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A-Level French Study Group 2023-2024

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I’m in yr 12
Is anyone studying les 400 coups AQA if so what main topics should we analyse in our writing
Hey everyone. I'm a second year studying French and Spanish at university. I got an A in my A-levels for French (A* for Spanish) and I got a 9 in my French GCSEs. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me (or you can PM me)
Reply 42

has anyone started to write out their presentation bit yet? my teacher asked us to begin it but i don't really have any indication of how long it should be (apart from speaking for around 2 minutes) and what it should read like.
is it basically just like an introductory speech briefly explaining your chosen topic?
Original post by máni

has anyone started to write out their presentation bit yet? my teacher asked us to begin it but i don't really have any indication of how long it should be (apart from speaking for around 2 minutes) and what it should read like.
is it basically just like an introductory speech briefly explaining your chosen topic?

pretty much, a brief speech summarising the key points of your research in relation to your question.
Reply 44
Original post by erin11
pretty much, a brief speech summarising the key points of your research in relation to your question.

thank you so much!!
Original post by máni
thank you so much!!

no worries, good luck!!
Original post by máni

has anyone started to write out their presentation bit yet? my teacher asked us to begin it but i don't really have any indication of how long it should be (apart from speaking for around 2 minutes) and what it should read like.
is it basically just like an introductory speech briefly explaining your chosen topic?

my teacher said that it should be about the length of one A4 piece of paper ! but everyone speaks at different paces. get your key points down first and then you can bulk it up with more words if you need more. maybe time/record yourself reading it to better gauge if you need to write more or less !! :smile:
hey everyone!! i'm annabel🙂 i am in yr 13 studying english lit, french and spanish, and i'm hoping to do french and spanish at uni too. i'm doing my irp on agnes varda and the new wave cinema movement in france, and i'm doing entre les murs for my film and un sac de billes for my book!
Original post by ASmith20
hey everyone!! i'm annabel🙂 i am in yr 13 studying english lit, french and spanish, and i'm hoping to do french and spanish at uni too. i'm doing my irp on agnes varda and the new wave cinema movement in france, and i'm doing entre les murs for my film and un sac de billes for my book!

omg hiii finally someone else who's doing double !!!! can i ask why you're choosing to do french and spanish at uni ? im having second thoughts about what i want to study and i dont know if i should continue spanish as a degree or learn a new lang
Original post by ASmith20
hey everyone!! i'm annabel🙂 i am in yr 13 studying english lit, french and spanish, and i'm hoping to do french and spanish at uni too. i'm doing my irp on agnes varda and the new wave cinema movement in france, and i'm doing entre les murs for my film and un sac de billes for my book!

coincidentally those are the same a-levels i did and I'm also currently doing French and Spanish at uni too
Original post by ASmith20
hey everyone!! i'm annabel🙂 i am in yr 13 studying english lit, french and spanish, and i'm hoping to do french and spanish at uni too. i'm doing my irp on agnes varda and the new wave cinema movement in france, and i'm doing entre les murs for my film and un sac de billes for my book!

im doing un sac de billes too!! you're the first person I've seen on here who's doing un sac de billes aha
Reply 51
Original post by erin11
im doing un sac de billes too!! you're the first person I've seen on here who's doing un sac de billes aha

im also doing un sac de billes !!!
Original post by charmaine.d
ooo fashion niiice !! one thing you'll have to think about is narrowing it down a little bit. for example, your teacher will ask you to give yourself a title which is most likely a question, and something that pushes you to analyse the topic!! i'm still getting research together for my versailles project so i dont have a good title just yet </3

Anyone studying les 400 coups as their film
Any ideas on how to explore the themes of the film
My book is sac de billes
Also I’m doing my IRP on Yves es saint laurent as teacher said i had to narrow it down
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by osareme
Anyone studying les 400 coups as their film
Any ideas on how to explore the themes of the film
My book is sac de billes
Also I’m doing my IRP on Yves es saint laurent as teacher said i had to narrow it down

im also doing un sac de billes :smile:
Hi there,
I am currently studying L'Etranger for my mock essay exam on Friday, any tips for me to write a better essay?
Original post by AlishaDaisy
Hi there,
I am currently studying L'Etranger for my mock essay exam on Friday, any tips for me to write a better essay?

Oops this is so late but just for anyone else who reads this:

Essay writing is hard!! If you've done some essays before and had them marked by a teacher, go through your corrections (esp grammar - marks drop SO fast when it comes to tiny, usually accidental grammar mistakes like agreements!) and keep that in mind when you're writing.

Having a bank of quotes for each of the key themes in your head is also a good idea, and keep them short so you can easily embed and then analyse. Meursault has endless slightly concerning quotes, sometimes the obvious ones are the most useful/applicable across multiple themes :smile:

One thing I wish I had spent more time on in the mocks was definitely just proof-reading, it's so frustrating losing marks because you forgot to put an e at the end of a feminine adjective oml

Bon courage!!
Reply 56
does anyone have any tips for French a level or as level as a private candidate, I am in year 12 and am thinking about this as something to do on the side. I did French GCSE and got an 8 but if i want to do exams this year, i have to cram since the deadline for entering is 21 feb AGHHHH, or if i find a different exam board then maybe november or january if thats an option. If anyone has been through this process pleeeaaasssee helppp T-T
Hello French students! :yeah: Just dropping in to let you know we have a new project launching next week to help you with your revision. TSR Study Together - STEM vs Humanities! It's going to be a fun and social way to stay on track and you can find out how it works here. Come along and help rep the Humanities! :biggrin:
hey everyone,
just after some advice about essay writing for the book - I know how and what to do but any time I've written an essay about the book, im stuck at around a C. what structure do people use for their essays? how do keep it concise and to the point? my teacher told me I overcomplicate my essays but hasn't really been much help overall whenever ive asked for feedback 😕 its frustrating bc I do well on essays about the film and I want to get a good grade
Reply 59
Hello! Does anyone have the 2023 questions for the 'Au Revoir Les Enfants' AQA A level French Paper 2? Thank you very much

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