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el’s year 13 diary ⭐️

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Original post by waffelton
half term!
To be honest, I haven’t done as much work as I have hoped—but I still have time :smile:
I started making the book, and painted the pages red, and would have been done today, except I left it near my heater which made it all wet?? So that’s on hold for now.
I started my A1 painting, but I probably don’t have enough paint at home to finish it, so that’s on hold until Monday as well. Here’s the underpainting I did, but the proportions are a bit off so I might restart it?? Idk.
I’m working on the first draft of my English coursework today, and the second draft of my Art coursework, but I’m just not really in the mood :frown:

I got an offer from Nottingham a few days ago which I am quite happy about. Just waiting on Manchester, Durham, and Ox now. On Tuesday, I hope to talk to my classics teacher about sending in written work for Ox, so hopefully that goes smoothly.

your art looks great! congrats on the offers, very well deserved 😀
all the best with the rest of your revision!
week 11!
I finished my Art essay and am having a meeting with my teacher about it on Monday. This coming week is the last week before starting our final piece… so time to hit to art crunch! This weekend, I’m filling in all the blank spaces I’ve left in my sketchbook and doing a bunch of annotations. I’m also finally filming my poem so I can get it done by Monday. I have a huge list of things I need to get done, but I’m pretty confident it’ll all be finished by next week. I really really hope my grade has gone up. My art teacher is awful at saying whether my grade is good or not. She just kind of looks at our work, says it’s good, then hands you a nonchalant C once a year.

My English essay is.. not so great. I need to polish it up a lot for my meeting with my teacher on Monday. Our English mock is also on Monday, but we’re only doing the Shakespeare section due to a lack of time, which makes it a bit less stressful.

I got my 30 marker back from Classics and got 30/30 🙂 My Classics mock is on Friday, and we’re doing a full theatre paper for the first time… Hopefully it all goes well!

I did my presentation on Imperial Ideology yesterday, and feel much better about my EPQ. I’m thinking of tweaking my title slightly though, and will talk to my tutor on Monday.
week 12!
Had my mocks this week and they went okay I think? My English one did not go well lol.
I’m doing a big art crunch as we’re getting our sketchbooks marked next week, so hopefully I get that A
week 13 + 14 aka END OF TERM 1!!
WHOO late update but in my mocks I got all of my predicted grades!! (A⭐️A⭐️A) I have been so about falling short so I’m really happy with these grades, especially the A in art, which was a really high A as well. Over the Christmas break, I have to submit the second draft of my English NEA and the first draft of my EPQ, and finish some parts of my final piece for art! I submitted the final draft of my art essay which I was pretty scared about, but I’m quite happy with it right now. I need this break haha 🙂
week 15
Back to school this week! I talked to my art teacher and she said there was no way I could do my final piece in the allotted time, so I have to size down. I’m really disappointed about it not being life sized since I had already made all the props for it, but oh well.
We started Rossetti in English which is pretty cool so far and Greek Religion in Classics. My English coursework (3000 words) and first draft of my EPQ (1500) words is due on Monday, so hopefully I can get all that done over the weekend.
week 16
Nearly done with my final piece (except for the fact my art teacher hates it)
We’ve got mocks this week (full World of the Hero paper in Classics and 20 marker for English) so hopefully that all goes well. I’m a bit ahead of my word count for my EPQ which I’m happy about :smile:
Reply 26
hehe I’m back (week whatever)
Yeah so I didn’t finish my piece but I’m working on it. For Component 2, I’ve decided to the Human Figure. I’ve done art inspired by Lucian Freud and Jenny Saville so far, and my art teacher says they are really successful 🙂 This weekend I’m making a mini face inspired by Ron Mueck.

For English, I’m revising Duffy and Larkin for our mocks in two weeks. I love Duffy 🙂 I need to practice some questions on Rossetti as well. I also need to write a response for unseen prose which we’ve just started.

For classics, I need to practice a question for Greek religion and learn some scholars for our mock in two weeks. I’ve got half an answer written which I'm going to send to my teacher when he comes back from Rome.

For my EPQ, I’ve started creating my PowerPoint for my talk. I handed in my essay last week which was really satisfying. Annoyingly my teacher said it had to be 5000 words on the dot so I had to cut 300 words out.

Anyway, lots to be done but I’m happy with how I'm progressing.
Reply 27

Yesterday I got my results….
A* in English lit
A* in classics
And A for art
I couldn’t be happier about the fact that all this hard work paid off 🙂
Original post by waffelton
Yesterday I got my results….
A* in English lit
A* in classics
And A for art
I couldn’t be happier about the fact that all this hard work paid off 🙂

massive congratulations!
Original post by waffelton
Yesterday I got my results….
A* in English lit
A* in classics
And A for art
I couldn’t be happier about the fact that all this hard work paid off 🙂
Well done!
Reply 30
Original post by waffelton
I decided to start of of these on a whim, since I haven’t seen many humanties/creative blogs :smile:) I’m doing (Eduqas) English Lit, (OCR) Classical Civ, and (Edexel) Art and Design and am predicted A*A*A and am applying for Classics next month!
My art course isn’t going very well at the moment (teacher not helping at all) and I got a B for Year 12, so my main goal this year is to improve my art grade :smile: I also come from a low achieving college so I do most of my research independently.
Anywho, that’s all for today, will update monthly??
El (they/he)

hey!! i also just started a study log today and seeing other peoples is so cool and interesting

what texts do you study for englit? i do ocr so we probably study different texts 👎🏻 but im curious
Reply 31
Original post by jsvuel
hey!! i also just started a study log today and seeing other peoples is so cool and interesting
what texts do you study for englit? i do ocr so we probably study different texts 👎🏻 but im curious

Hello! I did Streetcar, Duchess of Malfi, Hamlet, Mean Time, The Whitsun Weddings, and Rossetti’s poetry! For coursework I did The Kite Runner and Heart of Darkness. Good luck with your studies!!

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