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Agent Duck’s GCSE journey - GYG

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Finally the half term :biggrin: but also exactly one month till mocks :cry:
We got the timetable for mocks today and it’s not the best but it could be worse. I only have back to back exams once out of two weeks which isn’t as bad as end of years have been in previous years.
I plan on doing as much as revision as possible this holidays so hopefully I’ll be able to be productive 🤞.
Things to revise
- Language Paper 1
- Love and Relationships Poetry
- Mathswatch
- Biology, Chemsitry and Physics required practicals
- Spanish vocabulary and tenses for modules 1-7
- Geography case studies
- Food everything
- RS quotes
Obviously I need to revise everything we’ve done since year 9 but these are the areas I hope to focus my revision on. Will try and update at the end of each day with the revision for that day.

Tags - @Evil Homer @brainzistheword
Yesterday I
- went through all the chemistry required practicals
- looked at vocabulary from theme 1 Spanish
- half memorised some poems from the love and relationships anthology
- went over algorithms on Seneca and CSUK

Tags - @Evil Homer, @brainzistheword
(edited 1 year ago)
I had an orthodontist appointment in the morning so I didn't get as much done as I would've liked but here's what I did today:
- went over case study facts for geography
- structure and bonding questions for chemistry (I swear this topic is part of every other topic so I felt like this was the topic I really needed to consolidate and be 100% confident with it)
- food choice and food provenance
I wanted to do some Language Paper 1 revision but I forgot about my appointment when I was making my revision schedule so I guess I'll do it another day.

Tags - @Evil Homer, @brainzistheword
So today was really productive:
- looked over, did practice questions for and made a quote bank for Peace and Conflict + Crime and Punishment for RS
- went over all the biology required practicals
- did active learn for theme 2 spanish
- found the required practicals for physics so I can get that done another day
- am currently writing down all the physics equations and sorting them out into topics and which ones i need to remember/ are given
I was less distracted as I switched my laptop off when I didn't need to use it so I think I will be doing that more often : )

Edit - I have now written down all the required practicals for physics and although there is a lot it's not as many as I thought and quite a few are actually on the equation sheet - I didn't realise some topics only had one or two equations to learn!

Tags - @Evil Homer, @brainzistheword
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by agent_duck343
Finally the half term :biggrin: but also exactly one month till mocks :cry:
We got the timetable for mocks today and it’s not the best but it could be worse. I only have back to back exams once out of two weeks which isn’t as bad as end of years have been in previous years.
I plan on doing as much as revision as possible this holidays so hopefully I’ll be able to be productive 🤞.
Things to revise
- Language Paper 1
- Love and Relationships Poetry
- Mathswatch
- Biology, Chemsitry and Physics required practicals
- Spanish vocabulary and tenses for modules 1-7
- Geography case studies
- Food everything
- RS quotes
Obviously I need to revise everything we’ve done since year 9 but these are the areas I hope to focus my revision on. Will try and update at the end of each day with the revision for that day.

Tags - @Evil Homer @brainzistheword

how are you revising food theory?
I found these really good flashcards on Quizlet, I can send you a link if you want.
Our academic aims are very similar. Do you mind tagging me to your posts too?
Original post by curly_fries
Our academic aims are very similar. Do you mind tagging me to your posts too?

Of course xx
Original post by curly_fries
how are you revising food theory?
I found these really good flashcards on Quizlet, I can send you a link if you want.

I use the AQA textbook that we were given and then I use the Food Preparation and Nutrition: AQA GCSE seneca as well
Update for todayyy
What I wanted to get done vs What I actually did
- food science and food safety flashcards and seneca. Forced my sister to test me with the flashcards then did like 10 minutes of seneca
- school module for spanish active learn. Absolutely nothing didn’t even touch my spanish books
- write down those physics equations. FINALLY got this done after three days of procrastinating
- networks and software seneca and csuk. Absolutely nothing
- cold environments case study statistics. Usually I’m motivated for geography but this holidays I just cant seem to focus PLEASE GIVE ME THE MOTIVATION FOR THIS xx
Basically I woke up late 😭 then had to make lunch and dinner because my little sister was mad at me and refused to make it 😭. And then I went shopping for a friends present 🎉 so my revision for today got so messed up.
Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive

Tags - @Evil Homer, @brainzistheword, @curly_fries
- found some quotes and basically just learnt the content for relationships&families and religion&life for RS because I have a rubbish teacher (had him since year 7 :cry: ) so we weren't taught it properly
- prepared tables and graphs and charts for NEA1 so it is easier when we do the next investigations
- flashcards for vitamins and minerals (I don't usually like using flashcards but we were forced to make them as homework in year 9 so I might as well use them)
- tonight I'm gonna get my mum or sister to test me on cold environments and development case studies for geography

Also I can't believe it's the end of the holidays already, I'm so jealous of all the people who have a two week half term rn. This weekend will probably be more mocks revision as well as some for a chemistry and physics test which my friend just reminded me of :heart:

Tags - @Evil Homer, @brainzistheword, @curly_fries
Today I finally got my Pride and Prejudice assessment back (25/30) which is my average for essays so hopefully I can improve before mocks :crossedf:
Had a chemistry test today but it was open book so it will be really embarrassing if I do badly. I have my second NEA1 experiment first period tomorrow but I'm a bit ill so I really don't feel like doing it but oh well.
I didn't get any homework today so after I finish this I'm going to be making mind maps for characters and themes for MAAN and P&P as I haven't got many yet.

Also now that the holidays are over my posts will be less frequent like they used to be sorryyy. I have mocks in less than three weeks and am petrified!!!! So I'm going to try and focus my revision but it'll probably get left till the week before

Tags - @Evil Homer, @brainzistheword, @curly_fries
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by agent_duck343
Today I finally got my Pride and Prejudice assessment back (25/30) which is my average for essays so hopefully I can improve before mocks :crossedf:
Had a chemistry test today but it was open book so it will be really embarrassing if I do badly. I have my second NEA1 experiment first period tomorrow but I'm a bit ill so I really don't feel like doing it but oh well.
I didn't get any homework today so after I finish this I'm going to be making mind maps for characters and themes for MAAN and P&P as I haven't got many yet.

Also now that the holidays are over my posts will be less frequent like they used to be sorryyy. I have mocks in less than three weeks and am petrified!!!! So I'm going to try and focus my revision but it'll probably get left till the week before

Tags - @Evil Homer, @brainzistheword, @curly_fries

Good luck for mocks! You’ve got this! 😁
Original post by agent_duck343
Today I finally got my Pride and Prejudice assessment back (25/30) which is my average for essays so hopefully I can improve before mocks :crossedf:
Had a chemistry test today but it was open book so it will be really embarrassing if I do badly. I have my second NEA1 experiment first period tomorrow but I'm a bit ill so I really don't feel like doing it but oh well.
I didn't get any homework today so after I finish this I'm going to be making mind maps for characters and themes for MAAN and P&P as I haven't got many yet.

Also now that the holidays are over my posts will be less frequent like they used to be sorryyy. I have mocks in less than three weeks and am petrified!!!! So I'm going to try and focus my revision but it'll probably get left till the week before

Tags - @Evil Homer, @brainzistheword, @curly_fries

You got these mocks, do let us know how they go! :dumbells:
Original post by 5hyl33n
Good luck for mocks! You’ve got this! 😁

Original post by Evil Homer
You got these mocks, do let us know how they go! :dumbells:

Thank youuu
-. had a maths test today was okay except for a 5 marker on vectors which I'm pretty sure I've lost all 5 marks for :frown:
-.have been doing mocks revision in the order of my timetable as I read somewhere that its a good idea
-. we should be getting our forecast grades sometime this week so I'll update when I get those :crossedf:
-. I went to 2 sixth form open evenings last week and have one this week but one of the ones from last week I've decided against for multiple reasons so now it's only between two schools
-. I definitely left mocks revision too late but oh well I'm gonna try and do some language paper 1 revision but I hate that so much

Tags - @curly_fries, @Evil, ,Homer, @brainzistheword (sorry the tags don't work)
(edited 1 year ago)

Mocks revision
-. still procrastinating with language paper 1 revision
-. am in the process of creating summaries for all the poems in the love and relationships anthology
-. I have almost memorised my 1 min speech for Spanish speaking exams (week beginning 4th December)
-. I'm going to try and revise the kidneys for biology, FDE cycles for computing and resources topic for geography this weekend but it's Diwali so I'll probably get busy

School stuff
-. got my maths test back 51/60 which isn't great but there was an A Level question and no one got full marks so I'm not too upset with the score
-. I got the chemistry test back which was better but still a few silly mistakes
-. we're starting revision in all subjects next week so no new learning for now
-. geography fieldwork is a bit confusing to write up but we're leaving it for now to pick up after mocks
-. my teacher said one of my practice 9 markers in geography was 'A Level standard' which made me so happy

-. went to the final open evening and I have finally decided which sixth form I want to go to but my schools sixth form is a back up option
-. this weekend I need to apply to one of the sixth forms as the deadline is soon but the other ones I'm applying to have a deadline of Jan/Feb so I'll apply later with my mock grades
-. I'm struggling to think of a secret santa gift for my friend 😶 but I've got until the end of the term so I'll probably think about it after mocks
-. although it's Diwali 🪔I'm probably not gonna do much because of revision but I think we might meet with my aunt and uncle on Sunday

Tags - @curly_fries , @brainzistheword, @Evil Homer (yayyy the tags are back)
Original post by agent_duck343

Mocks revision
-. still procrastinating with language paper 1 revision
-. am in the process of creating summaries for all the poems in the love and relationships anthology
-. I have almost memorised my 1 min speech for Spanish speaking exams (week beginning 4th December)
-. I'm going to try and revise the kidneys for biology, FDE cycles for computing and resources topic for geography this weekend but it's Diwali so I'll probably get busy

School stuff
-. got my maths test back 51/60 which isn't great but there was an A Level question and no one got full marks so I'm not too upset with the score
-. I got the chemistry test back which was better but still a few silly mistakes
-. we're starting revision in all subjects next week so no new learning for now
-. geography fieldwork is a bit confusing to write up but we're leaving it for now to pick up after mocks
-. my teacher said one of my practice 9 markers in geography was 'A Level standard' which made me so happy

-. went to the final open evening and I have finally decided which sixth form I want to go to but my schools sixth form is a back up option
-. this weekend I need to apply to one of the sixth forms as the deadline is soon but the other ones I'm applying to have a deadline of Jan/Feb so I'll apply later with my mock grades
-. I'm struggling to think of a secret santa gift for my friend 😶 but I've got until the end of the term so I'll probably think about it after mocks
-. although it's Diwali 🪔I'm probably not gonna do much because of revision but I think we might meet with my aunt and uncle on Sunday

Tags - @curly_fries , @brainzistheword, @Evil Homer (yayyy the tags are back)

Hiya hope the rest goes smoothly!

I did quite well for my lang mock. Here is what I would suggest. I'm pretty sure you do AQA? Sorry if I'm wrong and just ignore it😭

Just keep doing past paper and questions and get it marked by your English teacher and get feedback and be open to asking them what you could do better next time.

Also split the paper up do one question then do smth else if its too much. But it u can try sit the paper in one go. Time management is important!

Hope this helps babes xx
Any questions just asked I tried simplifying this 😭
(these techniques helped me go from like a 5 to I think 8?)

For question 2, have a topic sentence then explode the quote. Give atleast 3 explanations for it before moving on and always link back to the question. Do atleast 3 paragraphs bc of time preferably 4.

For 3 focus on 4 different parts. Usually the extract for q1 is the beginning. Do this beginning, middle and end. And link to the question. Learn structural devices e.g analepsis (flashbacks). Sometimes vocab like this puts you in the higher band.

Q4 weave in and out. The statement can be spilt into 2. So basically start with the extract and embedd relevant quotes that either make you agree or disagree with either statement or both.

Q5 descriptive or narrative doesn't matter. However my teacher stresses on descriptive lol. But range sentence forms practice experimenting on sentence forms to make it interesting. It isn't all about language or the techniques you use. Yes in a way but not completely. Read books. That helped me pick up new vocab or see what writers did to make the book appealing etc.
Original post by Trickia
Hiya hope the rest goes smoothly!

I did quite well for my lang mock. Here is what I would suggest. I'm pretty sure you do AQA? Sorry if I'm wrong and just ignore it😭

Just keep doing past paper and questions and get it marked by your English teacher and get feedback and be open to asking them what you could do better next time.

Also split the paper up do one question then do smth else if its too much. But it u can try sit the paper in one go. Time management is important!

Hope this helps babes xx
Any questions just asked I tried simplifying this 😭
(these techniques helped me go from like a 5 to I think 8?)

For question 2, have a topic sentence then explode the quote. Give atleast 3 explanations for it before moving on and always link back to the question. Do atleast 3 paragraphs bc of time preferably 4.

For 3 focus on 4 different parts. Usually the extract for q1 is the beginning. Do this beginning, middle and end. And link to the question. Learn structural devices e.g analepsis (flashbacks). Sometimes vocab like this puts you in the higher band.

Q4 weave in and out. The statement can be spilt into 2. So basically start with the extract and embedd relevant quotes that either make you agree or disagree with either statement or both.

Q5 descriptive or narrative doesn't matter. However my teacher stresses on descriptive lol. But range sentence forms practice experimenting on sentence forms to make it interesting. It isn't all about language or the techniques you use. Yes in a way but not completely. Read books. That helped me pick up new vocab or see what writers did to make the book appealing etc.

I do do AQA English so tyyyyyy
You have helped me so much xx
I’m gonna try to some questions today as practice

Mocks revision
-. I spent my computing lesson revising for Spanish because we’re not allowed to use IT rooms at break and lunch now so I sacrificed computing revision (not like I ever listen in computing anyways)
-. Done almost all of physical geography except glaciation so I’m happy with that
-. Went over kidneys, brain, eye, other homeostasis for biology with my teacher as this was my weakest point
-. Been doing lots of poetry revision and memorising quotes and the structure of the poems from my anthology so I feel quite confident about that
-. for maths we were given 3 practice papers but I haven’t touched them yet #procrastination

School stuff
-. This week we’re not learning anything new so lessons are just independent or teacher led revision
-. my shoulders are actually dying with the amount of books and textbooks I have to carry everyday for revision

My life
-. It was diwali at the weekend
-. Yesterday was the Gujarati New Year so we went and saw family and my nephew :cute:
-. I’ll try to update once this weekend then once a week during mocks (probably after school on Friday)

Tags - @Evil Homer , @brainzistheword , @curly_fries

It's starting to sink in now that mocks start on Monday and I'm absolutely terrified now 😭

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