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A-Level French Study Group 2023-2024

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Original post by máni
hey, i'm starting to fill in my record sheet for the irp, does anyone know what i need to write for the bits where i need to provide sources? is just the overall name of the website enough (e.g.- just putting wikipedia or smth) or do i need to write out the specifics of the article/page that i've found info from????

hello ! so our teacher told us it we should use links for our sources, since theyre sent to the exam board digitally 3 weeks ahead of the exam. i did it in the format of the following:

(title of article/documentary/video) -

just make sure if you are using wikipedia, make sure to change the language for the link you put on the form ! and make sure all sources are in french, but im sure you've got that down already !

good luck !!!!!!
Reply 81
Original post by charmaine.d
hello ! so our teacher told us it we should use links for our sources, since theyre sent to the exam board digitally 3 weeks ahead of the exam. i did it in the format of the following:
(title of article/documentary/video) -
just make sure if you are using wikipedia, make sure to change the language for the link you put on the form ! and make sure all sources are in french, but im sure you've got that down already !
good luck !!!!!!

great, thank you so much!!!
repost from the spanish A level study group !!!!!!

hello !!!! IRP dates are fast approaching so to help those who might be stuck, here's a little list of everything i've done to work on and revise for both my IRPs !!

1) PRACTICE THE INTRO !!! - introduce the surface level of your most important points, answer your question.
I practiced my intro aloud and recorded myself to make sure it's within 2 minutes. Try to aim for 1:45-1:50, make sure you're not speaking too fast or too slow. Reciting it at a lower speed will help it be less overwhelming and to stick within limit, this will give you an extra buffer of 15 seconds in case you stumble over some words or need a moment to think.Practice with friends as well !!! even if they don't take french, reciting it in front of people will help prepare you for the real thing!!

2) KEY NUMBERS / FACTS / STATISTICS !!! - this one is mainly for numeric facts, especially if you have to remember any years, percentages or longer numbers. I need to remember some years like 1517 and 1697, 1960 and 1996 and some numbers like 365 and 260 for my project on the Mayas. When I first translated my fully researched IRP, I wrote the numbers and also the word version and practiced saying it outloud so I stumble over it less. ((spanish is such a tongue twisting language sometimes)). If you remember the numbers, it's easier to remember what they tie to !!!

3) VOCAB !!! - I went through my IRP, section by section and picked out all the important new and known vocab in french. I put it all on a google doc and printed it (optional ofc!), and I'm chipping away at translating and revising them in sections. This also works for key concepts / events / people eg. popol vuh is a massive mayan religious book, comparable to the bible and the ceiba tree is believed to have roots that connect to the underworld.

4) QUESTIONS !!! - depending on how specific you've made your subheadings, there will only be so many questions that an examiner can ask you about it. Make sure to have an answer ready for "why did you choose this topic?"!! I went through all my subheadings / points and wrote down 2-3 possible questions an examiner could ask me. If you've got a lot of facts about a subtopic and might struggle with picking one when an examiner asks a general question, think of a question to ask back!!
For example, one of my topics is about mayan religious beliefs. An examiner might ask me "tell me a religious belief" or "explain some religious beliefs to me", I can ask "would you like to hear about mayan gods, mayan religious traditions or a mayan legend?". This can make it easier for yourself so you don't have to pick something yourself. Also shows you've researched a variety of things!!

5) SUBHEADING SUMMARY SHEETS !!! - very similar to the questions part I suppose, but I'm also making bullet-pointed summary sheets that outline key points in each subheading. Making these is a useful revision activity and after you get more confident, active recall can be super helpful !!

and that draws us to the end of this post !!!

the IRP has been SO difficult to research and revise for because teachers aren't allowed to help at all so it's like we're all being thrown into it blindly !!! i hope this helps !!

do you want a part 2 on photocards???

i'm happy to answer any questions (if i can lol ) and good luck for your speaking exams !!!! mine is in uuuh .. 5 DAYS UHHHH !!!! SCARYYY !!! SPOOKY SCARY !!!!
(edited 10 months ago)
Original post by charmaine.d
repost from the spanish A level study group !!!!!!
hello !!!! IRP dates are fast approaching so to help those who might be stuck, here's a little list of everything i've done to work on and revise for both my IRPs !!
1) PRACTICE THE INTRO !!! - introduce the surface level of your most important points, answer your question.
I practiced my intro aloud and recorded myself to make sure it's within 2 minutes. Try to aim for 1:45-1:50, make sure you're not speaking too fast or too slow. Reciting it at a lower speed will help it be less overwhelming and to stick within limit, this will give you an extra buffer of 15 seconds in case you stumble over some words or need a moment to think.Practice with friends as well !!! even if they don't take french, reciting it in front of people will help prepare you for the real thing!!
2) KEY NUMBERS / FACTS / STATISTICS !!! - this one is mainly for numeric facts, especially if you have to remember any years, percentages or longer numbers. I need to remember some years like 1517 and 1697, 1960 and 1996 and some numbers like 365 and 260 for my project on the Mayas. When I first translated my fully researched IRP, I wrote the numbers and also the word version and practiced saying it outloud so I stumble over it less. ((spanish is such a tongue twisting language sometimes)). If you remember the numbers, it's easier to remember what they tie to !!!
3) VOCAB !!! - I went through my IRP, section by section and picked out all the important new and known vocab in french. I put it all on a google doc and printed it (optional ofc!), and I'm chipping away at translating and revising them in sections. This also works for key concepts / events / people eg. popol vuh is a massive mayan religious book, comparable to the bible and the ceiba tree is believed to have roots that connect to the underworld.
4) QUESTIONS !!! - depending on how specific you've made your subheadings, there will only be so many questions that an examiner can ask you about it. Make sure to have an answer ready for "why did you choose this topic?"!! I went through all my subheadings / points and wrote down 2-3 possible questions an examiner could ask me. If you've got a lot of facts about a subtopic and might struggle with picking one when an examiner asks a general question, think of a question to ask back!!
For example, one of my topics is about mayan religious beliefs. An examiner might ask me "tell me a religious belief" or "explain some religious beliefs to me", I can ask "would you like to hear about mayan gods, mayan religious traditions or a mayan legend?". This can make it easier for yourself so you don't have to pick something yourself. Also shows you've researched a variety of things!!
5) SUBHEADING SUMMARY SHEETS !!! - very similar to the questions part I suppose, but I'm also making bullet-pointed summary sheets that outline key points in each subheading. Making these is a useful revision activity and after you get more confident, active recall can be super helpful !!
and that draws us to the end of this post !!!
the IRP has been SO difficult to research and revise for because teachers aren't allowed to help at all so it's like we're all being thrown into it blindly !!! i hope this helps !!
do you want a part 2 on photocards???
i'm happy to answer any questions (if i can lol ) and good luck for your speaking exams !!!! mine is in uuuh .. 5 DAYS UHHHH !!!! SCARYYY !!! SPOOKY SCARY !!!!

Thank you for your advice! Anything on photocards would be greatly appreciated please, I always get nervous during mine 😭.

Good luck with your exam!!! 💪🏼
Original post by charmaine.d
repost from the spanish A level study group !!!!!!
hello !!!! IRP dates are fast approaching so to help those who might be stuck, here's a little list of everything i've done to work on and revise for both my IRPs !!
1) PRACTICE THE INTRO !!! - introduce the surface level of your most important points, answer your question.
I practiced my intro aloud and recorded myself to make sure it's within 2 minutes. Try to aim for 1:45-1:50, make sure you're not speaking too fast or too slow. Reciting it at a lower speed will help it be less overwhelming and to stick within limit, this will give you an extra buffer of 15 seconds in case you stumble over some words or need a moment to think.Practice with friends as well !!! even if they don't take french, reciting it in front of people will help prepare you for the real thing!!
2) KEY NUMBERS / FACTS / STATISTICS !!! - this one is mainly for numeric facts, especially if you have to remember any years, percentages or longer numbers. I need to remember some years like 1517 and 1697, 1960 and 1996 and some numbers like 365 and 260 for my project on the Mayas. When I first translated my fully researched IRP, I wrote the numbers and also the word version and practiced saying it outloud so I stumble over it less. ((spanish is such a tongue twisting language sometimes)). If you remember the numbers, it's easier to remember what they tie to !!!
3) VOCAB !!! - I went through my IRP, section by section and picked out all the important new and known vocab in french. I put it all on a google doc and printed it (optional ofc!), and I'm chipping away at translating and revising them in sections. This also works for key concepts / events / people eg. popol vuh is a massive mayan religious book, comparable to the bible and the ceiba tree is believed to have roots that connect to the underworld.
4) QUESTIONS !!! - depending on how specific you've made your subheadings, there will only be so many questions that an examiner can ask you about it. Make sure to have an answer ready for "why did you choose this topic?"!! I went through all my subheadings / points and wrote down 2-3 possible questions an examiner could ask me. If you've got a lot of facts about a subtopic and might struggle with picking one when an examiner asks a general question, think of a question to ask back!!
For example, one of my topics is about mayan religious beliefs. An examiner might ask me "tell me a religious belief" or "explain some religious beliefs to me", I can ask "would you like to hear about mayan gods, mayan religious traditions or a mayan legend?". This can make it easier for yourself so you don't have to pick something yourself. Also shows you've researched a variety of things!!
5) SUBHEADING SUMMARY SHEETS !!! - very similar to the questions part I suppose, but I'm also making bullet-pointed summary sheets that outline key points in each subheading. Making these is a useful revision activity and after you get more confident, active recall can be super helpful !!
and that draws us to the end of this post !!!
the IRP has been SO difficult to research and revise for because teachers aren't allowed to help at all so it's like we're all being thrown into it blindly !!! i hope this helps !!
do you want a part 2 on photocards???
i'm happy to answer any questions (if i can lol ) and good luck for your speaking exams !!!! mine is in uuuh .. 5 DAYS UHHHH !!!! SCARYYY !!! SPOOKY SCARY !!!!

thank you!!! best of luck, your exam is so early wow!
Original post by SodaMontgomery
Thank you for your advice! Anything on photocards would be greatly appreciated please, I always get nervous during mine 😭.
Good luck with your exam!!! 💪🏼

i will write a part 2 on photocards tomorrow then :smile:

hello !!!! here is a part 2 to the speaking exam tips !!!! this one is gonna be about the photocard + general conversation !!

1) CHOOSING THE CARD !!! - in my past speaking exams, my teacher has told me I wasn't able to get higher marks for analysis / complex theme because of the choice of cards available. This isn't always a bad thing though !! As long as you know enough about the topic on the card to answer the question, that's the most important thing. If the topic is quite surface level such as tourism or young people, as long as you use the subjunctive a couple times, chuck in a couple statistics and answer in good french, you'll be fine !!

2) ANSWERING THE CARD !!! - you get 5 minutes to prep the card. The tricky thing is knowing what to write and not writing too much of it. Personally, I cannot write my answer without writing in full sentences but I use a lot of shorthand, eg. PQ = parce que, SLT = selon le texte, JCQ/JPQ - je pense/crois que, IMP = important, IFQ = il faut que, JD'ACC - je suis d'accord

In my answers, I usually write 3, maybe 4 sentences. Other people may prefer to write out bullet points and that is totally personal preference!!

But what should I write !!!!!!!

Similar to PEEL/PETER/PETERC paragraph structures, we've been given one ourselves (this might also be taught in other sixth forms/colleges too but it might be totally new to some of you) for answering the speaking card: ARSQ

A - Answer the question / say whether you disagree with the statement and why
R - Refer to the text, reword something a quote or statistic
S - Structure, more specifically, complex structures, such as using the subjunctive or a si'il (n')avait (pas) (past participle), il (n') aurait (pas) (past participle) evaluative phrase [[this prhase uses the pluperfect, followed by the conditional perfect]]
Q - Questions, you have to ask the examiner 2 questions related to the card, pick the low hanging fruit, make it easy for yourself!! don't ask the same question you are asked on the card, don't ask the same question twice but slightly changed

Firstly, I always write the ARSQ bit at the top, cross it out when I tick each box. I always write bullet points/upside down question marks for a visual reminder for the questions. - I normally try to get these out of the way first.

I'm using an example photocard about divorce's recent legalization in spain, here is what a typical answer would normally look like:

"In Spain, custody was always given to the mother. With the new divorce law, shared custody allows both parents to participate in looking after their children"
The changes introduced by the new law create a more fair situation for children

-Could the legalization of divorce lead to other legalizations that will help other marginalized identities like gay, transgender people? (Q)
-Why was divorce illegal in Spain? (Q)

I agree with the statement (A), because shared custody, as referenced in the text (R), allows the child to see both of their parents. This means that the child could have emotional and financial support from both parents. Furthermore, this law can help parents develop and maintain a relationship with their child, despite the divorce. On the other hand, if this law had not been passed, many families would not have had (S - si'il n'avait pas past par., ils n'auraient pas past par. phrase) the opportunity to escape a harmful/toxic family environment.

This is a full answer, many things would be in shorthand !!

Try to stop writing around the 4 minute mark (your examiner should tell you when you have one minute left) so you have time to go over your answer in your head a bit before the actual exam.

3) DELIVERING YOUR ANSWER !!! - nerve wracking but at this point, you're on the final stretch of your speaking exam !! well done !!

The examiner will ask you the question or the statement, and you will present your answer. It's unclear whether examiners will give you the opportunity for you to ask your questions. They might ask after you've presented, they might ask after the general conversation. To make sure you get your questions in, after you've presented, say "j'ai deux questions pour toi"

I cannot stress how important it is to engage with the examiner. Look up at them and make eye contact, even if it's just a glace midway through reading a sentence. Eye contact is hard !! And I've been marked down before for this and it sucks !! But it's only these 12 more minutes that you have to manage with !!!

4) HOW TO REVISE !!! - unfortunately, the only way to properly revise for photocards is by doing them yourself !!! If your teacher has not already shared previous years' photocards with you, search online for them !! It's useful to look at other exam boards as well to expose yourself to more variety and if you run out of your own exam board's cards. Even if you don't do every photocard to revise, it's still useful to look at them and read to gage the sort of topics and themes you could get.

B - GENERAL CONVERSATION - I don't think there's any more "answering" tips I can think of, so feel free to share if you have any more ! this section will be mostly about revision !

1) REVISING TOPICS - we were given end of topic questions (abbreviating to EOTs for ease) to write our answers for. I have a list of some of these EOTs, we have different exam boards so they may not overlap entirely but I will post them in a separate post !!!

-Practice spontaneously answering these questions
-Write summaries of answer paragraphs (if you have any paragraphs you can take from)
-Make a list of key statistics / definitions / facts / years / locations eg. the rate of unemployment amongst young people and the general population

okay and !! that is all !!

I will post the EOT questions in a separate post !!!

hope this helps !!!!!!!

1- quels changements familiaux a-t-on vus au cours des dernières années en France?
2- ces changements sont positifs ou négatifs pour la société française?
3- est-ce que la vie de famille française est différente de celle de ce pays?
4- quelles sont les causes des disputes entre les membres d’une famille française?
5- à quoi sert la famille?
6- que faut-il faire pour vivre en harmonie avec sa famille?
7- a ton avis, les francais sont ouverts au mariage homosexuel?
8- que penses-tu du PACS?
9- est-ce que la religion est importante dans la vie des français?
10- est-ce que tu dirais que la france est un pays progressiste?
11- pensez vous que l’égalité existe en france?
12- peux-tu expliquer le “plafond de verre”?
13- est-ce que le plafond de verre existe à ton avis?
14- que peut-on faire pour promouvoir l’égalité et contester la discrimination en france?

1- que sais-tu du tourisme en france?
2- quelles sortes de vacances peut-on trouver en france?
3- pourquoi les gens vont en vacances en général?
4- pourquoi aller en france pour passer les vacances?
5- que font les français en général pour passer les vacances?
6- quels sont les avantages du tourisme pour la france?
7- quels en sont les inconvénients pour la france?
8- que peut faire la france pour réduire les impacts négatifs du tourisme?
9- est-ce que les monuments nationaux jouent un grand rôle pour attirer les touristes?
10- comment serait la france sans le tourisme?

1- quels sont les points positifs des traditions et coutumes pour la france?
2- et les points négatifs?
3- les jeunes ne s'intéressent pas aux traditions, es-tu d’accord?
4- quelles traditions préfèrent les jeunes francais?
5- es-tu jamais allé en france?
6- si tu avais le choix, à quelle tradition française aimerais-tu participer?
7- est-ce que tu dirais que la France est un pays plein de fêtes et de festivals?
8- est-il important de conserver les fêtes régionales comme les fest-noz en Bretagne? pq?

1- expliquez le terme “la culture de la jeunesse”
2- quels problèmes rencontrent les jeunes français?
3- que peut-on faire pour réduire ces problèmes?
4- et les jeunes français, que font-ils pour s’amuser?
5- existe-t-il des différences entre les jeunes des pays francophones et ceux de ce pays?
6- quelles sont les causes les plus fréquentes de conflits entre amis?
7- que devrait-on faire pour éviter les conflits avec des amis?
8- l’image est importante pour les jeunes français?
9- les célébrités sont-elles de bons exemples à suivre?
10- comment les jeunes français utilisent-ils internet?
11- quels sont les points positifs des réseaux sociaux?
12- quels problèmes les sites de réseaux sociaux causent-ils?
13- pensez-vous que la jeunesse française est de plus en plus égocentrique?
14- sommes-nous obsédés par les “aimes” sur les réseaux sociaux?
15- qu’est-ce qui peut arriver si un ami n’aime pas un post sur instagram?
16- quelles sont les différences entre la jeunesse française d’aujd’hui et ya 50 ans?
17- est-ce que tu penses que les jeunes d’aujd’hui n’ont pas de valeurs?
18- comment les jeunes citoyens français peuvent-ils être de bons citoyens?
19- que peuvent offrir les personnes âgées à la société?
20- pensez-vous que les jeunes pourraient aider les personnes âgées?

1- quelles matières devraient être enseignées à l'école? Pq?
2- quelles sont les avantages d’étudier une langue étrangère?
3- pensez-vous qu’il est préférable d'étudier trois matières seulement ou d’avoir plus de variété?
4- quelles différences existe-t-il entre le système éducatif français et celui de l’angleterre?
5- ya t-il des éléments du système éducatif français que vous aimez?
6- et les aspects que vous n’aimez pas?
7- quels sont les principaux problèmes du système éducatif français?
8- quelles sont les solutions?
9- le système éducatif français vous prépare bien au monde actif?
10- quels sont les avantages d’aller à l'université pour un francais?
11- et les inconvénients?
12- les avantages de commencer à travailler au lieu d’aller à l'université?
13- est-il facile de trouver un emploi aujd’hui? pq pas?
14- en fr, le taux de chômage est relativement élevé, surtout chez les jeunes, quelles en sont les conséquences négatives?

1- quelle est la situation actuelle de l'économie française?
2- et le chômage en france?
3- que peut faire le gouvernement français pour aider à résoudre le problème du chômage?
4- les dangers de jeunes français qui vont a l’etranger pour trouver un bon travail
5- le brexit est une chose positive pour les jeunes de la france en ce qui concerne le travail?
6- pour quelles raisons fait-on grève?
7- que sais-tu du mouvement “gilets jaunes”? 8- en france, on fait greve beaucoup, cela endommage la réputation du pays dans le monde du travail?
9- quels sont les avantages du travail bénévole/du bénévolat?

1-d’où viennent les immigrés qui arrivent en France?
2-pour quelles raisons ces immigrants partent-ils de leur pays?
3-attrait possible de la France? dans quelle partie les voit-on?
4-avantages de l’immigration pour france?
6-que fait le gouv fr pour essayer d'intégrer les immigrés?
7-problèmes auxquels les immigrés doivent faire face en fr?
8-dangers possibles d’un communaute pas intégrés?
9-bienfaits d’une société bien intégrée?
10-est-ce que le racisme existe en france? 11-comment peut-on lutter contre le racisme?
-les immigrés devraient-ils avoir le droit de garder leurs traditions en fr?
13-en france les signes religieux sont interdits, es-tu d’acc avec cette loi?
14-que sais-tu de la “jungle” près de Calais? (sangatte)
thanks so much @charmaine.d 🫶
Original post by charmaine.d
hello !!!! here is a part 2 to the speaking exam tips !!!! this one is gonna be about the photocard + general conversation !!
1) CHOOSING THE CARD !!! - in my past speaking exams, my teacher has told me I wasn't able to get higher marks for analysis / complex theme because of the choice of cards available. This isn't always a bad thing though !! As long as you know enough about the topic on the card to answer the question, that's the most important thing. If the topic is quite surface level such as tourism or young people, as long as you use the subjunctive a couple times, chuck in a couple statistics and answer in good french, you'll be fine !!
2) ANSWERING THE CARD !!! - you get 5 minutes to prep the card. The tricky thing is knowing what to write and not writing too much of it. Personally, I cannot write my answer without writing in full sentences but I use a lot of shorthand, eg. PQ = parce que, SLT = selon le texte, JCQ/JPQ - je pense/crois que, IMP = important, IFQ = il faut que, JD'ACC - je suis d'accord
In my answers, I usually write 3, maybe 4 sentences. Other people may prefer to write out bullet points and that is totally personal preference!!
But what should I write !!!!!!!
Similar to PEEL/PETER/PETERC paragraph structures, we've been given one ourselves (this might also be taught in other sixth forms/colleges too but it might be totally new to some of you) for answering the speaking card: ARSQ
A - Answer the question / say whether you disagree with the statement and why
R - Refer to the text, reword something a quote or statistic
S - Structure, more specifically, complex structures, such as using the subjunctive or a si'il (n')avait (pas) (past participle), il (n') aurait (pas) (past participle) evaluative phrase [[this prhase uses the pluperfect, followed by the conditional perfect]]
Q - Questions, you have to ask the examiner 2 questions related to the card, pick the low hanging fruit, make it easy for yourself!! don't ask the same question you are asked on the card, don't ask the same question twice but slightly changed
Firstly, I always write the ARSQ bit at the top, cross it out when I tick each box. I always write bullet points/upside down question marks for a visual reminder for the questions. - I normally try to get these out of the way first.
I'm using an example photocard about divorce's recent legalization in spain, here is what a typical answer would normally look like:
"In Spain, custody was always given to the mother. With the new divorce law, shared custody allows both parents to participate in looking after their children"
The changes introduced by the new law create a more fair situation for children
-Could the legalization of divorce lead to other legalizations that will help other marginalized identities like gay, transgender people? (Q)
-Why was divorce illegal in Spain? (Q)
I agree with the statement (A), because shared custody, as referenced in the text (R), allows the child to see both of their parents. This means that the child could have emotional and financial support from both parents. Furthermore, this law can help parents develop and maintain a relationship with their child, despite the divorce. On the other hand, if this law had not been passed, many families would not have had (S - si'il n'avait pas past par., ils n'auraient pas past par. phrase) the opportunity to escape a harmful/toxic family environment.
This is a full answer, many things would be in shorthand !!
Try to stop writing around the 4 minute mark (your examiner should tell you when you have one minute left) so you have time to go over your answer in your head a bit before the actual exam.
3) DELIVERING YOUR ANSWER !!! - nerve wracking but at this point, you're on the final stretch of your speaking exam !! well done !!
The examiner will ask you the question or the statement, and you will present your answer. It's unclear whether examiners will give you the opportunity for you to ask your questions. They might ask after you've presented, they might ask after the general conversation. To make sure you get your questions in, after you've presented, say "j'ai deux questions pour toi"
I cannot stress how important it is to engage with the examiner. Look up at them and make eye contact, even if it's just a glace midway through reading a sentence. Eye contact is hard !! And I've been marked down before for this and it sucks !! But it's only these 12 more minutes that you have to manage with !!!
4) HOW TO REVISE !!! - unfortunately, the only way to properly revise for photocards is by doing them yourself !!! If your teacher has not already shared previous years' photocards with you, search online for them !! It's useful to look at other exam boards as well to expose yourself to more variety and if you run out of your own exam board's cards. Even if you don't do every photocard to revise, it's still useful to look at them and read to gage the sort of topics and themes you could get.
B - GENERAL CONVERSATION - I don't think there's any more "answering" tips I can think of, so feel free to share if you have any more ! this section will be mostly about revision !
1) REVISING TOPICS - we were given end of topic questions (abbreviating to EOTs for ease) to write our answers for. I have a list of some of these EOTs, we have different exam boards so they may not overlap entirely but I will post them in a separate post !!!
-Practice spontaneously answering these questions
-Write summaries of answer paragraphs (if you have any paragraphs you can take from)
-Make a list of key statistics / definitions / facts / years / locations eg. the rate of unemployment amongst young people and the general population
okay and !! that is all !!
I will post the EOT questions in a separate post !!!
hope this helps !!!!!!!

Thank you so much, this is really helpful!! 🫶
Reply 90
Original post by charmaine.d
hello hello !! hoping this group eventually gains more traction but i will gladly start !!
i'm in y13, studying french and spanish with wjec eduqas !! im predicted A*s for both (hopefully :redface: !!) and hoping to get into uni of leeds !! (im also studying music tech btec !)
recently i started reading l'écume des jours but i think i need to reread what i read and note down some of the vocab in there so i can grasp the plot better. so many new words !
if anyone needs help with revision techniques or how to answer some types of exam questions, my silly little nerdy heart will be happy to help !!!!
the same question i asked in the spanish group for year 13s and year 12s if you've thought about it yet: what is your irp topic?
i'm going to do something pertaining to the cultural significance of the palace of versailles!

Hi, I'm currently in year 12 and to be fair, I don't know how to revise for french so any help would be highly appreciated. I also stress out about the true/ false / non mentioned questions as I cant tell the difference between false and non mentioned and some of the gap fills r also stressful so if you could help that'd be great!!
Original post by aarnaa
Hi, I'm currently in year 12 and to be fair, I don't know how to revise for french so any help would be highly appreciated. I also stress out about the true/ false / non mentioned questions as I cant tell the difference between false and non mentioned and some of the gap fills r also stressful so if you could help that'd be great!!

hi !! i have an exam on wednesday but after it, i could help you with some advice about gapfills if you'd like??

you'd also have better luck reaching out to someone in the thread that does AQA (i'm assuming you're AQA since most people are) because with eduqas, we don't have to do the t/f/nm questions so i wouldn't really know how to help !

also any other specific bits of revision i can help you with, let me know !
Hi everyone!
I'm self-studying the A-Level and have chosen L'étranger as my novel, as well as La Haine for my film.

I was just wondering if anyone has any resources for either, but especially for L'étranger, bc I can't find anything useful online 😭.
Reply 93
Hello - was wondering when everyones speaking exams are - I do AQA
Reply 94
Original post by Faith1010
Hello - was wondering when everyones speaking exams are - I do AQA

I had my Spanish one today and my French is next Friday - AQA as well
Reply 95
Original post by Faith1010
Hello - was wondering when everyones speaking exams are - I do AQA

my spanish is on monday and my french is on tuesday 😭 pray for me
Reply 96
Original post by alishap35
my spanish is on monday and my french is on tuesday 😭 pray for me
Omg thats awful I am so sorry!
Original post by Faith1010
Hello - was wondering when everyones speaking exams are - I do AQA

i had my spanish last wednesday and my french today !! with eduqas though
Original post by alishap35
my spanish is on monday and my french is on tuesday 😭 pray for me

omg thats so horrible :frown:(( hopefully you at least feel calmer after doing one and going into your next. good luck !!! you're gonna smash it !!!!!!
Reply 99
Original post by Faith1010
Hello - was wondering when everyones speaking exams are - I do AQA

I'm also doing AQA, mines on the 3rd of May

best of luck to everyone who has their exam soon <3

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