Heyy I'm a bit late but subjectwise I do
Bio, chem, phys (all AQA)
Maths (Edexcel)
English Lang (AQA)
English Lit- texts :
Romeo and Juliet(3/10 most of the characters have not been blessed with the ability to make sensible decisions)
An Inspector Calls (9/10 really good plot but gerald annoys me)
A Christmas Carol (6/10 its alr but i Can never remember quotes from it)
Love and relationships poetry anthology
Business and Enterprise (NCFE 1/2 level diploma - literally no other school in this country does that exam board aha)
Computer Science ( OCR)
Geography(OCR B)
French (AQA)
I'm predicted all 9s but for my mocks i got a mix of 7s and 8s so I'm hoping to do better in my Y11 mocks and GCSEs. Also I just finished my Y11 november mocks so if anyone wants to know what was on the 2023 papers for bio, chem and phys paper 1 or english lang paper 2 just let me know x
For A-levels I'm want to do biology, chemistry and psychology cuz I want to apply to dentistry or medicine for uni. considering an EPQ as doing one looks good on CVs and unis may offer a lower conditional offer.