!!
: do as many 16 marker essay plans as i can (then try and memorise them), flashcards with key concepts + studies, a list of key studies + people i need to know, i like using the cgp textbook & tutor2u for summaries! i sometimes do study guides too!
: similar to psych, i love using revision guides to consolidate my understanding! (if anyone does aqa socio, i have an education revision guide i can send over), mindmaps are useful, listing key sociologists in every topic i think are also useful! for sociology, i loveee doing essay plans - i find them very helpful!
: vocab from kerboodle, mindmaps, study guides (for film + book), reading around the key topics i have to study
overall, i like to
*make flashcards*
*make essay plans*
*try and revise at least 5hrs per week for each subject - this can include hw too*
*if i am about to procrastinate, i try and remember the benefits of doing the task, or i say to myself to try and least do 5 mins - i also set website limits for youtube, insta etc (limit by freedom is a good one -
(and btw, i also have a growing grades journal, if you want to follow along with my journey - check it out here >
psychology discord: yeah thats it! thanks, emmanuella