Absolutely agree. Grades, admissions test and interviews are so much more important than personal statement. You don’t want to stand out and do a bad personal statement and you may well get asked about stuff from your personal statement at interview so it needs to be true and your work. Most people applying will have excellent grades and predicted grades. What tutors are looking for is firstly are you good enough academically and secondly would you suit Oxford/ are you passionate about the subject/ would they want to be your tutor? The admissions test generally tests the first, interview largely tests the second. So admissions test and interview are the key factors. Don’t stress about your personal statement , give opinions and reflections on your reading, demonstrate your passion and get it in! The deadline for registering for the PAT is tomorrow ( 29th September) so still time. Statistically only 28% of applicants for Oxford physics get interviewed and this is largely decided by the PAT, which is a really difficult exam. Once you have an interview there are approximately 2-3 candidates interviewed for every place so there is everything to play for. The only way to give yourself a chance of getting in is to give it a go. No reason why you shouldnt be one of the 11% that get an offer. Go for it.