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How long does a uni take to reply after you have sent of your ucas?

This is proberbly the most stupidest question on the planet... but im just soo nervous about everything... I sent my ucas off properly with reference on friday... so i was just wondering when should i be expecting some replies.... I applied to Kent, Queen Marys, City, Goldsmiths, Brunel to do computer science..... any idea when i should be expecting some answers?

thanks alot :biggrin:

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Reply 1
I got an offer after 4 days, 7 days and 10 days. Still 2 left.
Reply 2
Just a bit longer than it takes to use the search function on here :wink:

But it depends on the uni. I'd say a few weeks max?
Ha, useless fact, but last year I applied to all the same ones but Goldsmiths. What are your first and insurance going to be?
Reply 3
it will depend on the university:
But i know what you mean totally :smile:
Im like a nervous wreck- constantly on track and email argg im going insane haha
good luck anyway x
Applied: Nov 25th
Earliest: 2nd January
Latest: 31 March
I know exactly how you feel. Mine were sent off on Tuesday and already I'm a little wreck! Hahaha
Sent mine off on Wednesday, got one acknowledgement so far... I know I won't hear from one until Feb but I hope the others will come soon (if they do come at all that is :p:)
Reply 7
Varies- but I sent my application off 26th (ish of October) and now have all my offers. But it will vary on the University- I didn't get any acknowledgement of my application being sent from any of them though.
Kent took 11 days to reply to me and Brunel took 13, they both are quite quick not sure about the other ones. lol just be patient!
I applied for computer science too

Acknowledgements within a week
First offer after one week
Final offer after a month and a half

Two interviews

Oh btw, don't go to Goldsmiths under any circumstances. I'm not one of those on here who like to go around knocking other universities, but I've been on an open day and a taster course there, and I know someone who went there. It's awful with this subject.

Good luck :smile:
It took Kent 4 days to reply to mine, and 2 days for Birmingham to send me an Acknoledgement.

But we will see how things roll in February
Reply 11
It Depends
Sent app on the 14th, currently have one offer and 2 acknowledgements.
nearly 2 months I sent it on Sep 18 quite early
Reply 14
Sent it off on the 21st Nov For Chemical Engineering
Got an offer from leeds ABB 28th Nov But they didnt send me an acknowledgement.
All the rest pending
Reply 15
This long:

Reply 16
wow... yeh people been telling me goldsmiths isnt very good for computer science. Well good news is that i got a email from Kent saying they got ma application. I reali reali reali reali reali want to go to kent, its like gonna be my first choice defo. then proberly queen marys. Im soo nervous atm!
I wanna thank you lot for replying to this, it means alot knowing theres other people like me out there lol
Good luck to all of u!
Reply 17
I applied on the 21st and it was processed in 24th...

Look at my sig to see where and what...

Still nothing thought..

Hope to hear from a uni soon cause my nerves are in bad shape...

Every time I open my pc I check my mails and track...Lol..track addict..
Reply 18
UCAS processed my application on the 25th November.
No offers as of yet, even though I shouldn't be expecting any. However this year I'm a little more anxious than last, last year I chose to cancel at the last moment, so if I dont get any offers I'll honestly have no idea where to go next in my life :O
Processed 25th Nov, No offers/replies but several letters from respective uni's in the post saying "thank you" for my application and on the wednesday a phone call from a uni regarding my lack of an maths GCSE (i got an e lol) but that was the only u niversity that asked for a maths gcse A*-C, which I hadn't noticed very well when applying (blame my haste to send it in and my lack of choice)

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