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Chronicles of a Third year Foodie

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Reply 20
Well done on tackling your data :smile:

Oh how frustrating re your pancake - hope it gets sorted soon.

Keep going!

Managed to get a bit of a break over half-term but day one back and it's full-on again :smile:
Original post by Chronoscope
19th February
:hi: I can't believe reading week is over already! :bawling:
I started my first day back this week with a banging migraine that I *think* has only just gone (didn't help I had a very rare bad dream last night :sadnod:). On the topic of bumps my bruises, my Dad ended up in A&E last week because he dislocated his shoulder when he was doing one of his plumbing jobs :yikes:



Last week, I managed to get my data assignment done :thumbsup: When I was on a break from doing lab work for my research project, I bumped into the lecturer who does my module for the data assignment, and I managed to get some help on some of the things I was struggling with :biggrin: I also managed to get some lab work done for my research project, which reminds me I need to book a meeting with my supervisor to discuss results... :hmmmm: adding that to my to do list.

Pancake day was also last week which was where I discovered my uni halls kitchen stove might be kaput :sigh: Batter was made fine, but after half an hour of the stove being on max heat, the pancake had barely cooked :blah: The other week, it took like 20 minutes to make some soup as well :facepalm: My parents suggested I time how long it takes to boil some water on each ring before I report it just to double-check its all the rings or just one particular ring.

I've got a presentation for the data module that I'm doing as well, group meeting is scheduled for this week so hopefully that'll be productive.

To do list
- go over intro and research methods for research project
- go through food chem lectures
- email supervisor

hope everyone had a good weekend :smile:

Tags: @Muttley79 @flaurie @Wise Goldie @agent_duck343 @Reality Check

Oh no that’s terrible about your stove - hopefully you can get it fixed. What’s your favourite topping for pancakes 🤔.
Good luck with everything you need to get done xx🩶
Original post by Chronoscope


I'm Chronoscope, and welcome to the final edition of the Chrono Chronicles! :thumbsup:. This year I'm heading into my 3rd year doing Food Science. I really can't believe where the time has gone. :sadnod:. It only feels like yesterday I was writing my foundation year blog.

For this year I'm living in private halls :biggrin: and its been so good so far! :yep: The bus is closer than last year, there's an Aldi within a bus journey (unlike last year). There's a hospital 4 minutes away (WHICH I HOPEFULLY WON'T BE NEEDING!), I hope unlike last year which treated me to a gallbladder attack :yikes: Moving on, my part time job is local to me here, and I've managed to save enough after working nearly all summer, so I'm fortunate to have an ensuite :love: I've got 5 other flatmates, and I've met 2/6 so far.

What's new/Random stuff about me

How second year went!

Third year modules

I've got my timetable for third year, and was slightly overwhelmed when I looked at it :eek3:

It looks so busy, but hopefully I the second > third year leap won't be as much as the first > second year one.

Goals for 3rd year

Tag list

Idek why i didn't update last years blog as much as my foundation/first year. But aiming to be more active on here as its the final year, and I wanna ace this :thumbsup: luckily a lot of my stuff is hopefully coursework this year so I won't be overloaded with exams, like last year

omds, how have I never seen this. I feel so bad lol. I shall carry on from where you have left off x
:hi: omg I have been so STRESSED. At this point I'm an academic victim instead of an academic weapon :eek4:

I can't actually remember what's happened since my last update so I'll just run through each module.


This module is FINISHED :woo: omg so much group work, but genuinely one of the best group projects I've ever been in (said no student ever?)

We managed to get our report finished for the product we were making which was a pre & post sports nutrition bar. Thankfully a lot of the research had already been completed and just needed compiling.

The other part of the assessment for that module was making the actual product, and making 3 A1 posters to present in a showcase situation. I went off with a few of the others in my group to make the product, and when we got back the other group were STILL gluing and sticking stuff on the board (it did look really good though!)

It's kinda hard to explain but basically every person doing a food based course in my year was split into a 7 or 8 person group and we all had to make a new product, and also produce 3 boards we needed to show things like costings, HACCP, allergens, sustainability, manufacturing etc.

On the day we were in one of the fancy university buildings they use for conferences, and lecturers and industry people came and asked us questions in small groups.

We were assessed like 5 times for about 20 minutes each time :yikes: It was actually so tiring - and at the end when we could go round and try everybody's products, friends and family were allowed to come, and one lad was so tired he'd fallen asleep on one of the chairs :rofl:

Still waiting on the grade for that but I think that will take a while to get back to us but overall really pleased how that went :biggrin:

We were invited for a free drink at the fancy bar within the posh university building, and it was so funny because on our course group chat after there was a clear divide between people who went to bed at 8pm and people who stayed out drinking until 2am :giggle: (I was the latter)

Food Chem

its the end of term and we've just started practicals :iiam: why. But they're kind fun :biggrin: The first practical we did we got given some different flavoured aroma liquids and some fizzy pop and we got to create our own apple flavoured drink :awesome:

The second practical was on GC-MS (gas chromatography) which was slightly more complicated as I've always struggled with chromatograms for some reason. It also didn't help; I was half exhausted from the assessment from NPD which didn't finish until 6pm the day before, and that practical was at 9am :rip: My dyslexia was being a pain in the :reddy: that day as well - gets worse when I'm tired, and I kept writing some numbers down wrong too which was especially annoying, but oh well.

Got final practical (ever for 3rd year) tomorrow and I believe it's on olfactometry

omg, this module is giving me headaches :bricks: @5hyl33n take notes :hugs:
Idk why I chose to do a lab based diss, I wish I'd just done a literature review because the chemistry equipment is always booked by lecturers or PhD students (I talked to other people doing lab-based projects on my course as well, and they've had similar situations) :facepalm:.

Anyway I ended up seeing someone marking my dissertation on Friday in the hope they could help me understand my results bc my supervisor was away.

live footage of my internal thoughts in their office:

Thankfully, I ended up seeing my supervisor today and I just need to do a couple of ANOVA's in excel to get the final bunch of data I need to finish off my results section :biggrin:.

My diss deadline is kinda this Friday, but because of Easter we can put in an extension request which will give us an extra 2 weeks which I am so grateful for because I am nowhere near done yet.

Food quality

This module is also done. I had a final test on Monday just gone which was luckily open book and we were allowed to take notes in with us (one of the questions I had the exact wording and definitions for :woo: )

glad this modules over :tongue:

Consumer Attitudes/marketing module

another module also done, I somehow got 75% on the data report which I ended up dreaming about :moon: :danceboy:

we had a presentation today which I think went quite well! The lecturer said at the end for our group she should set us an exam too bc we'd done a lot of research :rofl: still not sure if that's a good thing or not

Other stuff

I have work off for Easter, and my train ticket is booked for this weekend! :yay: :excited:

No more group work for uni (well unless i do a mastes :iiam: ) :party:

Tags: @Tatakae L @Muttley79 @flaurie @agent_duck343
(edited 10 months ago)
Original post by Chronoscope
:hi: omg I have been so STRESSED. At this point I'm an academic victim instead of an academic weapon :eek4:
I can't actually remember what's happened since my last update so I'll just run through each module.

This module is FINISHED :woo: omg so much group work, but genuinely one of the best group projects I've ever been in (said no student ever?)

We managed to get our report finished for the product we were making which was a pre & post sports nutrition bar. Thankfully a lot of the research had already been completed and just needed compiling.

The other part of the assessment for that module was making the actual product, and making 3 A1 posters to present in a showcase situation. I went off with a few of the others in my group to make the product, and when we got back the other group were STILL gluing and sticking stuff on the board (it did look really good though!)

It's kinda hard to explain but basically every person doing a food based course in my year was split into a 7 or 8 person group and we all had to make a new product, and also produce 3 boards we needed to show things like costings, HACCP, allergens, sustainability, manufacturing etc.

On the day we were in one of the fancy university buildings they use for conferences, and lecturers and industry people came and asked us questions in small groups.

We were assessed like 5 times for about 20 minutes each time :yikes: It was actually so tiring - and at the end when we could go round and try everybody's products, friends and family were allowed to come, and one lad was so tired he'd fallen asleep on one of the chairs :rofl:

Still waiting on the grade for that but I think that will take a while to get back to us but overall really pleased how that went :biggrin:

We were invited for a free drink at the fancy bar within the posh university building, and it was so funny because on our course group chat after there was a clear divide between people who went to bed at 8pm and people who stayed out drinking until 2am :giggle: (I was the latter)

Food Chem

its the end of term and we've just started practicals :iiam: why. But they're kind fun :biggrin: The first practical we did we got given some different flavoured aroma liquids and some fizzy pop and we got to create our own apple flavoured drink :awesome:

The second practical was on GC-MS (gas chromatography) which was slightly more complicated as I've always struggled with chromatograms for some reason. It also didn't help; I was half exhausted from the assessment from NPD which didn't finish until 6pm the day before, and that practical was at 9am :rip: My dyslexia was being a pain in the :reddy: that day as well - gets worse when I'm tired, and I kept writing some numbers down wrong too which was especially annoying, but oh well.

Got final practical (ever for 3rd year) tomorrow and I believe it's on olfactometry

omg, this module is giving me headaches :bricks: @5hyl33n take notes :hugs:
Idk why I chose to do a lab based diss, I wish I'd just done a literature review because the chemistry equipment is always booked by lecturers or PhD students (I talked to other people doing lab-based projects on my course as well, and they've had similar situations) :facepalm:.
Anyway I ended up seeing someone marking my dissertation on Friday in the hope they could help me understand my results bc my supervisor was away.
live footage of my internal thoughts in their office:

Thankfully, I ended up seeing my supervisor today and I just need to do a couple of ANOVA's in excel to get the final bunch of data I need to finish off my results section :biggrin:.
My diss deadline is kinda this Friday, but because of Easter we can put in an extension request which will give us an extra 2 weeks which I am so grateful for because I am nowhere near done yet.
Food quality

This module is also done. I had a final test on Monday just gone which was luckily open book and we were allowed to take notes in with us (one of the questions I had the exact wording and definitions for :woo: )

glad this modules over :tongue:

Consumer Attitudes/marketing module

another module also done, I somehow got 75% on the data report which I ended up dreaming about :moon: :danceboy:

we had a presentation today which I think went quite well! The lecturer said at the end for our group she should set us an exam too bc we'd done a lot of research :rofl: still not sure if that's a good thing or not

Other stuff

I have work off for Easter, and my train ticket is booked for this weekend! :yay: :excited:

No more group work for uni (well unless i do a mastes :iiam: ) :party:

Tags: @Tatakae L @Muttley79 @flaurie @agent_duck343
Aww that sounds like the most hectic time, like EVER. and here I was thinking my mock stress was bad. At least your still relaxing and hey like you said no more group work, woop woopp.
Hope everything else goes well for you my love <3
Original post by Chronoscope
:hi: omg I have been so STRESSED. At this point I'm an academic victim instead of an academic weapon :eek4:
I can't actually remember what's happened since my last update so I'll just run through each module.

This module is FINISHED :woo: omg so much group work, but genuinely one of the best group projects I've ever been in (said no student ever?)

We managed to get our report finished for the product we were making which was a pre & post sports nutrition bar. Thankfully a lot of the research had already been completed and just needed compiling.

The other part of the assessment for that module was making the actual product, and making 3 A1 posters to present in a showcase situation. I went off with a few of the others in my group to make the product, and when we got back the other group were STILL gluing and sticking stuff on the board (it did look really good though!)

It's kinda hard to explain but basically every person doing a food based course in my year was split into a 7 or 8 person group and we all had to make a new product, and also produce 3 boards we needed to show things like costings, HACCP, allergens, sustainability, manufacturing etc.

On the day we were in one of the fancy university buildings they use for conferences, and lecturers and industry people came and asked us questions in small groups.

We were assessed like 5 times for about 20 minutes each time :yikes: It was actually so tiring - and at the end when we could go round and try everybody's products, friends and family were allowed to come, and one lad was so tired he'd fallen asleep on one of the chairs :rofl:

Still waiting on the grade for that but I think that will take a while to get back to us but overall really pleased how that went :biggrin:

We were invited for a free drink at the fancy bar within the posh university building, and it was so funny because on our course group chat after there was a clear divide between people who went to bed at 8pm and people who stayed out drinking until 2am :giggle: (I was the latter)

Food Chem

its the end of term and we've just started practicals :iiam: why. But they're kind fun :biggrin: The first practical we did we got given some different flavoured aroma liquids and some fizzy pop and we got to create our own apple flavoured drink :awesome:

The second practical was on GC-MS (gas chromatography) which was slightly more complicated as I've always struggled with chromatograms for some reason. It also didn't help; I was half exhausted from the assessment from NPD which didn't finish until 6pm the day before, and that practical was at 9am :rip: My dyslexia was being a pain in the :reddy: that day as well - gets worse when I'm tired, and I kept writing some numbers down wrong too which was especially annoying, but oh well.

Got final practical (ever for 3rd year) tomorrow and I believe it's on olfactometry

omg, this module is giving me headaches :bricks: @5hyl33n take notes :hugs:
Idk why I chose to do a lab based diss, I wish I'd just done a literature review because the chemistry equipment is always booked by lecturers or PhD students (I talked to other people doing lab-based projects on my course as well, and they've had similar situations) :facepalm:.
Anyway I ended up seeing someone marking my dissertation on Friday in the hope they could help me understand my results bc my supervisor was away.
live footage of my internal thoughts in their office:

Thankfully, I ended up seeing my supervisor today and I just need to do a couple of ANOVA's in excel to get the final bunch of data I need to finish off my results section :biggrin:.
My diss deadline is kinda this Friday, but because of Easter we can put in an extension request which will give us an extra 2 weeks which I am so grateful for because I am nowhere near done yet.
Food quality

This module is also done. I had a final test on Monday just gone which was luckily open book and we were allowed to take notes in with us (one of the questions I had the exact wording and definitions for :woo: )

glad this modules over :tongue:

Consumer Attitudes/marketing module

another module also done, I somehow got 75% on the data report which I ended up dreaming about :moon: :danceboy:

we had a presentation today which I think went quite well! The lecturer said at the end for our group she should set us an exam too bc we'd done a lot of research :rofl: still not sure if that's a good thing or not

Other stuff

I have work off for Easter, and my train ticket is booked for this weekend! :yay: :excited:

No more group work for uni (well unless i do a mastes :iiam: ) :party:

Tags: @Tatakae L @Muttley79 @flaurie @agent_duck343
Wow that sounds like a busy term
Your modules all seem so interesting and well done on the 75% on your data report 🩶
Good luck with your dissertation xx
Reply 26
Original post by Chronoscope
:hi: omg I have been so STRESSED. At this point I'm an academic victim instead of an academic weapon :eek4:
I can't actually remember what's happened since my last update so I'll just run through each module.

This module is FINISHED :woo: omg so much group work, but genuinely one of the best group projects I've ever been in (said no student ever?)

We managed to get our report finished for the product we were making which was a pre & post sports nutrition bar. Thankfully a lot of the research had already been completed and just needed compiling.

The other part of the assessment for that module was making the actual product, and making 3 A1 posters to present in a showcase situation. I went off with a few of the others in my group to make the product, and when we got back the other group were STILL gluing and sticking stuff on the board (it did look really good though!)

It's kinda hard to explain but basically every person doing a food based course in my year was split into a 7 or 8 person group and we all had to make a new product, and also produce 3 boards we needed to show things like costings, HACCP, allergens, sustainability, manufacturing etc.

On the day we were in one of the fancy university buildings they use for conferences, and lecturers and industry people came and asked us questions in small groups.

We were assessed like 5 times for about 20 minutes each time :yikes: It was actually so tiring - and at the end when we could go round and try everybody's products, friends and family were allowed to come, and one lad was so tired he'd fallen asleep on one of the chairs :rofl:

Still waiting on the grade for that but I think that will take a while to get back to us but overall really pleased how that went :biggrin:

We were invited for a free drink at the fancy bar within the posh university building, and it was so funny because on our course group chat after there was a clear divide between people who went to bed at 8pm and people who stayed out drinking until 2am :giggle: (I was the latter)

Food Chem

its the end of term and we've just started practicals :iiam: why. But they're kind fun :biggrin: The first practical we did we got given some different flavoured aroma liquids and some fizzy pop and we got to create our own apple flavoured drink :awesome:

The second practical was on GC-MS (gas chromatography) which was slightly more complicated as I've always struggled with chromatograms for some reason. It also didn't help; I was half exhausted from the assessment from NPD which didn't finish until 6pm the day before, and that practical was at 9am :rip: My dyslexia was being a pain in the :reddy: that day as well - gets worse when I'm tired, and I kept writing some numbers down wrong too which was especially annoying, but oh well.

Got final practical (ever for 3rd year) tomorrow and I believe it's on olfactometry

omg, this module is giving me headaches :bricks: @5hyl33n take notes :hugs:
Idk why I chose to do a lab based diss, I wish I'd just done a literature review because the chemistry equipment is always booked by lecturers or PhD students (I talked to other people doing lab-based projects on my course as well, and they've had similar situations) :facepalm:.
Anyway I ended up seeing someone marking my dissertation on Friday in the hope they could help me understand my results bc my supervisor was away.
live footage of my internal thoughts in their office:

Thankfully, I ended up seeing my supervisor today and I just need to do a couple of ANOVA's in excel to get the final bunch of data I need to finish off my results section :biggrin:.
My diss deadline is kinda this Friday, but because of Easter we can put in an extension request which will give us an extra 2 weeks which I am so grateful for because I am nowhere near done yet.
Food quality

This module is also done. I had a final test on Monday just gone which was luckily open book and we were allowed to take notes in with us (one of the questions I had the exact wording and definitions for :woo: )

glad this modules over :tongue:

Consumer Attitudes/marketing module

another module also done, I somehow got 75% on the data report which I ended up dreaming about :moon: :danceboy:

we had a presentation today which I think went quite well! The lecturer said at the end for our group she should set us an exam too bc we'd done a lot of research :rofl: still not sure if that's a good thing or not

Other stuff

I have work off for Easter, and my train ticket is booked for this weekend! :yay: :excited:

No more group work for uni (well unless i do a mastes :iiam: ) :party:

Tags: @Tatakae L @Muttley79 @flaurie @agent_duck343
Oh wow! Well done for surviving ... hope that you get the extension for your dissertation.

It sounds frustrating that you can't get some priority for the labs ...

Take care :grouphugs:

:hi: oh wow its been an age.

To sum everything up:

I finally submitted my final piece of coursework last night (definetely needed the extension :yes:) and then promptly realised I'd misspelt dimethyl trisulphide when it was meant to be dimethyl sulphide. Anyway I emailed the office since Turnitin wouldn't let me reupload and they sorted it for me :woo: I also finished my dissertation, which seems like ages ago now. I had my viva voce thingy on Tuesday :hide: idk how that went tbh, I was trying to think of the answers but I kept stopping as I kept losing my trail of thought :facepalm:

Oh yeah, I also had the food chemistry exam which was ok (there was a couple of questions which I couldn't do, and I think one of the questions threw me off) except for the invigilator who was idk how to put it... not very nice. They didn't believe I was entitled to use extra time which I've always had at uni, this was despite me being in a room to myself. So I started the exam quite upset thinking I'd be cut short, they then informed me halfway through the exam that I was infact allowed to use it after all :facepalm: They asked at least twice if I was finished way before the initial exam time was over, and their phone went off in the exam. They also lost the memory stick that was needed for the laptop the exams office provided. I ended up going to Mcdonald's afterwards for food and trust me no one should be trying not to cry in Maccies whilst eating a burger whilst typing out an email to their academic tutor :embarrassed: My academic tutor said they were cross as to how I'd been treated and they'd raised a complaint to the chief invidulator for me :eek4: Defiitely wasn't expecting it to go that high up, but I doubt I'd hear the outcome though.
Last week the people on my course played rounders against some of the staff in our department, and the students won :biggrin: :danceboy: The final scores were something like 12-2, and 8-4.

I also had my last session with the study skills support person DSA provided for me which is kinda sad, but hey said we can keep in contact if I want to as they've had other students do the same, although obviously they've got to be careful because of GDPR or something :sad:

Not really sure what I'm gonna do with all the free time now :thumbsup: although I've not played any videogames or read any books (except 1) in over 6 months so I'm definitely looking forward to an all day gaming session :awesome: should also probably start looking for FT jobs too :bricks: Next week my parents are coming to visit me which will be nice as I didn't really get to spend much time with them at Easter because of my dissertation.

I might still update this blog as my graduation isn't until July (confirmed) :danceboy: I saw somewhere my uni's career office is putting on a load of events for final year students so I think they'll be interesting to go to :hmmmm:

Hope everyone is okay!
Tags: @Muttley79 @flaurie @Tatakae L @agent_duck343
(edited 9 months ago)

Well done but I'm shocked at how you were treated in that exam - how unprofessional!

Do enjoy your freedom and all those celebrations - you deserve it!
Original post by Chronoscope
:hi: oh wow its been an age.
To sum everything up:

I finally submitted my final piece of coursework last night (definetely needed the extension :yes:) and then promptly realised I'd misspelt dimethyl trisulphide when it was meant to be dimethyl sulphide. Anyway I emailed the office since Turnitin wouldn't let me reupload and they sorted it for me :woo: I also finished my dissertation, which seems like ages ago now. I had my viva voce thingy on Tuesday :hide: idk how that went tbh, I was trying to think of the answers but I kept stopping as I kept losing my trail of thought :facepalm:
Oh yeah, I also had the food chemistry exam which was ok (there was a couple of questions which I couldn't do, and I think one of the questions threw me off) except for the invigilator who was idk how to put it... not very nice. They didn't believe I was entitled to use extra time which I've always had at uni, this was despite me being in a room to myself. So I started the exam quite upset thinking I'd be cut short, they then informed me halfway through the exam that I was infact allowed to use it after all :facepalm: They asked at least twice if I was finished way before the initial exam time was over, and their phone went off in the exam. They also lost the memory stick that was needed for the laptop the exams office provided. I ended up going to Mcdonald's afterwards for food and trust me no one should be trying not to cry in Maccies whilst eating a burger whilst typing out an email to their academic tutor :embarrassed: My academic tutor said they were cross as to how I'd been treated and they'd raised a complaint to the chief invidulator for me :eek4: Defiitely wasn't expecting it to go that high up, but I doubt I'd hear the outcome though.
Last week the people on my course played rounders against some of the staff in our department, and the students won :biggrin: :danceboy: The final scores were something like 12-2, and 8-4.
I also had my last session with the study skills support person DSA provided for me which is kinda sad, but hey said we can keep in contact if I want to as they've had other students do the same, although obviously they've got to be careful because of GDPR or something :sad:
Not really sure what I'm gonna do with all the free time now :thumbsup: although I've not played any videogames or read any books (except 1) in over 6 months so I'm definitely looking forward to an all day gaming session :awesome: should also probably start looking for FT jobs too :bricks: Next week my parents are coming to visit me which will be nice as I didn't really get to spend much time with them at Easter because of my dissertation.
I might still update this blog as my graduation isn't until July (confirmed) :danceboy: I saw somewhere my uni's career office is putting on a load of events for final year students so I think they'll be interesting to go to :hmmmm:
Hope everyone is okay!
Tags: @Muttley79 @flaurie @Tatakae L @agent_duck343

That’s awful how you were treated by the invigilator but at least it is getting sorted.
WELL DONE on getting everything finished and now you can relax.
Do you have any plans for after uni

:hi: Evening! Bit bored so thought I'd update :yep:

Received an email a couple of weeks ago and apparently, I'm potentially getting my preliminary degree classifications next week which I am kinda terrified about :eek4: :danceboy:

A few weeks ago I got the mark back for my final piece of coursework, and annoyingly didn't do as well as I had hoped in my final piece of coursework- ; unfortunately, it was the same module where the invigilator was a dud. Anyway, after I got those coursework results, I ended up seeing my academic tutor as I got myself in a bit of a panic, thinking I'd fail the module. But they reassured me that hopefully, it won't come to that since what happened with the invigilator had been classed as a serious mitigating circumstance.
My academic tutor told me the invigilator who was in the exam with me also got sacked :yikes: One thing I forgot to mention in my last post, that at one point during the exam the invigilator stood over me, and tried to take away the cheat sheet which everyone in 3rd year at the uni was approved to use... It's so weird because thinking back to that exam, some things which happened during that exam I didn't even register/remember until the next day. So my work will be moderated with that in mind.

On Friday was the third year summer ball for my course's department, which ended up being quite a nice evening in a partially in/out bar type place. I did think more of my coursemates would go but it was nice seeing people before graduation :thumbsup:

Original post by Muttley79

Well done but I'm shocked at how you were treated in that exam - how unprofessional!

Do enjoy your freedom and all those celebrations - you deserve it!

Thanks Muttley! :hugs: Freedom is exciting, I keep eyeing plane tickets and researching cities to visit in Europe :awesome:

Yes, apparently my academic tutor and head of year (who is also my dissertation marker) were also shocked/furious and reported it to the exams office, who were also horrified when they told them about it :eek4:
My Aunt invigilates in schools, and told me the phone ringing out loud, and interrupting me before the initial time would've probably been classed as gross misconduct on its own, so idk what the rest would be classified as

Like, I feel guilty somebody was sacked because they might not be able to find another job because of me, but then that person afterwards made me question literally everything about how worthy I was of reasonable adjustments :sad:

Original post by agent_duck343
That’s awful how you were treated by the invigilator but at least it is getting sorted.
WELL DONE on getting everything finished and now you can relax.
Do you have any plans for after uni

Thank you! honestly I'm not really sure what my plans are yet, but I think I will leave graduate jobs until next year as I think I've missed most of those applications for those now :hmmmm: I think I'll be focusing on getting my driver's licence and either looking for a temporary full time job or I'll be increasing my hours at my part-time job for now as its quite fun :smile:

Tags: @Muttley79 @flaurie @agent_duck343 @Tatakae L
(edited 8 months ago)
Thanks for the update.

Please don't feel sorry for the invigilator - at least no-one else will be put through the mangle like you were. I have to wonder how they were ever allowed to invigialte on their own ...

Enjoy looking up options for travel and the nex year - when [roughly] is your graduation ceremony?

:hi: Realised I completely forgot to update this, but I guess it's a good send off, to all my GYG blogs throughout the years :hide: :colondollar:

foundation year
first year
second year
third year

My final classification ended being a 2.1 which I'm super happy with :awesome: I wouldn't have dreamt that 4 years ago I'd be going off to uni in the middle of a pandemic. Graduation ended up being on the 18th July and was a really good day :thumbsup: My parents somehow managed to snap a few pics of me contemplating life which honestly just sums up my life situation now :rofl: :lol:

Last week I spent a lovely 3 days in Brighton at :tsr: helping out with Results Day which was brilliant as usual :yep:

Currently, I'm working on sprucing up my CV and have started my hunt for full time jobs etc. I haven't quite decided what I want to do yet, but some graduate schemes do sound appealing. Next steps will probably be applying for something, and hopefully getting some driving lessons in as I still need to learn to drive :grin: :redface:


I'm also moving out of my accommodation in a couple of weeks so also packing everything up, which is honestly kinda sad as I've enjoyed my time in this room :yes: :sadnod:

It's been lovely making GYG blogs over the years, but I think this will definitely be the last one unless I decide to do a Masters or something :iiam: but I don't think that'll be anytime soon tbh :nah: Thank you so much for all the replies and support if you've followed along the way :grouphugs:

This is the GYG Chrono Chronicles, over and out :woo:


(edited 5 months ago)
Amazing, huge well done! :woo: :hugs:
Original post by Chronoscope
:hi: Realised I completely forgot to update this, but I guess it's a good send off, to all my GYG blogs throughout the years :hide: :colondollar:
foundation year
first year
second year
third year
My final classification ended being a 2.1 which I'm super happy with :awesome: I wouldn't have dreamt that 4 years ago I'd be going off to uni in the middle of a pandemic. Graduation ended up being on the 18th July and was a really good day :thumbsup: My parents somehow managed to snap a few pics of me contemplating life which honestly just sums up my life situation now :rofl: :lol:

Last week I spent a lovely 3 days in Brighton at :tsr: helping out with Results Day which was brilliant as usual :yep:
Currently, I'm working on sprucing up my CV and have started my hunt for full time jobs etc. I haven't quite decided what I want to do yet, but some graduate schemes do sound appealing. Next steps will probably be applying for something, and hopefully getting some driving lessons in as I still need to learn to drive :grin: :redface:


I'm also moving out of my accommodation in a couple of weeks so also packing everything up, which is honestly kinda sad as I've enjoyed my time in this room :yes: :sadnod:
It's been lovely making GYG blogs over the years, but I think this will definitely be the last one unless I decide to do a Masters or something :iiam: but I don't think that'll be anytime soon tbh :nah: Thank you so much for all the replies and support if you've followed along the way :grouphugs:
This is the GYG Chrono Chronicles, over and out :woo:


Omg well done and good luck for the future xx
Well done and hope you find the perfect job soon :smile:
Congratulations Chrono :heart: all the best for the careers search im sure you will smash it :hugs:

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